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These are three things we can do to reduce marine debris. Wraps are made of cotton and beeswax. Both of these materials are natural and biodegradable.
• Wraps can be used instead of plastic wrap, plastic bags, and aluminum foil. This reduces waste.
• Wraps are re-usable.
• Wraps can be made of recycled fabric.

Content Referenced: ACTIVITY: DIY Beeswax Wraps
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If you accidentally wash your wrap in water that is too hot, it may crack, and the beeswax may start to pill or rub off. Over time, these beeswax-only wraps might also develop cracks. In either case, you can re-iron the wrap. If necessary, add more wax and re-iron. See these photos of a worn-out wrap and the same wrap re-ironed (no wax added).

Content Referenced: ACTIVITY: DIY Beeswax Wraps
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawai?i, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.