ʻUkulele, Soprano, from Kala
Kala KA-15S-S soprano ʻukulele with bag and neck strap.
Other available sizes of ʻukulele include the Concert (larger) and the Tenor (largest) styles.
See Circulation Desk to check out items.
- can be borrowed for 1 week at a time, can be renewed up to three times if no one else requests the item, and is subject to the UH Libraries Circulation Policy
- cost if lost: $120 + late fines
- pieces per unit: 3
Additional Information
Tuning the 'Ukulele
A video on tuning is available from the Kala website.
Clip-on tuning devices can be borrowed from Hamilton Library.
Tuning applications are also available for smartphones.
Books at Hamilton Library (UHM login required)
Ukulele for Dummies
Alistair Wood
Uke can do it 2! : classroom ukulele method
Philip Tamberino
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Copies located in the Hawaii-Pacific Collection often have limited circulation. Items with only copy cannot leave the Reading Room.
The Hawai‘i State Public Library is offering free online music lessons via ArtistWorks. A State Library account is required.