Russkaia pechat' v Kitae, IAponii i Koree
Russkaia pechat’ v Kitae, IAponii i Koree: katalog sobraniia Biblioteki imeni Gamil’tona Gavaiskogo universiteta
Patricia Polansky, Russkaia pechat’ v Kitae, IAponii i Koree: katalog sobraniia Biblioteki imeni Gamil’tona Gavaiskogo universiteta = Russian publications in China, Japan and Korea: catalog of a collection at Hamilton Library University of Hawaii; Edited by Amir Khisamutdinov. Moskva: Pashkov Dom, 2002. 201 p.: illus.
This catalog describes a unique collection of over 750 publications from the Russian emigration to China, Japan and Korea. Besides rare memoirs of the leaders of the White movement, and runs of émigré journals, the collection contains a selection of childrens’ books, religious materials, and textbooks for Chinese and Japanese languages. The catalog is illustrated with book covers, title pages, publishers symbols, ex-libris, and stamps of former owners and libraries. The collection has been well used by scholars from around the world, including Canada, Japan, Finland, China, Russia, England and the U.S.
This publication was supported by the Klaus Mehnert fund. Dr. Mehnert (1906-1984) was an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Hawaii [UH] from 1937 to 1941 where he began to teach courses on Russia in Asia. Mehnert added the first books in English and Russian to the UH Library dealing with general topics of history about Russia and the Soviet Union, as well as, those with a specific focus on Siberia and the Far East. He wrote a booklet on The Russians in Hawaii (Honolulu: 1939), and during WWII he lived in Shanghai where he edited a journal called The XXth Century (Shanghai: 1941-45, 8v.)
About the Authors
Patricia Polansky has been the Russian Bibliographer at Hamilton Library since 1970, and was formerly the Director of the SHAPS Center for Russia in Asia (1988-92).
Amir Khisamutdinov is a scholar from Vladivostok, Russia, who was first invited to UH in 1992 for the SHAPS Andrews Chair. He has returned to UH numerous times, most recently being hosted by Hamilton Library as a Fulbright Research Scholar (2001/02).