The Center for Philippine Studies (CPS) conducts regular “brown-bag” lectures and public seminars on topics related to the Philippines and Filipinos. It has presented more than 600 speakers to date. The lecture series is intended to promote intellectual interest and interaction within the University community, particularly among Philippine specialists. It also serves as a forum for distinguished Philippine specialists, intellectuals, officials, and other visitors who are invited to speak. Among them have been former Senators Leticia Ramos Shahani and Arturo Tolentino, former Senate President Jovito Salonga, former University of the Philippines (UP) President Jose Abueva, Dr. Doreen Fernandez, Dr. Carolina Hernandez, Dr. Mahar K. Mangahas, late writers Salvador P. Lopez and Bienvenido Santos, famous author N. V. M. Gonzalez, noted novelist and 1980 Ramon Magsaysay awardee for Literature, Journalism, Communications F. Sionil Jose, historian Reynaldo Ileto, and Prof. Jose David Lapuz.
CPS sponsored the first Asian scholar in residence at UHM, Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera, UP professor of literature and Filipino, who likewise won the Magsaysay Award. It also sponsored two Distinguished Florence Macaulay Lectures, bringing to the campus Prof. Solita Monsod of the UP School of Economics and Ms. Mona Lisa Yuchengco of the Yuchengco Group of Companies. In Spring 2012, it hosted Dr. Resil Mojares for the Andrews Professorial Chair.
A list of the Colloquium Series CPS has hosted over the years is shown below. The detailed lectures are found in the right tab of this page labeled as “Archives.”
Please click on past lectures in our archives: