Vegetable Crop Production
TPSS 401
Theodore Radovich
Students will be made aware of the crop biologies and climatic requirements for many of the vegetables grown in Hawaii. Specialized production techniques, IPM, specialty crops will also be discussed.
Skills and knowledge to be acquired:
Students will be made aware of the many changes that have occurred in the vegetable industry. The emergence of large scale operations has brought the demise of the small grower. Specialization is a necessary ingredient to survive in the vegetable industry today.
Computer skills to be acquired:
TPSS 300 or consent
Required Text: Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers. D.N. Maynard and G.J. Hochmuth. 5th edition. Hamilton Library Reference Call # SB321 .M392 2007
Additional Reading:
World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Values. V.E. Rubatzky and M. Yamaguchi. Hamilton Library Reference Call # SB320.9 .R83 1997
Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii's Soils: Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. J.A. Silva, and R.S. Uchida.
The Physiology of Vegetable Crops. Edited by H.C. Wien. Hamilton Library Call # SB 324.6 .P48 1997
Films and videos:
Films and videos may be utilized if the opportunity arises.
Guest Speakers:
Guest speakers may be utilized if the opportunity arises.
Field Trips:
There will be numerous field trips during the lab section of the course. Students will be exposed to vegetable operations(large and small), specialized operations, vegetable marketing systems(wholesale, retail, open market, etc), and other activities as they relate to the vegetable industry.
Course organization:
Subject areas to be covered include: seed germination, seedlings and transplants, insects, disease and weeds as related to vegetables, irrigation, hydroponic techniques, fertilizer requirements, fertigation, greenhouses, rainshelters, windbreaks, plasticulture, harvesting and marketing. In addition, each student will prepare a term paper and present a 15 minute oral report on the specific aspects of one vegetable crop.
The final grade will consist of a laboratory section grade (33%), a mid-term exam (26%), a final exam (26%) and a term paper and oral report (15%).