UHM Sustainability Council
April 3, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Kevin Griffin (Planning), Eileen Peppard, Gabriel Saehfer-Smith (SOFT), Leila Shi, Doorae Shin (Surfrider), Somer Reid (Planning), Sharon Ching Williams (Planning), Susan Hippensteele (Chancellor’s Office), Donna Ojiri (Sodexho), Austin Barnes (ORE/KYA Studio), Juli Bertone (RISE), Nicole Chatterson (KUPU), Julie (KUPU), Daylen Koga (Planning)
I. Introductions
a. Everyone present introduced themselves and organization or individual representation.
II. EPS Foam Policy Draft
a. Susan H. (Chancellors Office) reported that Ann Sakuma (OVCAFO) has been leading full-fledged policy out of Kathy Cutshaw’s Office. Turn around has been quick and responsive to comments from UHMSC. Next Step: Campus Governance – Susan H. anticipated review by end of the semester and will probably just have to go out to committee. Overall, very positive feedback and policy could be used as a model for future actions and initiatives from UHMSC.
b. Sharon W. (Planning) asked if this includes composting forks or utensils – Gabriel S. (SOFT) commented it is difficult moving items to a place where it can be composted. In past experience, forks don’t always break down but they’ve been sorting and leaving for composting.
c. Sharon W. (Planning) also shared SCUP experiences viewing composting and developing nutrient rich products, using special unit. Gabe S. (SOFT) commented that composting units cost ~$200,000.
d. Vote was taken to pass EPS Foam Policy and was approved with a unanimous vote of YES by all present.
III. Sustainability Courtyard Sink
a. Sharon W. (Planning) reported that she spoke to the Department of Health- No laws are applicable to courtyard sinks since no food is being served. Short answer, YES it is possible. Sharon thought it could be a student project.
b. Doorae S. (Surfrider) and Gabriel S. (SOFT) will be contacting Sharon W. (Planning) to forge ahead.
IV. DLNR Presentation
a. Unfortunately not able to attend but did share volunteer opportunities.
V. EPA Reward Internships for Sustainable Employment (RISE) Program
a. Nicole and Julie of RISE reported, Julie was awarded funds to EPA to look into food recovery. Had been interested in entering UHM into food recovery challenge and found out it was over. Would like to work on the next challenge.
b. RISE is interested on collecting base-data on food waste and looking at how much total food waste is generated in Hawaii – restaurants, DOE, etc. Sodexho has poundage on food waste. They have a contract with a vendor that picks up their food waste. HPU has been tracking food waste and has had a 50% reduction since starting program.
VI. 1st Annual Hawai‘i Sustainability in Higher Education Summit
a. Susan H. (Chancellors Office) reported Manoa will have 26 attendees. HPU, Chaminade, and BYU will be attending as well. Will need to ensure that system-wide policy does not affect UHMSC policy. Looking to create a sustainability center that is fully staffed with faculty and support staff.
b. Susan H. (Chancellors Office) also reported that she has been working on capturing classes that can be used or applicable to a sustainability degree. Hoping to get sustainability BA plan in the next semester and could have the degree offered in 2 years. Capstone and introductory course in sustainability looking to be established.
VII. Earth Month Updates
a. Doorae S. (Surfrider) and Donna O. (Sodexho) couldn’t get any information and was looking for partners and couldn’t find anything. Lindsey (?) had been the contact.
VIII. Other Topics
a. Gabe S. (SOFT) made announcement on Sustainability lecture series- starts next week and will be sending to Kevin G. (Planning) for dissemination.
b. Susan H. (Chancellors Office) asked if anyone is working with the water commission – Currently no one is.
c. Dooerae S. (SOFT) looking at real food challenges and will be contacting Sodexho and other food vendors to find out how much local food is being used/purchased. Asked if Sodexho has a GMO policy- not at the moment. Sharon W. (Planning) commented that reduction of bees possibly caused by GMO’s.
d. Susan H- (Chancellors Office) pointed out UHMSC policy and looking at metrics and looking for data on goals and benchmarks. Would like to use this policy to develop benchmarks for campus. Also announced that curriculum for Sustainability Program is geared towards making Manoa a living, working example. Food, energy, water, and international/global policy tracts were identified for the Sustainability degree- this was done by looking at classes that were already offered by UHM. Initially, tracks at the BA level were identified and are now looking at graduate level. Also looking at certificates for professionals or individuals in traditional degrees that may not want a PhD, but will need certificates to become more employable. Public-private partnerships are also being considered that could possibly expand education but ensuring that students are not being exploited (certain private relationships could be viewed controversial). Sharon W. (Planning) mentioned possible difficulty in sustainability degree individuals obtaining jobs- Susan H. (Chancellors Office) commented that some graduate programs have 100% employment success after graduation.
IX. Adjournment
a. Meeting was adjourned after no further comments or announcements had to be made.