Elizabeth Blankespoor, Professor of Accounting and Marguerite Reimers Endowed Faculty Fellow, Foster School of Business, University of Washington
Elizabeth Blankespoor is a Professor of Accounting and Marguerite Reimers Endowed Faculty Fellow at the University of Washington Foster School of Business. Professor Blankespoor’s research focuses on corporate disclosure in capital markets, and especially on the role of information processing costs and information technology in the flow of firms’ financial information. She has published in top accounting peer reviewed journals, including the Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE), the Journal of Accounting Research (JAR), The Accounting Review (TAR), and the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST), and her work has received several awards, including the AAA FARS Best Paper Award (2017, 2021), the AAA FARS Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award (2017), and the RAST Conference Best Paper Award (2021). She is currently an editor of RAST, was an editor at TAR from 2020-2023, and is on the editorial board of JAE. Before joining UW Foster, she served on the faculty of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She has won several awards for her teaching including the Stanford MSx Teaching Excellence Award, Stanford MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, and UW Foster Full-Time MBA Professor of the Year. She holds a PhD from the University of Michigan, a MAcc from the University of Utah, and a B.A. from Dordt University.
Teaching Schedule: June 16 ~ June 19, 2024
Faculty webpage: https://foster.uw.edu/faculty-research/directory/elizabeth-blankespoor/
Faculty Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RuXDiTQAAAAJ&hl=en
Jacqueline S. Hammersley, Harold M. Heckman Chair of Public Accounting at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Jackie Hammersley is the Harold M. Heckman Chair of Public Accounting at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. Dr. Hammersley was an Editor at The Accounting Review from 2017-2020 and the Deputy Senior Editor and an Editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory from 2020-2023 and 2014-2017, respectively; she currently continues as an Editor at AJPT. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Accounting, Organizations and Society, and Managerial Auditing Journal. Her research focuses on auditor judgment and decision making, particularly auditing complex estimates and how auditor-client interactions affect audit quality outcomes. Her dissertation won the American Accounting Association Competitive Manuscript Award. She has also received the Wildman Medal, the Notable Contributions in Auditing Award, and the Outstanding Dissertation Advisor Award, among other awards. She holds a Ph.D. and M.A.S from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Teaching Schedule: June 11 ~ June 14, 2024
Faculty webpage: https://www.terry.uga.edu/directory/people/jacqueline-s-hammersley
Faculty Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6RVk4iUAAAAJ&hl=en
Thomas J. Linsmeier, Thomas G. Ragatz Accounting and Law Distinguished Chair and Richard J. Johnson Chair of the Department of Accounting and information Systems in the Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tom Linsmeier is the Thomas G. Ragatz Accounting and Law Distinguished Chair and Richard J. Johnson Chair of the Department of Accounting and information Systems in the Wisconsin School of Business. Dr. Linsmeier was formerly a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and an Academic Fellow and Special Consultant to the Office of the Chief Accountant at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He also has held faculty positions at the University of Iowa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Michigan State University.
His research explores the role of accounting information in capital markets, focusing on standard setting issues. His work has been published in The Accounting Review; Journal of Accounting Research; Review of Accounting Studies; Contemporary Accounting Research; Management Science; amongst other accounting journals.
He has served the American Accounting Association as president of the Financial and Accounting Reporting Section and received its Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. He received his Ph.D. and MBA from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and his BBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Teaching Schedule: June 22 ~ June 25, 2024
Faculty webpage: https://business.wisc.edu/directory/profile/tom-linsmeier/
Faculty Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=44XNe5oAAAAJ&hl=en
Sugata Roychowdhury, DeWitt W. Buchanan Jr. Professor, Professor of Accounting Information & Management, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Professor Sugata Roychowdhury’s research focuses on the influence of managers’ incentives on their reporting and disclosure choices and operational and investment decisions. His most recent research focuses on the interaction between voluntary and mandatory disclosures, the implications of capital market developments, regulatory guidelines, corporate courts for managers’ reporting choices, and the real consequences of these choices. His work has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Accounting & Economics (JAE), the Journal of Accounting Research (JAR), The Accounting Review (TAR), and the Review of Accounting Studies (RAS). Professor Roychowdhury is on the editorial review board of the JAE and an Associate Editor at JAR.
Dr. Roychowdhury joined Kellogg in the summer of 2020 as the Director of Graduate Studies in Accounting Information and Management (AIM) and the MBA Financial Accounting Core Coordinator. Before Kellogg, he held the Director of the Ph.D. program and the Managerial Accounting Core Coordinator at Boston College. At the Sloan School of Management at MIT, he held the Financial Accounting Core Coordinator and the Theodore T. Miller (1922) Career Development Chair for research for seven years.
Teaching Schedule: June 27 ~ June 30, 2024
Faculty webpage: https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/directory/roychowdhury_sugata.aspx
Faculty Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=d56Id8MAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao