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For most scholarships offered at UH, contact the Office of Student Equity, Excellence and Diversity (SEED), University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 2600 Campus Road, Student Services Center Room 413, Honolulu, HI 96822; Phone: (808) 956-4642; Fax (808) 956-9240; Email: SEED coordinates various programs, including those for Native Hawaiians, Filipinos and other ethnic groups underrepresented in higher education, and academically talented students as well as under-prepared and disadvantaged students.

One may also try to look for various types of UH Manoa scholarships, depending on one’s eligibility and needs. It offers five different kinds of scholarships: (1) Office of Admissions Scholarships, (2) Financial Aid Services Scholarships, (3) Kua’ana Tition Waiver, (4) Star Scholarships, and (5) International Scholarships.

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