Kasey Barton
evolutionary ecology
Mark Burgman (Director)
Ecology and Conservation Biology
Marguerite Butler
Animal form and function
Rebecca Chong
evolution, genomics, and symbiosis
Kathleen Cole
ichthyology, behavioral ecology, reproductive biology, morphology and morphogenesis, microgravity biology
Curtis C. Daehler (Associate Director of Instruction, Botany Graduate Chair)
population biology, invasive plants, plant-herbivore interactions
Stuart Donachie
marine microbiology, coral microbiology, microbial diversity, and taxonomy
Donald Drake
ecology and conservation
David Duffy
conservation, restoration ecology
Mark Hixon
marine ecology and conservation biology
Tung T. Hoang
bacterial molecular pathogenesis
Cynthia Hunter
conservation biology, coral reef ecology, biology and ecology of marine invertebrates
Stephanie Kraft-Terry
academic advising and assessment
Peter Marko
biogeography, evolution and conservation
Mark Merlin
biogeography, ethnobotany, natural history of the Pacific
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin
marine community ecology, impacts of global change
Amy Moran (Associate Director of Curriculum)
marine ecology and evolution
Clifford Morden
plant molecular systematics and evolution
Michael Norris
microbiology, pathogen ecology, and translational health
Megan Porter (Associate Director of Research)
evolution and ecology of vision, crustacean phylogenetic
Sladjana Prisic (Microbiology Graduate Chair)
molecular pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, alternative ribosomal proteins, protein phosphorylation
Floyd Reed
population genetics
Howard Shen
immunology, cancer biology, drug design
Alison Sherwood (Associate Dean, CNS)
systematics, evolution and biogeography of algae
Celia M. Smith
physiological ecology of marine macrophytes, marine ecology, cell biology
Robert Thomson (Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology Graduate Chair)
evolutionary biology and phylogenetics
Tamara Ticktin
ethnoecology, conservation
Timothy C. Tricas
marine animal behavior
Justin Walguarnery
ecology and animal behavior
Les Watling
impacts of humans on benthic environments; crustacean biology
George Wong
mating systems and biosystematics of basidiomycetes
Amber Wright (Zoology Graduate Chair)
population ecology, community ecology, behavioral ecology
Masato Yoshizawa
evolutionary developmental biology, neuroscience, quantitative genomics