10/02/13 Sustainability Council Meeting Minutes

 RE:                  UHM Sustainability Council Meeting
DATE:            2 October 2013
TIME:             3:30 – 5:00 pm
PRESENT:      undocumented (we will have sign in sheets in future meetings)


  1. Review structure and mission of Sustainability Council.
  2. Discuss possible areas of focus for UHMSC for November 2013 thru April 2014
    1. Policies to send to the Chancellor for support? Speakers? Projects?

DISCUSSION:  Areas of Focus

1.  Organize efforts according to POLICY, EDUCATION/ADVOCACY, & PROJECTS

2.  Consider commercial partnerships to help fund initiatives.

3.  Speakers should be relevant to our goals

4.  POLICY considerations:

    1. Take UHM off the electrical grid / galvanize outside community and private sector to achieve this ambitious goal with UHM leadership.

5.  EDUCATION/ADVOCACY considerations:

    1. SOFT / edible landscaping / food security/ requires dedicated staffing for continuity / can be revenue generating and self sustaining
    2. Sustainability education to incentivize students (extra credit)

6.  PROJECT considerations:

    1. 10/23/13 Campus Sustainability Day (see aashe.org/campus-sustainability-day)
    2. Nov. 2013 – Arbor Day palm planting (40-50 volunteers) TBA
    3. April 2014 – Earth Day / Festival / Art installation / GSO divestment off fossil fuels / focus on carbon reduction / allow Earth Day vendors students access.
    4. Bring Your Own Bags
    5. Single Use Plastics / Surfrider Foundation / water bottle fillers
    6. Project-based sustainability center
    7. 350.org – support carbon reduction



1.  Office of Physical, Environmental and Long Range Planning will work to:

    1.  Assemble a Steering Committee —  according to pre-established guidelines — in time for presentations at the November 6 meeting.
    2. Hire part time student help to assist with implementation of UHMSC activities.


2.  All who would like to propose their ideas for consideration should prepare a short 5 minute presentation to the UHMSC at our November 6 meeting:


Please include a written summary – max. 1 page – including the following information:

A. Project Name
B. Sustainability purpose and desired outcome
C. Proposed schedule:

 i.      Policies:  schedule of efforts and desired outcome

ii.      Educational/Advocacy effort:  start date and duration

iii.      Projects:  start date and duration

D.  Venue, if applicable

E.  Support and desired resources:

i.      Funding

ii.      Manpower

iii.      Equipment

iv.      Permits

v.      Private sector participation

F.  Benefits and potential follow up

Thank you EVERYONE for all of your thoughtful comments and your genuine passion for the health of our community and our planet.

These minutes will be considered an acceptable record of discussions held by all attendant parties unless modifications are proposed by Friday, 10/11/13.

Respectfully submitted by Sharon Williams



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