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Here are some links to local beeswax (and honey) in Hawai'i
These are three things we can do to reduce marine debris. Wraps are made of cotton and beeswax. Both of these materials are natural and biodegradable.
• Wraps can be used instead of plastic wrap, plastic bags, and aluminum foil. This reduces waste.
• Wraps are re-usable.
• Wraps can be made of recycled fabric.
If you accidentally wash your wrap in water that is too hot, it may crack, and the beeswax may start to pill or rub off. Over time, these beeswax-only wraps might also develop cracks. In either case, you can re-iron the wrap. If necessary, add more wax and re-iron. See these photos of a worn-out wrap and the same wrap re-ironed (no wax added).
Use Locally Sourced Beeswax