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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

5.321: Institutional Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Students

Responsible Entity: N/A


Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs) encompass the UH Mānoa undergraduate experience as a whole—academic and co-curricular. It is through the combined efforts of faculty, students, staff, and administrators that students achieve the ILOs.

Policy Language

1. Know — Breadth and Depth of Knowledge

Students develop their understanding of the world with emphasis on Hawai’i, Asia, and the Pacific by integrating: 
1a. General education:
– Arts and humanities
– Biological sciences
– Languages
– Physical sciences
– Social sciences
– Technology
i.e., Foundations, Diversification, Focus, and Hawaiian/Second Language
1b. Specialized study in an academic fieldi.e., the major
1c. Understand Hawaiian culture and historyi.e., course work and co-curricular experiences related to Hawaiian culture and history

2. Do — Intellectual and Practical Skills

Students improve their abilities to:May include:
2a. Think critically and creatively – solving challenging and complex problems
– applying questioning and reasoning
– generating and exploring new questions
– being information literate—knowledge, procedures, processes, or products to discern bias – and arrive at reasoned conclusions
– negotiating the terrain of the technological world
– reasoning with numbers and other mathematical concepts (numeracy)
– developing financial literacy
2b. Conduct research – conceptualizing problems and asking research questions
– analyzing research data
– applying research designs
– engaging in self-directed inquiry using library and information systems
2c. Communicate and report – written and oral communication
– working cooperatively and collaboratively
– technology/computer-based communication
– non-verbal communication
– listening

3. Value — Personal and Social Responsibility

Students demonstrate excellence, integrity,
and engagement through:
 May include:
3a. Continuous learning and personal growth – life-long learning
– self-assessment/reflection/discipline
– ethical behaviors and judgments
– intellectual curiosity
– habits of scholarly inquiry
– personal health
3b. Respect for people and cultures,
in particular Hawaiian culture
– respect for differences in cultural and personal identity
– social justice
– cultural awareness
– international engagement
– culture/language immersion
3c. Stewardship of the natural environment– respect for natural resourcessustainability
3d. Civic participation in their communities – campus organizations
– community service
– service learning
– civic engagement/citizenship