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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign-up for Intramural leagues?

You can sign-up by visiting our office or going on-line to There, you can create an account (or use your existing one) to Join a Team, Create a Team, or Join as a Free Agent. Make sure you use your email address in order to access our homepage.


What do I need to bring to the game?

Bring appropriate footwear (i.e. athletic shoes, no vibrams please), appropriate attire (can be sports specific) and most importantly you current validated UHM I.D.


What about uniforms?

While it is encouraged that each team have their own uniforms, the Intramural Sports Section provides uniforms for participants to use.


How much does it cost?

Your student activities fee allows you to participate in intramural activities at no extra cost to you. We also supply game balls and other necessary gaming equipment to maximize your experience.


Do you have a sportsmanship policy?

Well, of course!

At Intramural Sports we strive to promote leagues that are fun, enjoyable, and competitive for all participants. Sportsmanship is a key component within these competitions that makes this possible. In order to offer the best experiences for our student officials, participants, and fans, teams will be held accountable for their sportsmanship, both on and off the court. During each game, sportsmanship from both teams will be observed and recorded on a Team Sportsmanship Assessment. This information will be used to make certain decisions regarding the future status of your team and post-season eligibility.

The team captain is responsible for the conduct of their players and will be the primary liaison between Intramural staff and the team.


Where are the games played?

Games are played at these various facilities/fields:

Klum Gym

Gym 2

Gym 1

Ching Stadium

Les Murakami Baseball Stadium

Stan Sheriff Center


What can I gain from taking part in Intramural activities?

Providing the highest quality programs and organized sports for a multicultural populace of students, faculty, and staff at the University of Hawaii at Manoa; Intramural Sports activities promote sportsmanship, understanding, awareness, leadership opportunities and safety while maintaining a high level of competition in a friendly environment and “serious” fun for a wide variety of skill levels. Intramural Sports promotes building/maintaining of new and positive relationships. The goal is to create “lifelong imprints” of goodwill and camaraderie through intramural sports play.

Founded in 1970, the University of Hawaii at Manoa Intramural Sports Program has provided students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to exercise, develop skills, appreciate cultural differences, and promote teamwork and sportsmanship through intramural recreational play. In addition to the participation of sports activities and events, the Intramural Sports Program offers excellent student employment opportunities which encourage skill development, confidence, teamwork, and communication. Opportunities to participate in leagues, tournaments, and special events are intended to be both competitive and fun. While participant skills vary from the inexperienced to the “weekend warrior” and to the very well-skilled (i.e. former high school players, college athletes), games are tailored for the amateur player to create an enjoyable experience during play. Collegiate lettermen/letterwomen at the University of Hawaii and comparable institution or winners of comparable amateur awards and professional athletes are ineligible to compete in the intramural sport of their specialty*.

For more information, check out (click on the icon below)

or contact our Student Recreation Services – Intramural Sports Lower Campus office

at 808-956-7694.