Connecting One Health Across the Pacific


December 2, 2024    
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type

Please join us for a symposium featuring speakers on One Health topics from American Samoa, Guam, Tinian (Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands), Palau, and Hawai‘i.  The first half of the symposium will feature Pacific Island high school students participating in the Pacific STEP-UP research training program who are working on research projects to address unique challenges faced by Pacific nations.  The second half of the symposium will focus on research on the impact of a zoonotic disease, toxoplasmosis, on humans and wildlife in Hawai‘i.

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Meeting ID: 815 7023 3746
Passcode: onehealth

Time Zone Chamorro Standard Time Hawaii Standard Time Speaker Topic
GMT Offset GMT+10 GMT-10    
Date Tue, Dec 3 Mon, Dec 2    
Time 9:30 AM 1:30 PM Planning team Introductory Remarks
  9:40 1:40 Princessvalentine T. Vaoga, American Samoa

Pacific STEP-UP

An Evaluation of Taro Leaf Blight Resistance and Salt Tolerance of Newly Developed Taro Cultivars
  9:45 1:45 Stephanie Diaz, Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Pacific STEP-UP

Cultivating Brachionus rotundiformis with Different Levels of Salinity and Temperature
  9:50 1:50 Limei Orukei, Palau

Pacific STEP-UP

Tissue Culture and Field Composition of Salt Water Resistant Taro
  9:55 1:55 Nichelle Torcelino, Guam

Pacific STEP-UP

Phylogenetic insights into Guam native tree fern, Sphaeropteris lunulata, using Nanopore sequencing
  10:00 2:00 Q&A Session Pacific One Health
  10:10 2:10 Jerrisa Ching Choe, DVM, John A. Burns School of Medicine Human Toxoplasmosis in Hawai‘i
  10:20 2:20 Renee Breeden, BS, National Wildlife Health Center, USGS  Toxoplasmosis in Hawaiian native birds
  10:30 2:30 Michelle Barbieri, DVM, Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program, NOAA Toxoplasmosis in marine mammals in the Pacific
  10:40 2:40 Panel Discussion Toxoplasmosis in Hawai‘i and the Pacific
  10:55 2:55 Planning team Concluding Remarks
  11:00 3:00 Finish