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Bogner, K. K., Haines, W. P., Kim, J., Drake, D. R., & Barton, K. E.. 2024. Endemic island plant–herbivore interactions: Kamehameha butterfly (Nymphalidae) and Hawaiian Urticaceae. Biotropica, 56, 149–161. doi:
Faccenda, K., M. Yorkston, M. Ross, C. Morden. 2024. Spontaneous hybridization among invasive Poaceae in Hawai‘i: Chloris × pseudosagrana nothosp. nov. and Cenchrus × peregrinus nothosp. nov. Phytotaxa638 (2):155-164.
Kantar, M.B., Morden, C.W., Pejhanmehr, M., Yorkston, M. 2024. Population genetics of Sida fallax Walp. (Malvaceae) in the Hawaiian Islands. Front. Plant Sci, Vol. 15 doi:
Dang, H., Jian, Z., Wang, H., Watling, L., Zhou, X. 2024. Radiocarbon-based ages and growth rates of cold-water bamboo corals in the South China Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Vol. 208(104323). doi:
Baco, A., Carter, G.S., Dulai, H., France, S.C., Roarl, E.B., Smith, J.R., Watling, L. 2024. Finding boundaries in the sea: The Main and Small Gap of the Emperor Seamount Chain as a biogeographic boundary for bathyal benthic fauna. Deep Sea Research Part II: Vol. 216(105394). doi:
Chang, C.T., Drazen, J.C., Hixon, M.A. et al. Diet breadth and overlap in the Family Molidae. Environ Biol Fish 107, 877–897 (2024).
Kuball, K., Fernandes, V.F.L., Takagi, D., Yoshizawa, M. Blind cavefish evolved higher foraging responses to chemo- and mechanostimuli. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0300793.
Listed chronologically
Baco, A.R., Ross, R., Althaus, F., Amon, D., Bridges, A.E.H., Brix, S., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Colaco, A., Carreiro-Silva, M., Clark, M.R., Du Preez, C., Franken, M., Gianni, M., Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., Hourigan, T., Howell, K., Levin, L.A., Lindsay, D.J., Molodtsova, T.N., Morgan, N., Morato, T., Mejia-Mercado, B.E., O’Sullivan, D., Pearman, T., Price, D., Robert, K., Robson, L., Rowden, A.A., Taylor, J., Taylor, M., Victorero, L., Watling, L., Williams, A., Xavier, J.R., Yesson, C. 2023. Towards a scientific community consensus on designating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from imagery. PeerJ 11:e16024 doi:
Hixon, M.A., B.W. Bowen. 2023. The amazing yet threatened world of marine fishes. Pages 206-226 in N. Maclean (ed.) The Living Planet: The State of the World’s Wildlife. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, UK.
Pusack, T.J., Stallings, C.D., Albins, M.A., Benkwitt, C.E., Ingeman, K.E., Kindinger, T.L., Hixon, M.A.. 2023. Protracted recovery of long-spined urchin (Diadema antillarum) in the Bahamas. Coral Reefs 42, 93–98 doi:
Figueria, T.J., Kennedy-Gold, S., Piantoni, C., Screen, R.M., Wright, A.N.. 2023. Head shape predicts isotopic diet in anoles and day geckos.Functional Ecology 37, 6 p. 1553-1566. doi:
Balbay, M.G., Shlafstein, M.D., Cockell, C., Cady, S.L., Prescott, R.D., Lim, D.S.S., Chain, P.S.G., Donachie, S.P., Decho, A.W., Saw, J.H.. 2023. Metabolic versatility of Caldarchaeales from geothermal features of Hawai’i and Chile as revealed by five metagenome-assembled genomes. Front. Microbiol., Sec. Extreme Microbiology, 14 doi:
Prescott, R.D., Chan, Y.L., Tong, E.J., Bunn, F., Onouye, C.T., Handel, C., Lo, C., Davenport, K., Johnson, S., Flynn, M., Saito, J.A., Lee, H., Wong, K., Lawson, B.N., Hiura, K., Sager, K., Sadones, M., Hill, E.C., Esibill, D., Cockell, C.S., Santomartino, R., Chain, P.S.G., Decho, A.W.,Donachie, S.P.. 2023. Bridging Place-Based Astrobiology Education with Genomics, Including Descriptions of Three Novel Bacterial Species Isolated from Mars Analog Sites of Cultural Relevance, Astrobiology, 23, 12, 1348-1367, doi:
Onouye, C.T., Busse, H.l, Prescott, R.D., Darris, M.K., Donachie, S... 2023. Chitinophaga pendula, sp. nov., from an air conditioner condensate drain line. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73, 8, 1466-5034. doi:
Griffin, C.D., Tominiko, C., Medeiros, M.C.I., Walguarnery, J.W.. 2023. Microplastic pollution differentially affects development of disease-vectoring Aedes and Culex mosquitoes, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 267, 115639, 0147-6513. doi:
Fiser, C., Brancelj, A., Yoshizawa, M., Mammola, S., Fiser, Z..w 2023. Dissolving morphological and behavioral traits of groundwater animals into a functional phenotype, Academic Press, 2023, 415-438.
