For all questions related to the GSO Academic Enrichment Awards, email gsogrant@hawaii.edu. Mahalo!

  • How can you check if you are a GSO fee-paying member?
    • Check your semester e-statement and look for view student account on MyUH > My Account > Student Account Activity > Check current semester for “Manoa Student Grad Fee”
    • If you paid this you are a fee paying member
  • Can I apply for travel and accommodations?
    • No, in this new pilot you may only apply for one category: travel, accommodations, or registration for the event you are attending. You get to decide what your highest priority is
  • Do I have to present at the event I’m attending?
    • No, you do not need to be a presenter to get GSO funding for attending an event. However, each application needs to have a letter of support from a faculty member which indicates that attendance at this event is important towards your degree achievement.
  • Can the travel award be used for car rentals or other travel besides by plane?
    • GSO cannot pay for car rentals or any other per diem costs. If travel to your destination requires travel other than plane travel (bus or train) GSO can reimburse that as long as you have clear documentation and receipts for the non-airfare travel.
  • What if my fee was paid for another person?
    • If paid by another person: need a scan of their credit card, their credit card statement showing the charge, and a signed & dated statement saying they are OK with payment being reimbursed to the awardee
  • What is the maximum amount of time after an event that you are allowed to apply for a reimbursement award?
    • This new pilot focuses on applying within a specific period for events within that term. So if your event starts between Jan 1 – June 30th you need to apply in the Spring G&A cycle, even if the event hasn’t happened yet. If the event starts July 1-Dec 31, you should apply in the Fall semester cycle. We will only be accepting applications once per semester.