Oregon Flora Image Project
Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindl. round-leaved bog orchid - native?

This very distinctive bog orchid was reported to occur in Oregon in FNA and in VPPNW but has been deleted from the Oregon Flora Project Atlas due to absence of a known preserved specimen or reliable observation.  Any known occurrences in the state should be reported to OFP personnel.

Sensitive Species!

Click on an image for a larger version.  © Gerald D. Carr unless otherwise noted.

Pend Oreille Co., WASHINGTON, 7/14/2009, © Robert L. Carr Pend Oreille Co., WASHINGTON, 7/14/2009, © Robert L. Carr Pend Oreille Co., WASHINGTON, 7/14/2009, © Robert L. Carr
  Pend Oreille Co., WASHINGTON, 7/14/2009, © Robert L. Carr Pend Oreille Co., WASHINGTON, 7/14/2009, © Robert L. Carr  


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