Oregon Flora Image Project
Crepis runcinata (E. James) Torrey & A. Gray  [see ssp.] - native

Click on an image for a larger version.  All images © Gerald D. Carr unless otherwise noted. 

ssp. hispidulosa (Howell ex Rydb.) Babc. & Stebbins meadow hawksbeard
1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014
1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014
  1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014 1.8 mi. air mi. NW of Dixon's Pond, 4.6 air mi. ENE of Sprague, 2090 ft. elev., N47.32247, W117.88285, Lincoln Co., WASHINGTON, 6/15/2014, © Robert L. Carr 2014  
ssp. imbricata Babc. & Stebbins imbricate hawksbeard
  Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014 Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014  
Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014 Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014 Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014
  Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014 Alkalai seep, 680 ft. due W of Hwy 95 at Crooked Creek crossing, ca. 6.2 mi. SW of Rome, 3590 ft. elev., N42.80475, W117.73772, Malheur Co., OR, 5/16/2014  


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