Amézquita, E.J., Nasrin, F., Storey, K.M., Yoshizawa, M.. 2023 Genomics data analysis via spectral shape and topology. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284820.
Lopes, K. H. Jr, Miura, T., Hauk, B., Kosaki, R., Leonard, J., & Hunter, C.. 2023. Rapid expansion of the invasive-like red macroalga, Chondria tumulosa (Rhodophyta), on the coral reefs of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Journal of Phycology, 59, 1107–1111.
Iwashita, M., Tran, A., Garcia, M., Cashon, J., Burbano, D., Salgado, V., Hasegawa, M., Balmilero-Unciano, R., Politan, K., Wong, M., Lee, R.W.Y., Yoshizawa, M. Metabolic shift toward ketosis in asocial cavefish increases social-like affinity. BMC Biol21, 219 (2023).
Walsh, S.K., Wolkis, D., Abbriano, R.M., Barton, K.E.. 2023. Variability in seed salinity tolerance in an island coastal community, Annals of Botany, 132, 3, 18,p. 485-498,
Shikuma, C. M., Wojna, V., De Gruttola, V., Siriwardhana, C., Souza, S. A., Rodriguez-Benitez, R. J., Turner, E. H., Kallianpur, K., Bolzenius, J., Chow, D., Matos, M., Shiramizu, B., Clements, D. M., Premeaux, T. A., Ndhlovu, L. C., & Paul, R. (2023). Impact of antiretroviral therapy intensification with C-C motif chemokine receptor 5 antagonist maraviroc on HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment. AIDS (London, England), 37(13), 1987–1995. doi:
Evans, S.A., Hastings, N.E., Yorkston, M., Morden, C.W., Tembrock, L.R. 2023. Tetramolopium Stemmermanniae (Asteraceae), a New Species from Pōhakuloa Training Area, Hawaiʻi Island. The American Society of Plant Taxonomists, 376-385.
Listed chronologically
Steck, M., Winnicki, E., Kobayashi, D.R., Whitney, J.L., Ahyong, S.T., Porter, M.L. 2022. Hawaiian larval stomatopads: molecular and morphological diversity. Zootaxa: 5214(2), 5. doi:
Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Sperru, J.H., Kelley, P., Foster, J.T., Drake, D.R., Case, S.B., Gleditsch, J.M., Hruska, A.M., Wilcox, R.C., Tarwater, C.R. 2022. Mechanisms underlying interaction frequencies and robustness in a novel seed dispersial netowrk: lessons for restoration. Proc. R. Soc. B., 2892022149020221490. doi:
Muir, C.D., Conesa, M.A., Galmes, J., Pathare, V., Rivera, P., Rodriguez, R.L., Terrazas, T., Xiong, D. 2022. How important are functional and developmental constraints on phenotypic evolution? An empirical test with the stomatal anatomy of flowering plants. The American Naturalist 0 0:ja (just accepted). doi:
Palecanda, S., Iwanicki, T., Steck, M., Porter, M.L. 2022. Crustacean conundrums: a review of opsin diversity and evolution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 3772021028920210289. doi:
Porter, M.L., Lutz, H., Steck, M., Chong, R.A. 2022. The complete mitochondrial genomes and phylogenetic analysis of two Nycteribiidae bat flies (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea). Taylor & Francis, Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7: 8,1486-1488. doi: 10.1080/23802359.2022.2107450
Prescott, R.D., Zamkovaya, T., Donachie, S.P., Northup, D.E., Medley, J.J., Monsalve, N., Saw, J.H., Decho, A.W., Chain, P.S.G., Boston, P.J. 2022. Islands Within Islands: Bacterial phylogenetic structure and consortia in Hawaiian lava caves and fumaroles. Front. Microbiol., Sec. Extreme Microbiology, 13. doi:
