SUSTAINABILITY COUNCIL MEETING * Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Place and time: HIG 210, 3:00 – 4:30 PM
AGENDA: Presentation on proposed focus items for the next 6 months — November 2013 thru April 2014
- Introductions (sign in sheet)
- Announcements
- Update on areas of focus by defined Working Groups preparing for the spring 2014 session for Hawaii Sustainability in Higher Education Summit; UHM members are working on Food, Waste, Energy, Water, Transportation, Curriculum, Student Engagement, and Sharing. This might well influence the focus for 2014.
- Introduction of new student liaisons
- Introduction of Steering Committee members who have generously agreed to serve this year
- Announcements from different campus sustainability groups
- November Arbor Day tree planting (Roxanne Adams)
- Presentations being made on the suggested focus we will agree on for requested support by the UHM Chancellor on UHM projects for the remainder of this year (estim time: 20-30 minutes) Please contact us in advance to request 5 minutes on the agenda and be prepared to submit a 1 page summary for additional consideration by the UHMSC Steering Committee.
- Discussion: projects you want to focus on this year, advocacy to ask the Chancellor for support, and develop an achievable list of goals for the next 6 months. For example:
- Enhancements to the Sustainability Courtyard (Philip Johnson)
- SOFT (Gabe Sachter-Smith)
- Electrical Metering (Tony Kuh)
- Presentation on Community Colleges Energy Audit by Johnson Controls to be confirmed.