Panasonic G7 - D-SLR Camera


Panasonic DMC – G7 Camera. Includes: camera body, camera lens, camera bag and strap, UV lens (on lens), battery, charger, wall block, cable to connect camera to USB, cable to connect charger to block, and lens hood.

Requires SD card as separate check-out. Available in 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB sizes.

Extra batteries and a stabilizing gimbal are available.

Please reset the camera before and after use.

  1. Click on the "Menu/Set" button
  2. Click "Setup"
  3. Select "Reset"


  • can be borrowed for 1 week at a time, can be renewed up to three times if no one else requests the item, and is subject to the UH Libraries Circulation Policy
  • cost if lost: $600 + late fines
  • pieces per unit: 10
Panasonic G7 Camera

Additional Information

Download the manual (PDF) here.

Please reset the camera: click on the "Menu/Set" button, click "Setup" and then select "Reset"

Books at Hamilton Library

image of cover for Digital SLR cameras and photography for dummies

Digital SLR cameras and photography for dummies

David Busch

available from Hamilton Library as an online book

image of cover for Digital SLR video & filmmaking for dummies

Digital SLR video & filmmaking for dummies

John Carucci

available from Hamilton Library as an online book

List of Parts

Image with list of Parts
  1. Camera body
  2. Camera lens
  3. Camera bag and strap
  4. UV lens ($10 charge if not returned)
  5. Battery ($25 charge if not returned)
  6. Charger ($20 charge if not returned)
  7. Wall block ($10 charge if not returned)
  8. Cable to connect camera to USB ($10 charge if not returned)
  9. Cable to connect charger to block ($10 charge if not returned)
  10. Lens cap ($10 charge if not returned)
  11. Lens hood ($50 charge if not returned)


Loanable Technology

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