Responsible Entity: N/A
Courses that are not offered at least once during a period of four academic years or eight regular semesters will be deleted from the Mānoa Catalog. Academic deans will be provided with a list of courses that have been identified for deletion by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs prior to their deletion. Deans wishing to continue offering a course designated for deletion may submit a written request to the appropriate party.
Policy Language
Deans wishing to continue to offer a course designated for deletion must send a written request to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education for all undergraduate or 500-level courses or the Dean of the Graduate Division for all graduate (600 and over) courses. The request must include a rationale for why the course should remain in the catalog and the impact on students if not re‐instated, as well as an explanation of why the course has not been offered and how it will be offered in the future.
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