Sony Alpha a6000 Mirrorless Digital D-SLR Camera
Sony Alpha a6000 Mirrorless Digital Camera 24.3MP digital SLR Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD (Black).
View manufacturer's product page.
requires SD card as separate check-out. Available in 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB sizes.
See Circulation Desk to check out items.
- can be borrowed for 1 week at a time, can be renewed up to three times if no one else requests the item, and is subject to the UH Libraries Circulation Policy
- cost if lost: $600 + late fines
- pieces per unit: 8
Additional Information
Books at Hamilton Library

Digital SLR cameras and photography for dummies
David Busch
available from Hamilton Library as an online book

Digital SLR video & filmmaking for dummies
John Carucci
available from Hamilton Library as an online book
List of Parts

- Camera body
- 16-50mm Power Zoom Len, attached
- Lens filter, attached ($10 charge if not returned)
- Lens cap, attached ($10 charge if not returned)
- Battery, in camera ($50 charge if not returned)
- Charging block ($10 charge if not returned)
- Cable ($10 charge if not returned)
- Carrying bag
To Adjust F-stop settings:
- click on the Fn2 button
- use the left and right buttons to navigate to the “Aperture Value”
- click the up button
- change the value as needed