Lloyd J.
Catalog of Hawaiʻi Place Names
Lloyd J. Soehren's Catalog of Hawaiʻi Place Names

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All content courtesy of:
Lloyd J. Soehren

Database and web pages maintained by: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library. Contact:

For a "drill-down" geography-based version, see Hawaiian Place Names on Ulukau.

Lloyd J. Soehren's Catalog of Hawaiʻi Place Names
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All of the terms: queens bath From the fields: Place Name, Ahupuaʻa

Your search retrieved: 1 record

Search results are sorted by: Island, Ahupuaʻa, Place Name

1) Place Name: Queens Bath   Ahupuaʻa: Kahaualea    Island: Hawaiʻi (Puna)   Feature: pool
Cat. No.: 311.09.001   Quad: 10-63   N: 184,100   E: 666,200
Comments: "Large warm spring pool... formerly called Puʻu-loa."
Source: Pukui, Elbert & Mookini, Place Names of Hawaii 207; United States Geological Survey 1966.
id: 10992