Oregon Flora Image Project
Lotus corniculatus L. common birds-foot trefoil - exotic, naturalized

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Meadows on S side of Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, ca 5850 ft. elev., Clackamas Co., OR, 8/10/2007 Hwy 20, between 35th and 45th Streets, Corvallis, Benton Co., OR, 8/9/2006 Hwy 20, between 35th and 45th Streets, Corvallis, Benton Co., OR, 8/9/2006
Meadows on S side of Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, ca 5850 ft. elev., Clackamas Co., OR, 8/10/2007 Hwy 20, between 35th and 45th Streets, Corvallis, Benton Co., OR, 8/9/2006 Hwy 20, between 35th and 45th Streets, Corvallis, Benton Co., OR, 8/9/2006
  Hwy 20, between 35th and 45th Streets, Corvallis, Benton Co., OR, 8/9/2006 Meadows on S side of Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, ca 5850 ft. elev., Clackamas Co., OR, 8/10/2007  


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