Soil Plant Nutrient Relations

TPSS 650


Russell Yost

Semesters taught:

Fall 2016


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Learn how soil, nutrients, and plants affect societal goals / challenges of Food Security, Global Climate Change, and Environmental Health.

2. Read, summarize, and critique current research in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Soil Acidity or Carbon.

3. Learn to discuss, share, and value diverse ideas, thoughts, and opinions in developing your own thoughts.

4. Learn and appreciate the skill of writing as a useful step in learning and thinking.

Skills and knowledge to be acquired:

Soil-plant interactions, emphasis on characteristics of tropical soils and plants influencing nutrient uptake by plants. Diagnostic methods to identify nutrient deficiencies and element toxicity.


Google Classroom

Computer skills to be acquired:

Use of Endnote software Advanced use of Excel spreadsheets


TPSS 450 or consent

Course organization:

The course is comprised of 3 components: 1) Lectures, available online, and recorded, 2) Critical reviews of current literature, and 3) Discussion of lecture topics, literature.


1. Three critical reviews of current research literature

    a. Nitrogen (15 pts.)

    b. Phosphorus (15 pts.)

    c. Acidity / Carbon (15 pts.)

2. Proposal or experimental investigation ( 25 pts.)

3. Participation in weekly discussion (10pts.)

4. Exercises (10pts.)

5. Final exam (Comprehensive) ( 10pts.)