The Manoa Sustainability Council met in POST 601 on October 21, 2015 from 3-4pm.
- Introductions
- Sustainable UH: Manoa Soup, Recycling Campaign (Kristen Jamieson)
- Pedal Power Project, Energy Display (Jessica Sevilla)
- Manoa Dining Services: UH Food Day, Wasteless November (Lana Hudson)
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature Congress (William Chismar)
- UHM sustainability-related course listing (Laurianne Chun)
- Hale Aloha Energy Dashboard (Cam Moore)
- Room temperature study, IBIS plug load pilot study (Eileen Peppard, Aarthi Padmanabhan)
- UHM Sustainability Council Charter (draft at (Philip Johnson)
Summary of meeting:
Kristen Jamieson reported on Sustainable UH events:
- They recycled a dumpster’s worth of recyclables at the Homecoming game.
- Helped organize Manoa Soup (Oct 14), which funded $600 for a tool library project to support gardening and DIY projects.
- Formed a Paper Towel Hui. Mission: How can we make progress on the amount of towel waste at UH, which comprises 80% of our waste stream by weight?
- Organizing Green Drinks, to occur on 3rd Wed of the month at Bale.
- Running a table at campus center to fill out survey to help with Sustainability Certificate program.
- Contact Kristen Jamieson ( for more details or to get involved.
Jessica Sevilla reported on Pedal Power Project:
- Teaming with Pedal Power Hawaii to provide awareness of how much physical energy is required to produce electricity.
- Installing two bikes in Warrier Recreation Center that will show how much energy you can produce (a typical rider can produce 200W of power by pedaling)
- Working with ASUH and Engineers for a Sustainable World (KCC).
- Hoping to deploy by end of semester.
- Contact Jessica Sevilla ( for more details or to get involved.
Lana Hudson reported on Manoa Dining Services:
- UH Food Day is tomorrow: free food, samples, raffle prizes, canned food drive.
- Waste Less November: to be held second week of november. They are planning a display at Hale Aloha.
- Contact Lana Hudson ( for more details or to get involved.
Bill Chismar reported on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Congress:
- IUCN is the largest international organization with a focus on sustainability. Headquarters in Switzerland, they hold an international congress every 4 years.
- Congress will be held for first time in US in 2016, in Honolulu! Sep 1-10, 2016, 10K expected, at convention center.
- Planning UH 2016 summer session courses with theme of conservation and sustainability.
- Will offer certificates in sustainability: undergrad certificate (complete 2 courses, attend 3 events) and a HS certificate (1 course + 3 events) . Certificate will be signed by director general of IUCN and chancellor
- Trying to organize a set of courses across campus focused on sustainability.
- Want to incorporate Indigenous practices for sustainability.
- Will have schedule of classes by November 1 and most dates set, what certificates will be available.
- Related events: Sakamaki Distinguished Lecture series (second summer session), Kids First Film Festival will focus on sustainability, Sustainability and Conservation Fair during second summer session on campus.
- Hoping to get students from neighbor islands, and from mainland (pacific northwest)?
- Will have schedule of classes by November 1 and most dates set, what certificates will be available.
- Contact Bill Chismar ( for more information or to get involved.
Laurianne Chun brought up the issue of sustainability courses:
- A UHM Sustainability Working group is making progress on identifying sustainability-related courses on campus with the goal of providing them with an “S” focus designation.
- A summary of the work done by a UHM Sustainability Working Group on identifying criteria and some courses that should satisfy those criteria is now available here: - Contact Brian Turano ( for more information or to get involved.