Lapointe, A., Watling, L. 2022. Towards a revision of the bamboo corals (Octocorallia): Part 5, new genera and species of Keratoisididae from the Tasmanian deep sea. Zootaxa, 5168(2), 3. doi:
Chong, R.A., University of Hawai’i at Mānoa SEA-PHAGES students, Donachie, S.P., Reed, F.A. & Porter, M.L. 2022. Genome sequence of Arthrobacter globiformisphage KeAlii from Hawai’i. Microbiology Resource Announcements, e00439-22. doi:
Case, S.B., Postelli, K., Drake, D.R., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Foster, J.T., Sperry, J.H., Kelley, J.P., Tarwater, C.E. 2022. Introduced galliforms as seed predators and dispersers in Hawaiian forests. Biological Invasions: 24, 3083-3097. doi:
Mcdonald, M., Porter, M.L.. 2022. Effect of light environment on prey consumption in two species of larval stomatopods, Gonodactylaceus falcatus (Forsskål, 1775) and Gonodactylellus sp. (Stomatopoda: Gonodactylidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology: 42(1). doi:
McDonald, M.S., Palecanda, S., Cohen, J.H. & Porter, M.L. 2022. Ultraviolet vision in larval Neogonodactylus oerstedii. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(3): jeb243256. doi:
Dow, A., Burger, A., Marcantonio, E., Prisic, S.. 2022. Multi-Omics Profiling Specifies Involvement of Alternative Ribosomal Proteins in Response to Zinc Limitation in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Front. Microbiol., Vol. 13, ISSN: 1664-302X. doi:
Tong, J., Knox, E.B., Morden, C.W., Cellinese, N., Mossolem, F., Zubair, A.S., Howarch, D.G. 2022. Duplication and expression patterns of CYCLOIDEA-like genes in Campanulaceae. EvoDevo: 13, 5. doi:
Counsell, C.W., Coleman, R.R., Lal, S.S., Bowen, B.W., Franklin, E.C., Neuheimer, A.B., Powell B.S., Toonen, R.J., Donahue, M.J., Hixon, M.A., McManus, M.A. 2022. Opening the black box: interdisciplinary analysis of larval dispersal for a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 684: 117–132. doi:
Fortini, L., Krushelnycky, P.D., Drake, D.R., Starr. F., Starr, K., Chimera, C.D.. 2022. Complex demographic responses to contrasting climate drivers lead to divergent population trends across the range of a threatened alpine plant. Global Ecology and Conservation 32: e01954. doi:
Fumia, N., Rubinoff, D., Zenil-Ferguson, R., Khoury, C.K., Pironon, S., Gore, M.A., Kantar, M.B. 2022. Royal Society Open Science: 9, 1. doi:
Muir, C.D., Van Den Elzen, C.L., Angert, A.L. 2022. Selection on early survival does not explain germination rate clines in Mimulus cardinalis (Phrymaceae). bioRxviv; 12.14.472651. doi:
Davidson, T.M., Smith, C.M., Torchin, M.E.. 2022. Introduced Mangroves Escape Damage from Marine and Terrestrial Enemies. Ecology103( 3): e3604. doi:
Cole, K. S., Parenti, L. R.. 2022. Gonad morphology of Rhyacichthys aspro (Valenciennes, 1837), and the diagnostic reproductive morphology of gobioid fishes. Journal of Morphology, 283( 3), 255– 272. doi:
Barido-Sottani, J., Justison, J.A., Borges, R., Brown, J.M., Dismukes, W., Petrucci, B., Fabreti, L.G., Höhna, S., Landis, M.J., Lewis, P.O., May, M.R., Mendes, F.K., Pett, W., Redelings, B.D., Tribble, C.M., Wright, A.M., Zenil-Ferguson, R., Heath, T.A. 2022. Lessons learned from organizing and teaching virtual phylogenetics workshops. Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists: 1, 1. ISSA 2768-0819. doi:
Faccenda, K., and Daehler, C. C. 2022. A screening system to predict wildfire risk of invasive plants. Biological Invasions, 24(2), 575–589.
