MSC October 2015 Meeting

The Manoa Sustainability Council met in POST 601 on October 21, 2015 from 3-4pm.


  1. Introductions
  2. Sustainable UH: Manoa Soup, Recycling Campaign (Kristen Jamieson)
  3. Pedal Power Project, Energy Display (Jessica Sevilla)
  4. Manoa Dining Services: UH Food Day, Wasteless November (Lana Hudson)
  5. International Union for the Conservation of Nature Congress (William Chismar)
  6. UHM sustainability-related course listing (Laurianne Chun)
  7. Hale Aloha Energy Dashboard (Cam Moore)
  8. Room temperature study, IBIS plug load pilot study (Eileen Peppard, Aarthi Padmanabhan)
  9. UHM Sustainability Council Charter (draft at  (Philip Johnson)

Summary of meeting:

Kristen Jamieson reported on Sustainable UH events:

  • They recycled a dumpster’s worth of recyclables at the Homecoming game.
  • Helped organize Manoa Soup (Oct 14), which funded $600 for a tool library project to support gardening and DIY projects.
  • Formed a Paper Towel Hui. Mission: How can we make progress on the amount of towel waste at UH, which comprises 80% of our waste stream by weight?
  • Organizing Green Drinks, to occur on 3rd Wed of the month at Bale.
  • Running a table at campus center to fill out survey to help with Sustainability Certificate program.
  • Contact Kristen Jamieson ( for more details or to get involved.

Jessica Sevilla reported on Pedal Power Project:

  • Teaming with Pedal Power Hawaii to provide awareness of how much physical energy is required to produce electricity.
  • Installing two bikes in Warrier Recreation Center that will show how much energy you can produce (a typical rider can produce 200W of power by pedaling)
  • Working with ASUH and Engineers for a Sustainable World (KCC).
  • Hoping to deploy by end of semester.
  • Contact Jessica Sevilla ( for more details or to get involved.

Lana Hudson reported on Manoa Dining Services:

  • UH Food Day is tomorrow: free food, samples, raffle prizes, canned food drive.
  • Waste Less November: to be held second week of november. They are planning a display at Hale Aloha.
  • Contact Lana Hudson ( for more details or to get involved.

Bill Chismar reported on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2016 Congress:

  • IUCN is the largest international organization with a focus on sustainability. Headquarters in Switzerland, they hold an international congress every 4 years.
  • Congress will be held for first time in US in 2016, in Honolulu! Sep 1-10, 2016, 10K expected, at convention center.
  • Planning UH 2016 summer session courses with theme of conservation and sustainability.
  • Will offer certificates in sustainability: undergrad certificate (complete 2 courses, attend 3 events) and a HS certificate (1 course + 3 events) . Certificate will be signed by director general of IUCN and chancellor
  • Trying to organize a set of courses across campus focused on sustainability.
  • Want to incorporate Indigenous practices for sustainability.
  • Will have schedule of classes by November 1 and most dates set, what certificates will be available.
  • Related events: Sakamaki Distinguished Lecture series (second summer session), Kids First Film Festival will focus on sustainability, Sustainability and Conservation Fair during second summer session on campus.
  • Hoping to get students from neighbor islands, and from mainland (pacific northwest)?
  • Will have schedule of classes by November 1 and most dates set, what certificates will be available.
  • Contact Bill Chismar ( for more information or to get involved.

Laurianne Chun brought up the issue of sustainability courses:

  • A UHM Sustainability Working group is making progress on identifying sustainability-related courses on campus with the goal of providing them with an “S” focus designation.
  • A summary of the work done by a UHM Sustainability Working Group on identifying criteria and some courses that should satisfy those criteria is now available here:
  • Contact Brian Turano ( for more information or to get involved.
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