MSC April 2014 Meeting

Attendees: Doorae, Nicole, Gabe, Ted, Donna, Crysttal, Noelle, Marc Ouye, Bill Unruh, Tony

Agenda/partial notes available here

1. Ted Radovich presentation

Faculty since 2006, 3 acres of organic land in Waimanalo, SOAP – Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program is an umbrella for a bunch of programs, tries to be inclusive rather than exclusive. SOFT very visible face of CTAHR to the campus. Kulanui – brand developed with agricultural discards

2 classifications of compost. – Green waste – Hawaiian Earth Products – from home green waste bins. – Hand-crafted. Compost quality is very important if you want to sell the product. – Decentralized composting would be great at the building level but the  In-vessel system is best for large amounts.problem is always management. o $10,000 KCC System. o 1000 pounds/day $50,000

Vermicomposting: Having both red worms and blue worms is best. Red wigglers tolerate neglect better than blues, higher tolerance of anaerobic conditions. Best systems are side-to-side instead of top & bottom. Vermicompost is higher in quality, lower in quantity, targeted use. Mindy Jaffe – huge system. Pearl City Urban Ag center. They now vermicompost in Waimanalo from Sweet Home Waimanalo. Places to get that mesg to create bins DiY. Koolau Farmers. Home Depot/Lowes. Online. City and County. System at KCC is hybrid – automated/hand crank. Met with company that does in-vessel system (Biorator). Ë NRCS often will pay for these systems (50%) cost share. In order to manage the quality of the output, you adjust, you could do postprocessing.

Q. Shredded paper as the carbon input? A. Yes, good source, don’t know if printer ink is a problem, worms seem happy Donna: They’re considering an in-vessel system at campus center

Q. Bokashi system? A. Uses EM. Good at odor management. It’s low throughput though.

Q. Horizontal trough systems with vermicompost possible on campus? A. Yes, but needs continuous labor, would have to look pretty – Biorator has the biggest throughput – Logistics of trucking waste, schedules, probably more expensive – Would have to find uses for it on campus if it was done on campus – (could reduce fertilizer budget) – Currently green waste on campus

2. Brainstorm on next year

Gabe: What can the council actually do? Doorae: The chancellor is receptive and the council will become Tony: We can continue to be a clearinghouse for information. Also inform the Bill: Sounding board of ideas. For example, for use of electricity on campus. Tony: We Need $ to do these things. Look at UC Irvine – energy stuff more than institutionalized university as a whole. We need more visibility. Crystal: Look at the politics of these things. When do you need students to Ted: Faculty and staff implement the solutions that students come up with. pays back for their salaries. We need someone that’s 100% dedicated to energy. push? When do you need faculty to push? They have diff… Students are less confined. When there’s turnover in a position, make it a sustainability position Tony: We’re working under the problem of funding from the legislature. Ted: social media/website Doorae: Not a tweeter, doing the Facebook, doing the webpage. Ted: There’s people who are already doing social media, how do your bring those people in? We found it to be incredibly important for CTAHR. We have someone who does that for us. Crystal: The webpage is key. Key Theme: We need more people and resources.

3. Discussion of next years’ summit:

East-West center would be good Ballroom @ campus center Kennedy Theater Benefits/Challenges Parking Could use the shuttle system We need to show the outer islands what we’ve been doing We need to showcase the research that’s going on.

4. Updates

1. Tony Kuh: a. Formed a committee to address utility cost i. Includes Denise & Rick from chancellor’s office, Antolini, b. Hopes to work with facilities to implement sensor networks around campus. Rocheleau, and others.

2. We are meeting in May for council

3. Bikeshare Hawaii is looking for an executive director.

This entry was posted in Agenda/Minutes, Agriculture, Energy, Manoa Sustainability Council, Recycling, Waste. Bookmark the permalink.