The Hawaii State 4-H Livestock Scholarship is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 year.
The deadline to submit is August 15, 2022.
This one-time scholarship award is given to 4-H graduating senior members pursuing higher education when they are accepted by an accredited college, university, technical or trade school and begin attending within one year of application.
The amounts of awards will depend on the number of qualified applicants and on the funds available.
Download the Fillable Application
Mail completed and signed scholarship application (with essay) before August 15, 2022 to:
Hawaii 4-H Livestock Scholarship
c/o Hawaii State 4-H Livestock Council
1955 East-West Road, Ag Sci Bldg, #216
Honolulu, HI 96822
Contact your county agent with questions or for more information.