Emeriti Faculty
Emeritus Faculty members are granted library privileges after they have received their official appointment by the Board of Regents. Emeriti faculty must register their status with the library and Information Technology Services (ITS) for continued access to borrowing material and access to the Library’s E-resources. The library verifies an individual’s emeritus status using the list of emeriti as found in the official University of Hawaii at Manoa Catalog: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/catalog/about-uh/personnel/emeriti. If an individual is not found on the list of emeriti faculty, an official letter conferring emeritus status from the department chair including the UH Username and ID number of the faculty must be provided to the library’s circulation department for registration. Please note that although privileges are accorded for a lifetime, there are periodic re-registration processes in order to keep the library emeriti accounts active. For any questions or concerns, please contact the Hamilton Library Circulation Office by phone at (808)956-7203 or by email to uhmidreg@hawaii.edu
Emeriti Faculty Registration
Step 1
Emeriti Registration for library can be done at the Hamilton Library Circulation Counter. Please note that registration with the library needs to be resubmitted every 10 years or when a patron needs their information updated.
- For Emeriti registration, visit in-person at the Hamilton Library Circulation counter, Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm OR fill out the online Patron Registration Form.
- Online Library Patron Registration form
- For more information about borrowing and E-Resources, see Circulation Policy
Step 2
- Emeriti Faculty need to register their new emeritus status with the UH ITS Department. This will allow continued access to the Library’s e-resources
- Please note: ITS requires annual re-registration of the UH Username account.
- More information about ITS requirements for Emeriti faculty: See ITS Basic Online Services for Retirees and Emeriti