Belamcanda chinensis, leopard flower. Notice the distichous,
equitant, ensiform leaves. The lower photo shows perianth of 6, poorly differentiated
petaloid tepals, 3 stamens, inferior ovary, and capsular fruit. |
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora, montbretia. This is a species with
zygomorphic flowers. Note the petaloid tepals, 3 stamens, and inferior ovary. |
Dietes bicolor, African iris. Low herbaceous ornamental from
Africa with sword-like leaves in one plane. |
Dietes iridioides, African iris. The outer tepals have a bright
yellow spot and are opposite the petaloid style branches. The stigma is in the area of the
notched tip of each branch. One stamen is directly under and hidden by each style branch.
In the side view of a partly dissected flower (right photo), one of the stamens is
visible, directly below one of the petaloid style branches. The inferior ovary is also
clearly visible. |
Freesia sp. |
Gladiolus sp. |
Iris chrysophylla, yellow-flowered iris, vic.
Umpqua, OR, April, 2004. |
Iris tenax, purple iris, 1,2 - vic. Alsea Falls, OR,
2002, 3 - vic. Roseburg, OR, April, 2004. |
Neomarica caerulea, marica. The inner and outer
tepals are strongly differentiated in this species. A greenish yellow
stamen can be seen just outside 2 of the three fleshy white style
branches. |
Neomarica gracilis, walking iris, apostle plant. |
Olsynium douglasii, grass widows, OR, Mar. 2004. |
Sisyrinchium acre, mau'u la'ili, mau'u ho'ula i'ili, Hawaiian
endemic. |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium, narrowleaf blue-eyed
grass, vic. Cheney, WA, 1986. |
Trimezia martinicensis, trimeza. Ornamental herb from the West
Indies with blade-like leaves folded lengthwise and clasping the stem. Note
one stamen associated with each of the style branches. |
Schizostylis coccinea, kaffir lily. UBC Botanic
Garden, Vancouver. |