Cole, D.M., Morden, C.W.. 2021. Population Divergence and Evolution of the Hawaiian Endemic Sesbania tomentosa (Fabaceae). Pacific Science 75(4):447-467. doi:
Chapman, C.A., Galán-Acedo, C., Gogarten, J.F., Hou, R., Lawes, M.J., Omeja, P.A., Sarkar, D., Sugiyama, A., Kalbitzer, U. 2021. A 40-year evaluation of drivers of African rainforest change. For. Ecosyst. 8, 66. doi:
Wright, A. N., Kennedy-Gold, S. R., Naylor, E. R., Screen, R. M., Piantoni, C., Higham, T. E. 2021. Clinging performance on natural substrates predicts habitat use in anoles and geckos. Functional Ecology, 35, 2472– 2482. doi:
Iwashita, M., Yoshizawa, M. 2021. Social-like responses are inducible in asocial Mexican cavefish despite the exhibition of strong repetitive behavior. eLife: 10:e72463. doi:
Moran, A.L., Aaron Toh, M.W., Lobert, G., Ely, T., Marko, P. 2021. Egg masses and larval development of the Antarctic cephalaspidean snail Waegelea antarctica (Cephalaspidea: Antarctophilinidae), with notes on egg masses of the related Antarctophiline alata. Journal of Molluscan Studies, Volume 87, Issue 3, eyab027. doi:
Barton, K.E., Westerband, A., Ostertag, R., Stacy, E., Winter, K., Drake, D.R., Fortini, L.B., Litton, C.M., Cordell, S., Krushelnycky, P., Kawelo, K., Feliciano, K., Bennett, G., Knight, T.. 2021. Hawai‘i forest review: Synthesizing the ecology, evolution, and conservation of a model system. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 52, 125631, ISSN 1433-8319. doi:
Grave, E.F., Kroessig, T.I., Ticktin, T.. 2021. Pollination biology of an endemic Hawaiian tree, Erythrina sandwicensis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae), in a novel ecosystem. Pacific Science: 75:289–308. doi:
Vave, R.. 2021. Five culturally protected water body practices in Fiji: Current status and contemporary displacement challenges. Ambio: 51, 1001–1013. doi:
Feng, X., Kambic, L., Nishimoto, J.H.K., Reed, F.A., Denton, J.A., Sutton, J.T., Gantz, V.M. 2021. Evaluation of gene knockouts by CRISPR as potential targets for the gnetic engineering of the mosquito culex quinquefasciatus. The CRISPR Journal 4:4, 595-608. doi:
Jacobs, K.P., Hunter, C.L., Forsman, Z.H., Pollock, A.L., Rocha de Souza, M., Toonen, R.J. 2021. A phylogenomic examination of Palmyra Atoll’s corallimorpharian invader. Coral Reefs 41, 673–685. doi:
Bechara, F.C., Trentin, B.E., Engel, V.L., Estevan, D.A., Ticktin, T.. 2021. Performance and cost of applied nucleation versus high-diversity plantations for tropical forest restoration. Forest Ecology and Management: 491, 2021, 119088. ISSN: 0378-1127. doi:
Brock, K.C., Daehler, C.C.. 2021. Plant naturalization trends reflect socioeconomic history and show a high likelihood of inter-island spread in Hawai‘i. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 14(3), 135-146. doi:
Severin D.H.I. A.H. Schweiger, M.J. Steinbauer, C. Ah‐Peng, J.R. Arévalo, C. Beierkuhnlein A. Chiarucci, C.C. Daehler, J.M. Fernández‐Palacios, O. Flores, C. Kueffer, P. Maděra, R. Otto J. M.‐I. Schweiger, D. Strasberg A. Jentsch. 2021. Human impact, climate and dispersal strategies determine plant invasion on islands. Journal of Biogeography 48 (8):1889-1903.
Larrue, Sébastien, J-Y. Meyer, B. Fumanal, C. Daehler, J. Chadeyron, M. Flores, and L. Mazal. 2021. Seed rain, dispersal distance, and germination of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata on the Island of Tahiti, French Polynesia (South Pacific). Pacific Science 74(4): 405–17.
Beltrán-Rodríguez, L., Valdez-Hernández, J.I., Saynes-Vásquez, A., Blancas, J., Sierra-Huelsz, J.A., Cristians, S., Martínez-Ballesté, A., Romero-Manzanares, A., Luna-Cavazos, M., Borja de la Rosa, M.A., Pineda-Herrera, E., Maldonado-Almanza, B., Ángeles-Pérez, G., Ticktin, T., Bye, R.. 2021. Sustaining Medicinal Barks: Survival and Bark Regeneration of Amphipterygium adstringens (Anacardiaceae), a Tropical Tree under Experimental Debarking. Sustainability: 13(5):2860. doi:
Nelson, T. C., Muir, C. D., Stathos, A. M., Vanderpool, D. D., Anderson, K., Angert, A. L., Fishman, L.. 2021. Quantitative trait locus mapping reveals an independent genetic basis for joint divergence in leaf function, life-history, and floral traits between scarlet monkeyflower (Mimulus cardinalis) populations. American Journal of Botany 108( 5): 844– 856. doi:
Benito, J.B., Porter, M.L., Niemiller, M.L.. 2021. The mitochondrial genomes of five spring and groundwater amphipods of the family Crangonyctidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from eastern North America. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6:6, 1662-1667, doi: 10.1080/23802359.2021.1926350
McMillan, I.A., Norris, M.H., Zarzycki-Siek, J., Heacock-Kang, Y., Sun, Z., Borlee, B.R., Hoang, T.T.. 2021. Identification of a PadR-type regulator essential for intracellular pathogenesis of Burkholderia pseudomallei. Sci Rep 11, 10405. doi:
