The UH Manoa Sustainability Council held its February meeting on Wednesday, February 15, from 3-4pm in HIG 210. A summary of the discussion:
Rebecca Ryals and her students gave a presentation on the UH Nitrogen Footprint Project. This project will create a baseline for nitrogen consumption on campus with the hope of producing mitigation strategies in future. The slides are available at: For more information, contact Rebecca Ryals (
Shannon Rivera and her colleague gave a presentation on the startup of a Hawaii chapter for the Society for Conservation Biology. This chapter will provide excellent networking and other opportunities in conservation as a result of their affiliation with the international Society for Conservation Biology. Slides are available at: For more details, contact Shannon Rivera (
Lana Hudson and Donna Ojiro gave an update on sustainability efforts by Manoa Dining Services. This includes a visiting chef specializing in vegan food; they hope to have associated vegan events including a concession stand and vegan recipes. As part of their Global chef series, they will have a checkfrom India, week of March 13; Bollywood dancers, etc. Wow! More info in offers and promo section of website (
Susan Lederer is a visiting researcher from Germany who is studying cross-cultural linguistic issues around sustainability. She is interested in interviewing people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds about their view and treatment of nature. The interviews are informal and will last 30 minutes. In addition to personal interviews, she would like to attend meetings of sustainability-related organizations. She is here until March 31. If you can help her, please email Susan at
Philip Johnson provided an overview of the March for Science, which is “a celebration of our passion for science and a call to support and safeguard the scientific community.” There are marches planned for Oahu and neighbor islands on April 22 (Earth Day). For a global overview of the march, see: Our Oahu satellite march has a facebook page:, and a website is forthcoming. If you are interested in participating in the organizing committee (there are 30 of us already), please contact Philip Johnson ( and he will provide instructions on how to join our Slack team. Many hands make light work.
We enjoyed delicious snacks (fresh strawberries with a vegan cream sauce) provided by Manoa Dining Services. Mahalo!