Nā Wai Chamber Choir Performs at ACDA Conference

In Choirs, Department News, Faculty News, Voice by General Entries

This past march, the music department’s choral ensemble-in-residence, Nā Wai Chamber Choir, was invited to perform at the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Western Region Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Known for the preservation, propagation, and innovation of Hawaiian vocal music, Nā Wai Chamber Choir was one of the first ensembles of its kind to perform at the ACDA conference, the “preeminent association for choral conductors throughout the United States.” 

Throughout their time in Salt Lake City, Nā Wai Chamber Choir also performed as an invited guest with the University of Utah Chamber Choir. In addition to a partnership concert, Dr. Jace Saplan (director of choral activities) gave a conducting masterclass to University of Utah graduate students in choral conducting. 

Before their arrival back to Honolulu, Dr. Saplan and Nā Wai Chamber Choir offered a lecture concert entitled “The Choral Music of Liliʻuokalani” for the Hawaiian Civic Clubs of the state of Utah in partnership with Salt Lake City based kumu hula, Kahealani Ohumukini Blackmon.