Dow, A., Sule, P., O’Donnell, T.J., Burger, A., Mattila, J.T., Antonio, B., Vergara, K., Marcantonio, E., Adams, L.G., James, N., Williams, P.G., Cirillo, J.D., Prisic, S.. 2021. Zinc limitation triggers anticipatory adaptations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PLoS Pathog 17(5): e1009570. doi:
Sato, A.Y., Ticktin, T., Alapai, L., von Allmen, E.I., Brawner Wilds, P. I., Carter, Y.Y., Carter, K.A., Keakealani, R.K., Medeiros, A.C., Zahawi R.A.. 2021. Biocultural restoration of Hawaiian tropical dry forests. Pacific Conservation Biology 27, 362-375. doi:
Werden, L.K., Holl, K.D., Chaves-Fallas, J.M., Oviedo-Brenes, F., Rosales, J.A., Zahawi, R.A.. 2021. Degree of intervention affects interannual and within-plot heterogeneity of seed arrival in tropical forest restoration. J Appl Ecol. 58: 1693– 1704. doi:
Bontrager, M., Usui, T., Lee‐Yaw, J.A., Anstett, D.A., Branch, H.A., Hargreaves, A.L., Muir, C.D., Angert, A.L.. 2021. Adaptation across geographic ranges is consistent with strong selection in marginal climates and legacies of range expansion. Evolution: 75(6) 1, 1316–1333. doi:
Westerband, A.C., Knight, T.M., Barton, K.E.. 2021. Intraspecific trait variation and reversals of trait strategies across key climate gradients in native Hawaiian plants and non-native invaders. Annals of Botany 127(4):1, 553–564. doi:
Westerband, A.C., Funk, J.L., Barton, K.E.. 2021. Intraspecific trait variation in plants: a renewed focus on its role in ecological processes. Annals of Botany, 127(4): 1, 397–410. doi:
Harrison, J.S., Porter, M.L., McHenry, M.J., Robinson, H.E., Patek, S. N.. 2021. Scaling and development of elastic mechanisms: the tiny strikes of larval mantis shrimp. J Exp Biol 15, 224 (8): jeb235465. doi:
Calder, D.R., Watling, L.. 2021. Report on hydrozoans (Cnidaria), excluding Stylasteridae, from the Emperor Seamounts, western North Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa: 4950(2), 1. doi:
Cole, R.J., Zahawi, R.A.. Coffee pulp accelerates early tropical forest succession on old fields. 2021. Ecol. Solut. Evidence: 2:e12054. doi:
Heacock-Kang, Y., McMillan, I.A., Norris, M.H., Sun, Z., Zarzycki-Siek, J., Bluhm, A.P., Cabanas, D., Hoang, T., et al. 2021. The Burkholderia pseudomalleiintracellular ‘TRANSITome’. Nat. Commun.: 12, 1907. doi:
Donachie, S.P., Fraser, C.J., Hill, E.C., Butler, M.A.. 2021. The Problem with ‘Microbiome’. Diversity 13(4):138.doi:
Dijkstra, J.A., Mello, K., Sowers, D., Malik, M., Watling, L., Mayer, L.A.. 2021. Fine-scale mapping of deep-sea habitat-forming species densities reveals taxonomic specific environmental drivers. Global Ecol Biogeogr. 30: 1286– 1298. doi:
Cole, K.S., Noakes, D.L.G., Thompson, N. et al. 2021. Effects of temperature on sexual development in steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Environ Biol Fish 104: 229–238. doi:
Weible, R.M., Rodgers, K.S., Friedlander, A.M., Hunter, C.L.. 2021. Assessing Assemblage Composition of Reproductively Mature Resource Fishes at a Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA). Diversity 13(3):114. doi:
Melone, A., Bremer, L.L., Crow, S.E., Hastings, Z., Winter, K.B., Ticktin, T., Rii, Y.M., Wong, M., Kukea-Shultz, K., Watson, S.J., Trauernicht, C.. 2021. Assessing Baseline Carbon Stocks for Forest Transitions: A Case Study of Agroforestry Restoration from Hawaiʻi. Agriculture, 11(3):189. doi:
Heyduk, K.. 2021. The genetic control of succulent leaf development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology: 59, 101978. ISSN 1369-5266. doi:
Helmstetter, A.J., Glemin, S., Käfer, J., Zenil-Ferguson, R., et al. 2021. Pulled Diversification Rates, Lineages-Through-Time Plots, and Modern Macroevolutionary Modeling. Systematic Biology 71(3): 758–773. doi:
Hopkins, J.B., Ferguson, J.M., Frederick, C., Jerina, K.. 2021. Measuring the impact of corn on mammalian omnivores. Journal of Mammalogy 102(1):270–282. doi:
Porter, M.L., Cronin, T.W., Dick, C.W., Simon, N., Dittmar, K.. 2021. Visual system characterization of the obligate bat ectoparasite Trichobius frequens (Diptera: Streblidae). Arthopod Structure & Development 60:101007. doi:
Johnson-Bice, S. M., Ferguson, J. M., Erb, J. D., Gable, T. D., and Windels, S. K.. 2021. Ecological forecasts reveal limitations of common model selection methods: predicting changes in beaver colony densities. Ecological Applications 31(1): e02198. doi: 10.1002/eap.2198
Feller, K.D., Sharkey, C.R., McDuffee-Altekruse, A., Bracken-Grissom, H.D., Lord, N.P., Porter, M.L., Shweikert, L.E.. 2021. Surf and turf vision: Patterns and predictors of visual acuity in compound eye evolution. Arthopod Structure & Development 60:101002. doi:
Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Sperry, J.H., Kelley, J.P., Gleditsch, J.M., Foster, J.T., Drake, D.R., Hruska, A.M., Wilcox, R.C., Case, S.B., Tarwater, C.E.. 2021. Ecological correlates of species’ roles in highly invaded seed dispersal networks. PNAS. 118(4): e2009532118. doi:
Laruson, A.J., Reed, F.A.. 2021. Population Genetics with R: An Introduction for Life Scientists. Oxford University Press. ISBN-13: 978-0198829546, ISBN-10: 019882954X.
