Category Archives: Conservation

Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) at Paradise Palms


If you had lunch or coffee in Paradise Palms last week, you may have noticed a large banner that states “Bring Your Own Bag.” Every door at Paradise Palms also has a new sticker proudly claiming that the … Read the rest

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Report on a plastic-free UHM

During Spring, 2014, five undergraduates (Ileana Argyris, Wyatt Bartlett, Cheuck Ng, Alyse Rutherford,  and Alex Young) completed a report on the issues related to the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus becoming (single use) plastic free.  The report contains the … Read the rest

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Draft Sustainable Food Service Products 040213

Prepared by: OVCAFO – Draft
Revision #3
Date: April 2, 2013




The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) seeks to advance environmental stewardship and sustainability … Read the rest

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About Surfrider-UHM

surfrideruhmanoaThe Surfrider Foundation student chapter at UH Manoa has the mission of protecting and enjoying our oceans through a powerful student activist network.

For more information, please go to the SurfRider Oahu Contact Page.

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UH Manoa receives a “B” for sustainability

The College Sustainability Report Card for 2011 has awarded UH Manoa a grade of “B”.   The College Sustainability Report Card is the only independent evaluation of campus and endowment sustainability activities at colleges and universities in the United States and … Read the rest

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About the Manoa Sustainability Council

The Manoa Sustainability Council, formerly known as the Manoa Sustainability Corps, is an organization composed of students, faculty, and staff concerned with sustainability issues that is charged with providing advice and council to the Chancellor regarding sustainability issues on the … Read the rest

Posted in Architecture, Climate Change, Conservation, Education, Energy, Food, Manoa Sustainability Council, Profile, Recycling, Research, Water | Comments Off on About the Manoa Sustainability Council

About the Kukui Cup

The Kukui Cup Project explores novel ways to utilize concepts from information technology, community-based social marketing, serious games, and educational pedagogy to support sustained change in sustainability-related behaviors.… Read the rest

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About Manoa Green Days

Manoa Green Days is a program to reduce operating costs, to perform in a more environmentally friendly manner, and to practice cooperation within the UH Manoa community. In this program, volunteer building coordinators from more than 20 campus buildings communicate … Read the rest

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About Sustainable Saunders

The Public Policy Center of the College of Social Sciences sponsors the Sustainable Saunders Initiative as a collaborative effort among faculty and students to make Saunders Hall a model of workplace sustainability. The Initiative was designated by the UH Manoa … Read the rest

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UH Manoa holds sustainability retreat

The UHM Campus Sustainability Retreat was a full day session held at the Wai`loli Tea Room in Mānoa on September 16, 2005. The purpose of the retreat was three fold: to identify work in the various areas of sustainability currently … Read the rest

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About the Ecology Club

The Ecology Club at UH Manoa is a group of environmentally conscious students and faculty. The Ecology Club includes Environmental Studies students as well as students taking different majors. The club gets involved in service projects, field trips, field experience, … Read the rest

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UH Manoa helps develop Hawaii 2050 plan

The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Task Force was created to answer the following questions: What do the people of Hawai‘i want for the future of our islands in the 21st century? What is the community’s will for the future of our … Read the rest

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UH Manoa adopts charter of sustainability

The UH Manoa charter of sustainability, adopted in 2003, involves 9 strategic goals:

  1. Use energy wisely
  2. Practice sustainable water use
  3. Minimize negative impact on the land
  4. Create sustainable buildings
  5. Promote alternative transportation
  6. Minimize material waste
  7. Adopt green purchasing policies
  8. Enhance
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About the Environmental Studies Program

The Environmental Studies Program at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa offers opportunities for individually designed courses of study under the Interdisciplinary Studies Program of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences. The program offers two options: a Bachelor of Arts Read the rest

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UHM Long Range Development Plan

The 1987 UH Mänoa Campus Long Range Development Plan (LRDP)
was commissioned to provide an organizing vision for the campus and to
guide subsequent development in a manner so as to address and correct
the deficiencies which were apparent after … Read the rest

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About the Environmental Center

The Environmental Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa was dedicated to the advancement of environmental management through education, research and service. Established in 1970, it facilitated access to interdisciplinary expertise within the university to enhance understanding of environmental … Read the rest

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About UH Sea Grant College Program

The University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program (UH Sea Grant) is part of a national network of 32 programs that promote better understanding, conservation, and use of coastal resources. UH Sea Grant works in partnership with the University of … Read the rest

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