MSC January 2016 Meeting

The Manoa Sustainability Council met in HIG 210 on Wednesday, January 20, from 3-4pm.

Meeting summary:

Sustainability Intern Opportunity.  Help with Earth Day, Weigh the waste, paid position, about 10-15 hrs/week, $8.66/hr.  Contact for more details.

Weigh the Waste will happen in April as a lead-in to Earth Day at Gateway Cafeteria.  Contact for more details.

An RIO affiliated with Food Recovery Network has started. UHM FRN is composed of students from Food Science and Human Nutrition. They are responsible for packing up food each Friday at Gateway and getting it to the Institute for Human Services in a safe way.  For more details, see their Facebook page:

Kate Owren will speak on Gender and Climate Change on February 12, at 10:30am, as part of the Women’s Studies Colloquium.  Contact Aya Kimura ( for more details.

Sustainable UH: focus this semester is community building and student engagement through Earth Day and the Sustainability Summit.  Green Drinks tonight at 5pm. For more details, contact Kristen Jamieson ( for more details.

Roxanne Adams needs help to create a draft of a UHM Campus Sustainability Plan by February 1. This will be reviewed and worked on further at the 4th Annual Sustainability Summit on March 10-11. Aarthi Padmanabhan <> volunteers!

KYA Sustainability Studio has an opening for a sustainability consultant. Contact for more details.

AASHE 2016 conference call for proposals now available.

MSC Charter (Jessica Sevilla). See the draft. Some potential UHM stakeholders: Residential Life (residence halls), Athletics, Facilities (Building Coordinators), Planning, Food services, Sustainability Office, Sustainability Curriculum Committee, Auxiliary services (transportation, parking, bikes, faculty housing, food trucks), GSO, ASUH, Office of the Chancellor, Faculty Senate, AVC for Research, AVC for Academic Affairs

System-wide sustainability committee: Evaluating President Lassner’s green proposals and green leaders.  Will try to have conclusions hopefully for March. For more information, contact Brian

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