Drake, D.R., McConkey, K.R.. 2021. Novel diplochory: Native bats and non-native rats disperse seeds of an island tree. Acta Oecologica 111: 103719. doi:
Gorné, L.D., Díaz, S., Minden, V., Onoda, Y., Kramer, K., Muir, C.D., et all. 2021. The acquisitive–conservative axis of leaf trait variation emerges even in homogeneous environments. Annals of Botany 129(6)12, 709–722. doi:
Ah-Peng, C., Borges., P.A.V., Burns, K.C., Drake, D.R., Irl, S.D.H., et all. 2021. Scientists’ warning – The outstanding biodiversity of islands is in peril. Global Ecology and Conservation 31:e01847. doi:
Bernard, J., Wall, C.B., Costantini, M.S.. et al. 2021. Plant part and a steep environmental gradient predict plant microbial composition in a tropical watershed. ISME J 15, 999–1009. doi:
Richardson, A.D., Aubrecht, D.M., Basler, D., Hufkens, K., Muir, C.D., Hanssen, L.. 2021. Developmental changes in the reflectance spectra of temperate deciduous tree leaves and implications for thermal emissivity and leaf temperature. New Phytol, 229: 791-804. doi:
Hime, P..M., Lemmon, A.R., Lemmon, E.C.M., Prendini, E., Brown, J.M., Thomson, R.C., et all. 2021. Phylogenomics Reveals Ancient Gene Tree Discordance in the Amphibian Tree of Life, Systematic Biology, Volume 70, Issue 1, Pages 49–66. doi:
Johnson-Bice, S. M., Ferguson, J. M., Erb, J. D., Gable, T. D., and Windels, S. K.. 2021. Ecological forecasts reveal limitations of common model selection methods: predicting changes in beaver colony densities. Ecological Applications 31( 1):e02198. doi: 10.1002/eap.2198
Heyduk, K., Ray, J.N., Leebens-Mack, J.. 2021. Leaf anatomy is not correlated to CAM function in a C3+CAM hybrid species, Yucca gloriosa. Annals of Botany, Vol 127, Iss 4, 1 April 2021, p. 437–449. doi:
Risch, D.R., Ringma, J., Honarvar, S., Price, M.R.. 2021. A comparison of abundance and distribution model outputs using camera traps and sign surveys for feral pigs. Pacific Conservation Biology 27, 186-194. doi:
Sherwood, A.R., Tsuda, R.T., Abbott, I.A., Spalding, H.L., Giuseffi, L.M., Okano, R., Kennedy, B.H.. 2021. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Vol 129: 93-107. url: ISSN: 2376-3191 NSF-PAR ID: 10226451
Paiano, M.O., Huisman, J.M., Cabera, F.P., Spalding, H.L., Kosaki, R.K., Sherwood, A.R.. 2020. Haraldiophyllum hawaiiense sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta): a new mesophotic genus record for the Hawaiian Islands. Algae 2020; 35(4): 337-347. doi:
Plaza, P., Serratosa, J., Gusmao, J.B., Duffy, D.C., Arce, P., Luna-Jorquera, G.. 2020. Temporal changes in seabird assemblage structure and trait diversity in the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) multiple-use marine protected area. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 31: 378– 388. doi:
Wallstrom, M.A., Morris, K.A., Carlson, L.V., Marko, P.B.. 2020. Seafood mislabeling in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Forensic Science International: Reports 2: 100154. doi:
Russo, S.E., McMahon, S.M., Detto, M., Sugiyama, A., Sun, I., et al. 2020. The interspecific growth–mortality trade-off is not a general framework for tropical forest community structure. Nat Ecol Evol 5, 174–183. doi:
Harrington, S.M., Wishingrad, V., Thomson, R.C.. 2020. Properties of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Performance across Many Empirical Alignments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38(4), 1627–1640. doi:
Winter, K. B., Rii, Y. M., Reppun, F. A. W. L., DeLaforgue Hintzen, K., Alegado, R. A., Bowen, B. W., Bremer, L. L., Coffman, M., Deenik, J. L., Donahue, M. J., Falinski, K. A., Frank, K., Franklin, E. C., Kurashima, N., Kekuewa Lincoln, Madin, E. M. P., McManus, M. A., Nelson, C. E., Okano, R., Olegario, A., Pascua, P., Oleson, K. L. L., Price, M. R., Rivera, M. J., Rodgers, K. S. Ticktin, T., Sabine, C. L., Smith, C. M., et all. 2020. Collaborative research to inform adaptive comanagement: a framework for the Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserve. Ecology and Society 25(4):15. doi:
