Oregon Flora Image Project
Diplacus cusickii (Greene) G.L. Nesom Cusick's  monkeyflower - native

Click on an image for a larger version. All images © Gerald D. Carr unless otherwise noted.

Mounds of soil and gravel dumped between Hwy 20 and the Malheur River, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of Sperry, 2750 ft. elev., N43.78731, w117.84644, Malheur Co., OR, 6/6/2016 Mounds of soil and gravel dumped between Hwy 20 and the Malheur River, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of Sperry, 2750 ft. elev., N43.78731, w117.84644, Malheur Co., OR, 6/6/2016 Mounds of soil and gravel dumped between Hwy 20 and the Malheur River, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of Sperry, 2750 ft. elev., N43.78731, w117.84644, Malheur Co., OR, 6/6/2016 Mounds of soil and gravel dumped between Hwy 20 and the Malheur River, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of Sperry, 2750 ft. elev., N43.78731, w117.84644, Malheur Co., OR, 6/6/2016
  Mounds of soil and gravel dumped between Hwy 20 and the Malheur River, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of Sperry, 2750 ft. elev., N43.78731, w117.84644, Malheur Co., OR, 6/6/2016  


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