Hawaiian History/Theory
THEA 468 Drama and Theatre of Hawaiʻi (3) Survey of indigenous theatre forms of Hawaiʻi, Native Hawaiian, and other ethnic playwrights, and contemporary multicultur- al landscape of drama and theatre in Hawai’i. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 101 (with a minimum grade of B), or consent. DH
THEA 668 Advanced Topics in Theatre of Hawaiʻi (3) Analysis of Hawai‘i’s indigenous performance traditions, the contemporary multicultural landscape of theatre in Ko Hawai‘i Pae ‘Āina, and the representation of Kanaka Maoli and settler voices on Hawai‘i’s stages. Pre: Graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 668)
Pacific History/Theory
THEA 462 Drama and Theatre of Oceania (3) Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawaiʻi, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: 101 or ANTH 350, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACS 462) DH
Hawaiian Performance
THEA 424 Hawaiian Performance Workshop (3) Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Hawaiian performance forms and Hawaiian medium theatre. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable one time. Pre: 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 424) DA
To view the showcase from the 2019 offering of THEA 424, click here!
HAW 486 Kahua Hanakeaka (Hawaiian Medium Stage Production) (3) From design to performance, students mount an original production based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), or consent.
Hawaiian Puppetry:
THEA 478 Hula Kiʻi: Hawaiian Puppetry and Image Dancing (3) History, techniques, construction, and performance of Hawaiian puppetry and traditional image dancing. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. DA
Hawaiian Movement / Dance
HAW 427 I Leʻa Ka Hula I Ka Hoʻopaʻa (Moʻolelo, Kaʻao, Mele and Hula) (3) The incorporation of mele and hula performance with moʻolelo and kaʻao. Pre: 302 or consent.
MUS 412 Hula/Chant Ensemble II (2) Ancient style. Pre: 312 or consent. MUS 413 Hula/Chant Ensemble III (2) Ancient style; hālau protocol. Pre: 412. Hawaiian Music / Papa Mele:
DNCE 433 Movement Workshop (V) special workshops in movements relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 433)
HAW 484 Hawaiian Poetry (3) Historical survey and analysis of poetry found in tradi- tional chants, folk songs, modern poetry written in Hawaiian. Interpreting and compos- ing Hawaiian poetry. Pre: 302 and consent, or 401. DL
HAW 684 Noiʻi Mele (3) Intensive study focusing on original compositions of Hawaiian poetry and song. Pre: 402 and 484, or consent.
Hawaiian Playwriting
HAW 485 Haku Hanakeaka–Hawaiian Language Playwriting (3) The creation and au- thoring of Hawaiian language play scripts based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent. DA
Local Theatre
THEA 224 Pidgin/HCE Drama (3) Introduction to Hawaiian Creole English (HCE) multicultural comedy and drama in Hawaiʻi. Emphasis on acting exercises, local dia- lects, and the performance of Pidgin/HCE plays. Repeatable one time with consent. DA
Hawaiian & Indigenous Research
THEA 768 Seminar in Hawaiian & Indigenous Performance (3) Exploration, analysis, and application of Kanaka Maoli and Indigenous research methodologies, epistemologies, performance theory, methods, and praxis. Repeatable two times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.