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Hunter, C.L.. 2020. A Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands: Selected Readings III. Univeristy of Hawaii at Mānoa. ISBN 10: 1952460018 ISBN 13: 9781952460012
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Campillo, L.C., Manthey, J.D., Thomson, R.C., Hosner, P.A., Moyle, R.G.. 2020. Genomic differentiation in an endemic Philippine genus (Aves: Sarcophanops) owing to geographical isolation on recently disassociated islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 131(4), 814–821. doi:
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Boo, G.H., Zubia, M., Hughey, J.R., Sherwood, A.R., Fujii, M.T., Boo, S.M., Miller, K.A.. 2020. Complete Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Population-Level Patterns in the Widespread Red Alga Gelidiella fanii (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta). Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Marine Evolutionary Biology, Biogeography and Species Diversity: 7. doi:
Zahawi, R.A., Reid, J.L., Fagan, M.E.. 2020. Potential impacts of COVID-19 on tropical forest recovery. Biotropica 52: 803–807. doi:
Boraks, A., Plunkett, G.M., Doro, T.M., Alo, F., Sam, C., Tuiwawa, M., Ticktin, T., Amend, A.S.. 2020. Scale-Dependent Influences of Distance and Vegetation on the Composition of Aboveground and Belowground Tropical Fungal Communities. Microb Ecol 81, 874–883.
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Carpenter, J.K., Wilmshurst, J.M., McConkey, K.R., Hume, J.P., Wotton, D.M., Shiels, A.B., Burge, O.R., Drake, D.R.. 2020. The forgotten fauna: Native vertebrate seed predators on islands. Funct Ecol. 34: 1802– 1813. doi:
Sherwood, A.R., Huisman, J.M., Paiano, M.O., Williams, T.M., Kosaki, R.K., Smith, C.M., Giuseffi, L., Spalding, H.L.. 2020. Taxonomic determination of the cryptogenic red alga, Chondria tumulosa sp. nov., (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Hawai‘i, USA: A new species displaying invasive characteristics. PLOS ONE 15(7): e0234358. doi:
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Sherwood, A.R., Paiano, M.O., Kosaki, R.K., Spalding, H.L.. 2020. Biodiversity of Hawaiian Peyssonneliales (Rhodophyta): Sonderophycus copusii sp. nov., a new species from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Algae; 35(2): 145-155. doi:
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Powers, J.S., Bruna, E.M., Campos-Arceiz, A., Delamonica Sampaio, P., DeWalt, S.J., Lohmann, L.G. and Zahawi, R.A.. 2020. Tropical biology and conservation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biotropica, 52: 399-399. doi:
Holl, K.D., Reid, J.L., Cole, R.J., Oviedo-Brenes, F., Rosales, J.A., Zahawi, R.A.. 2020. Applied nucleation facilitates tropical forest recovery: Lessons learned from a 15-year study. J Appl Ecol. 57: 2316– 2328. doi:
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Winter, K. B., Ticktin, T., Quazi. S. A.. 2020. Biocultural restoration in Hawaiʻi also achieves core conservation goals. Ecology and Society 25(1):26. doi:
Hastings, Z., Ticktin, T., Botelho, M., et al. 2020. Integrating co-production and functional trait approaches for inclusive and scalable restoration solutions. Conservation Science and Practice; 2:e250. doi:
Dacks, R., Ticktin, T., Jupiter, S.D., Friedlander, A.M., 2020. Investigating the Role of Fish and Fishing in Sharing Networks to Build Resilience in Coral Reef Social-Ecological Systems, Coastal Management; 48:3, 165-187. doi: 10.1080/08920753.2020.1747911
Sterling, E.J., Pascua, P., Dacks, R., Ticktin, T., Sigouin, A. et al. 2020. Creating a space for place and multidimensional well-being: lessons learned from localizing the SDGs. Sustain Sci 15, 1129–1147. doi:
Winter, K. B., Lincoln, N.K., Berkes, F., Alegado, R.A., Pascua, P., Rii, Y.M., Reppun, F., Ticktin, T., Smith, C., Donahue, J.. et all. 2020. Ecomimicry in Indigenous resource management: optimizing ecosystem services to achieve resource abundance, with examples from Hawaiʻi. Ecology and Society 25(2):26. doi:
Conde, B.E., Aragaki, S., Ticktin, T., Surerus Fonseca, A., Yazbek, P.B., Sauini, T.. et al. 2020. Evaluation of conservation status of plants in Brazil’s Atlantic forest: An ethnoecological approach with Quilombola communities in Serra do Mar State Park. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238914. doi:
Rodrigues, E., Cassas, F., Ticktin, T., Conde, B.E.. et al. 2020. Participatory ethnobotany and conservation: a methodological case study conducted with quilombola communities in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 16, 2. doi:
Wang, J., Seyler, B.C., Ticktin, T.. et al. 2020. An ethnobotanical survey of wild edible plants used by the Yi people of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China. J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 16, 10. doi:
Barton, K.E., Shiels, A.B.. 2020. Additive and non-additive responses of seedlings to simulated herbivory and drought. Biotropica; 52: 1217– 1228. doi:
Westerband, A.C., Bialic-Murphy, L., Weisenberger, L.A., Barton, K.E.. 2020. Intraspecific variation in seedling drought tolerance and associated traits in a critically endangered, endemic Hawaiian shrub. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 13:2, 159-174, doi: 10.1080/17550874.2020.1730459
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P. D., Krushelnycky, Felts, J. M., Robichaux, R. H., Barton, K. E., Litton, C. M., and Brown, M. D.. 2020. Clinal variation in drought resistance shapes past population declines and future management of a threatened plant. Ecological Monographs 90( 1):e01398. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1398
Lum, T.D., Barton, K.E.. 2020. Ontogenetic variation in salinity tolerance and ecophysiology of coastal dune plants. Annals of Botany, Vol. 125, Issue 2, 23. P. 301–314. doi:
Boo, G.H., Cho, T.O., Sherwood, A.R., Boo, S.M., Fujii, M.T.. 2020. Discovery of Wilsonosiphonia fujiae (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Maldives Islands and transfer of Polysiphonia rhizoidea from Hawaiʻi to Wilsonosiphonia. Phytotaxa, Vol 451 No 1:1. doi:
Steinbach, R.M., Brock, K.C., Daehler, C.C.. 2020. New Island Record for Ochna serrulata on O‘ahu (Ochnaceae). Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey, Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 137: 3–5. url: ISSN: 2376-3191
Brock, K.C., Daehler, C.C., Imada, C.T., Kennedy, B.H. & Flynn, T.W. 2020. Recommendations for reporting records of nonnative plant species in the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 129: 109-124
Brock K.C., Daehler C.C.. 2020. Applying an invasion and risk framework to track non-native island floras: a case study of challenges and solutions in Hawai‘i. NeoBiota 62: 55-79. doi:
Wilson, J.R.U., Bacher, S., Daehler, C.C., Groom, Q.J., Kumschick, S., Lockwood. J.L., Robinson, T.B., Zengeya, T.A., Richardson, D.M. 2020. Frameworks used in invasion science: progress and prospects. NeoBiota 62: 1-30.
Essl, F., B. Lenzner, S. Bacher, S. Bailey, C. Capinha, C. Daehler, S. Dullinger, et al. 2020. Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert-based assessment. Global Change Biology 26: 4880–4893.
Wright, A.N., Yang, L.H., Piovia-Scott, J., Spiller, D.A., Schoener, T.W.. 2020. Consumer Responses to Experimental Pulsed Subsidies in Isolated versus Connected Habitats. The American Naturalist 196:3, 369-381. doi:
2019 & Previous Years
Maxfield, J.M., Cole, K.S.. 2019. Structural changes in the ovotestis of the bidirectional hermaphrodite, the blue-banded goby (Lythrypnus dalli), during transition from ova production to sperm production. Environ Biol Fish 102, 1393–1404. doi:
Maxfield, J.M., Cole, K.S.. 2019. Patterns of structural change in gonads of the divine dwarfgoby Eviota epiphanes as they sexually transition. J Fish Biol; 94: 142– 153. doi: