2022 American AgCredit Scholarship
The education scholarship from American AgCredit has been released for 2022.
The form can be downloaded in a Word document or PDF document format.
The Scholarship can be used at the school of the recipient’s choice, (i.e. college, university, or trade school) to begin or continue their education as an underclassman (graduate students are not eligible).
This application must include the following:
• Proof of enrollment in the college, university or trade school they will attend.
• Candidates must provide documentation to show intent to further their education in an agricultural related field.
• Two letters of recommendation (no family members please).
• Copy of last report card or transcript.
• Short essay on “What future does Tropical Agriculture have for the young” (500 word minimum).
• List of agriculturally related activities (4-H, Future Farmers, etc.) the applicant is (or has been) involved in.