I Mana I Ka Wai: DHHL Water Law & Advocacy Trainings

Jonathan Scheuer, Ph.D., provides insight into DHHL’s water policy and what it means for homestead communities.
On August 15, 2018, Ka Huli Ao in partnership with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands presented the fourth of ten I Mana I Ka Wai Water Law & Advocacy Trainings for Hawaiian homestead communities in Anahola, Kauaʻi. After a presentation by Ka Huli Ao Director Kapua Sproat and Post-JD Fellow Mahina Tuteur on the relevant legal framework and homesteaders’ unique water rights and responsibilities, Ayron Strauch, Ph.D., hydrologist for the Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM), updated the crowd on the process to establish interim instream flow standards (IIFSs) for two streams in Wailua, Waiʻaleʻale and Waikoko. Next, Jonathan Scheuer, Ph.D., discussed the evolution and passage of DHHL’s water policy, as well as next steps. Current law student Luʻukia Nakanelua presented a case study on DHHL’s interests in the CWRM process to update the IIFSs for Wailua.
Training Materials: