Thank you to everyone who joined us for Pushpa Palanchoke’s Residency.

[In Person] All Events are open to the public.
Kathakali artist Kuttikkatt Manoj Kumar and scholar Viswanatha Kurup Kaladharan are in residence for two days, Nov 7 & 8, 2023. They will have one activity each day: one lecture-demonstration, and one performance-demonstration in full dress.
November 7:
6pm-7pm – Lecture by Viswanatha Kurup Kaladharan
Followed by
7pm-8pm – Kathakali Performance by Manoj Kuma
November 8:
9:30am-10:45am – Movement Workshop
[In Person] Join us for the upcoming Pallavi Banerjee Book Talk
The Opportunity Trap: High-Skilled Workers, Indian Families, and the Failures of the Dependent Visa Program.
This event is co-sponsored by the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department and The Center for South Asian Studies.

This book talk explores how Indian immigrants grapple with the liminality of their positions as temporary workers or nonworking spouses as well as aspiring citizens after they migrate with their families to the U.S. for work. Drawing on extensive qualitative data from in-depth interviews, observations, and archival research, Banerjee compares the work and family lives of two distinct groups of Indian immigrants: men tech workers and women nurses relocating with their spouses, who arrive on H-4 dependent visas. She unravels the dissonance between the state’s perception of these migrants as internationally mobile skilled workers and the immigrant subjects’ tribulations when negotiating the contradictory expectations of being ideal citizens/workers/families without having the security of permanence in the U.S. She also shows how restrictions on the spouses of migrant temporary workers, who are not allowed to work for pay as a condition of their dependent visas in the U.S., constrain and fracture individuals and their families, leading many to refer to the dependent visas as “vegetable visas” and “prison visas.” Visa policies that are framed as legally gender- and race-neutral, in fact, have gendered and racialized ramifications for visa holders and their spouses. Banerjee shows how her research participants struggle to negotiate their lives within a visa regime embedded in a gendered and racialized system of oppression.
For more information about Pallavi and her book visit our website.
When: November 8, 2023 | 3pm – 4:15pm
Where: George Hall, 301B
Tea, coffee, and very light refreshments will be provided.

[ONLINE] Odisha’s lessons in governance: case studies of natural disasters and the pandemic
With only 0.55 beds available for every 1,000 people, India’s public health system struggled to cope with the COVID-19 crisis, even while out-of-pocket expenditure pushed millions back into poverty leading to economic, educational, and equity distress. Also, with the increase in the use of technology, concerns about data privacy and citizens’ right to privacy emerged. Tensions between the State and Centre over the allocation of funds built up as budgetary resources started dwindling for both. Amidst these multifarious challenges in several sectors, there were States like Odisha which stood out, by adopting the famed 5T framework of governance which forms the overarching policy approach in what has now gained prominence as the Odisha Model of growth and development. Odisha Government’s handling of the covid crisis riding on its earlier experience in handling natural disasters has been applauded nationally as well as globally. Pandemic Disruptions and Odisha’s Lessons in Governance compiles various essays that the author wrote during the pandemic years outlining India’s and Odisha’s fight against COVID and all the concomitant unintended consequences while also commenting on how either policy planning or implementation could possibly have been better, setting out a roadmap for the future. Several of these policy prescriptions were later adopted by the Government.
When: Thursday, November 9, 2023 | 6:30-7:30PM HST
This is a virtual event, to Register:
In order by upcoming deadlines.
Common Scholarship Application Now Open! Please check out the many opportunities that are available.
Call for Papers: Research Workshop on Gender, Youth, and Media in Asia
The proposed workshop will focus on interdisciplinary approaches to gender and sexuality research, and invites papers from scholars whose work connects to disciplines such as geography, linguistics, anthropology, communications, and media studies. In particular, the workshop will highlight research within three key streams (Media and Discourse, Youth and Society, and Borders and Boundaries), with a particular focus on Asia and explore how these streams might intersect. Only original and previously unpresented/unpublished submissions will be accepted.
Paper title, 350-words abstract and short biography (up to 150 words) are to be submitted to
Deadline TODAY: November 3, 2023
Fellowships for Early Career Researchers / Career Development Fellowships 2024
The University of Oxford – Merton College is taking applications for Fellowships for Early Career Researchers / Career Development Fellowships 2024 in the following fields: Humanities & Social Sciences: Anthropology, Archaeology, History Sciences: Mathematics, Computer Science
Visit the job posting for more information.
Deadline: November 10, 2023.
Cultural Heritage Funding: New MEAP Grants Available (2023-24)
The Modern Endangered Archives Program (MEAP) is a UCLA Library granting program. We fund projects that document, digitize, and make accessible endangered archival materials from the 20th and 21st Centuries. Collections focus on history, society, culture, and politics, with an emphasis on social justice, human rights activism, cultural production, indigenous experiences, and under-documented communities. Materials may include print, photography, film, audio, ephemera, and digital objects.
Increased Grant Amounts for all documentation and digitization awards.Planning Grants can now budget up to $20,000 for organization and inventory work; Project Grants up to $70,000 for digitization and metadata creation.
New Grant Opportunity. Regional Grants should be used to create digital collections that include cultural heritage materials from three or more institutions, families, or archival repositories but related to one theme, community or historical event.
Join us in the essential work of ensuring access to cultural heritage and communal memory.
All details available at
Preliminary Applications due November 13, 2023
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an immersive summer opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world.The CLS Program provides opportunities for American college and university students to study languages and cultures essential to America’s engagement with the world.
For more information visti:
Application Deadline: November 14, 2023 at 8pm EST.
Wasafiri Magazine is Accepting Themed Creative Submissions
From November 1- 15 only, Wasifiri Magazine will be taking Fiction, Life Writing, and Poetry. For more information and submissions guidleines please visit:
Deadline: Submissions only accepted November 1 -November 15
Call for Papers, International Conference – Christianity and Christians in Pakistan
Outcomes: Major outcomes of this conference will be a special issue of a leading journal based on selected papers, a handbook of Christianity in Pakistan, and policy papers and briefs.
Process: To participate in the conference, please send a 200-word abstract with a copy of your CV to
Deadline: Midnight GMT on November 15, 2023.
Note: There is no conference registration fee.
For more information:
Fung Global Fellows Program
During the 10-month academic year 2024-25, the program theme will be “Colonial Residues.” Colonialism is frequently evoked today as a root cause of global inequity or, in some jarring instances, nostalgic celebration. In both the “new” states and the “old” ones that reluctantly let them go, colonialism’s many impacts are ubiquitous—its traces often tangible and measurable, shaping political regimes and socioeconomic wellbeing while also determining whose stories are told and by whom; whose achievements are celebrated and how; and whose resources are used, removed, or polluted. Even when not immediately visible, colonial residues are arguably present, much like the microplastics that now pervade air, water, and earth.
For information on submission materials and to apply, please visit their website:,
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2023 (11:59 p.m. ET).
AIIS Fellowships
The American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) invites applications from scholars from all disciplines who wish to conduct their research in India. Junior fellowships are given to doctoral candidates at universities in the U.S. to conduct research for their dissertations in India for up to eleven months. Senior long-term (six to nine months) and short-term (four months or less) fellowships are available for scholars who hold the Ph.D. degree. Scholarly/Professional development fellowships are available to scholars and professionals who have not previously worked in India. Creative and Performing Arts fellowships are available to practitioners of the arts of India. Eligible applicants include 1) U.S. citizens; and 2) citizens of other countries who are students or faculty members at U.S. colleges and universities (this rule does not apply to U.S. citizens).
Applications can be downloaded from the web site For more information please contact the American Institute of Indian Studies (773) 702-8638. Email: Web site:
Application deadline: November 15, 2023.
WWF Nepal
WWF Nepal invites proposals for Student Research Grant from all eligible students who are pursuing their master’s degree in environment science, forestry, wildlife, biodiversity, and natural resource management. Eligible applicants are requested to submit an electronic copy of the proposal along with the institutional recommendation to by 5:00 pm, 20 November 2023 with “Student Research Grant” as the subject line and in accordance to the application format and guidelines.
For more information:
Deadline: November 20, 2023
Library Treasure Scholarships
The University of Hawaiʻi Library at Mānoa invites applications for the 2023-24 Library Treasures Scholarships. The scholarships promote the use of the Library’s collections, raise awareness about the educational values of our library’s unique holdings, and make use of the expertise of subject specialist librarians. Students in any discipline and at any level of study are invited to submit proposals of projects that involve the use of the UHM Library’s collections, and whose final outcome will result in the production of a research or creative piece. One may compete individually or form a team. In the case of a team, the scholarship will be split evenly among the team members. Scholarship: $500 per proposal.
Proposal submission deadline: Friday, November 24, 2023 (by midnight). Notification to scholarship recipients: Friday, December 15, 2023. Further information here.
The Library of Congress Fellowship Applications
The Library of Congress has a number of fellowship applications open now! These range from summer opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to post-doctoral research fellowships.
For more information, visit:
Deadline: November 24, 2023
Robert H N Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies
Launched in 2014, the Program in Buddhist Studies, administered by the American Council of Learned Societies, promotes the academic study of Buddhism and the dissemination of knowledge of Buddhism through support for dissertations, research, and writing, and by assisting institutions to establish new, tenure-track teaching positions. Annual symposia foster networks and knowledge sharing amongst scholars. More Information | Deadline: November 30, 2023
Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Asia Health Policy Program at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) promotes a comparative understanding of health and health policy in the Asia-Pacific region. From its inception, the program has been committed to fostering the next generation of Asia health policy researchers. Each year the program offers a postdoctoral fellowship position to a recent doctoral graduate.
Applicants should arrange for TWO (2) letters of recommendation to be emailed directly to Shorenstein APARC.
Submit all your application materials and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be emailed directly to Lisa Lee at
For more information:
Deadline: December 1, 2023
Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellowship on Contemporary Asia
Each year the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) offers two postdoctoral fellowship positions to junior scholars for research and writing on contemporary Asia. The primary research areas focus on political, economic, or social change in the Asia-Pacific region (including Northeast, Southeast, and South Asia), or on international relations and international political economy in the region. The fellowships are made possible through the generosity of APARC’s benefactor, Walter H. Shorenstein.
For more information visit:
The submission deadline is December 1, 2023.
Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab (SNAPL) Fellowships
Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab is offering one or two postdoctoral fellowships (two years in length) to begin in fall quarter 2024. Applications for these fellowships are due by December 1, 2023.
The Lab is also offering two visiting scholar positions to researchers from Asia. Applications for these positions close on March 1, 2024 More Information
CAORC Multi – Country Research Fellowship
The Multi-Country Research Fellowship is now accepting applications! This fellowship enables US scholars to carry out trans-regional and comparative research in countries across the network of Overseas Research Centers (ORCs), as well as other countries. The Multi-Country Research Fellowship has been running since 1993 and supports advanced research in the humanities, social sciences, and allied natural sciences for US doctoral candidates, who are ‘all but dissertation,’ and scholars who have earned their PhD or terminal degree. Scholars must carry out research in two or more countries outside the US, at least one of which must host a participating ORC. Applicants are eligible to apply as individuals or as teams and independent scholars are also eligble to apply. Twelve awards of $12,600 will be granted.
Each year the highest ranking Multi-Country Fellowship applicant will receive an additional $1,000 toward travel expenses through the Mary Ellen Lane Multi-Country Travel Award. The award is named after CAORC’s founding director, Dr. Mary Ellen Lane.
Minority scholars and scholars from Minority-Serving Institutions are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: December 6, 2023 | Apply here. | Questions:
Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship
APARC invites applications for our 2024-25 Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship. We welcome submissions from candidates studying evidence-based health or healthcare policy of high relevance to low- and middle-income countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Applications are due by December 1, 2023 Deadline: December 31 | More info:
Call for Poetry – Asian American Writers’ Worshop (AAWW)the Asian American Writers’ Workshop launched a set of online magazines in order to build conversations around cutting-edge ideas in Asian American literature, art, and social justice. The Marginsis our award-winning magazine of arts and ideas dedicated to charting the rise of the Asian American creative class through essays, interviews, and creative writing.
For more information and submission guidelines visit:
Deadline: December 31, 2023
Call for Papers: “Asia: Our Global Future”
The Organizing Committee of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) 2024 at University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo invites college and university faculty, K-12 schoolteachers, independent scholars and graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in Asian or Asian diaspora studies to submit proposals for organized panels, roundtable discussions, individual papers or poster presentations on historical or contemporary topics in the humanities, arts, social sciences, education, health, law, business, environmental sciences or other disciplines related to Asia and the Asian diasporas.
Early submission deadline is on December 31, 2023.
For more information:
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program now open!
The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program provides U.S. educators in the arts, social sciences and humanities with opportunities to participate in short-term seminars abroad to improve their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. In 2024 summer seminars will be offered in Finland, Thailand, and Colombia.
For more information and how to apply visit:
Deadline: January 4, 2024
CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA)
The Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) is excited to announce that the application for the 2024 CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA) is now open! The CAUSE Leadership Academy (CLA), is a nine-week paid internship program for college undergraduates and recent graduates that prepares students and recent graduates to lead and advocate for the civic engagement and political empowerment of the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community. For more information visit:
To apply use the google form.
Deadline: January 28, 2024
AIIS Summer 2024 and Academic Year 2024-2025 Language Programs
The American Institute of Indian Studies welcomes applications for its summer 2024 and academic year 2024-2025 language programs. Programs to be offered include Hindi (Jaipur), Bengali (Kolkata), Punjabi (Chandigarh), Tamil (Madurai); Marathi (Pune), Urdu (Lucknow), Telugu (Hyderabad), Gujarati (Ahmedabad), Kannada (Mysore), Malayalam (Thiruvananthapuram), Mughal Persian (Lucknow), Sanskrit (Pune) and Pali/Prakrit (Pune). We will offer other Indian languages upon request.
For more information:
Application Deadline: January 31, 2024. Applications can be downloaded from the AIIS web site For more information: Email:

The J. Watumull Scholarship is now open! This scholarship for the Study of India provides support for University of Hawai`i System undergraduate or graduate students with focused and well-developed proposals to study for a minimum of two months in India. The scholarship will support students in any field, including the professional schools and community college programs.
Applications must be submitted through the UH System Common Scholarship Application website.
For more information please visit our website. Deadline: May 1, 2024.
You can view presentations by our 2023 J. Watumull Scholarship awardees Alia Jeraj and Kavya Bhagawatula on our visit website

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for our upcoming Spring Symposium 2024, on South Asian Futures. The symposium aims to provide a platform for scholars and visionaries to engage in discussion, share insight and explore the diverse dimensions of futures as imagined, and as people have striven to realize them, from South Asian perspectives, including diaspora and transnational perspectives.
DATE: April 10-12, 2024
LOCATION: University of Hawaii at Manoa
For More information and submission guidelines visit:
Asian Development Bank Visiting Fellow Program
Our Visiting Fellow Program allows researchers and academics to share their ongoing or recently completed economic research at ADB headquarters in Manila. Women and applicants from ADB developing member countries are encouraged to apply. ROLLING DEADLINE. Learn more about the program:
Positions open until filled unless otherwise noted.
Assistant/Associate Curator, Modern and Contemporary Asian and Asian Diaspora Art
Asia Society New York has posted for the position of Assistant/Associate Curator. For more information visit:
Assistant/Associate John H. Foster Curator, Pre-Modern Asian Art
Asia Society New York has posted for the position of Assistant/Associate Curator. For more information visit:
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Religious Studies in the Area of Buddhist Studies
Fairfield University’s Department of Religious Studies invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Religious Studies in the area of Buddhist Studies beginning in the fall of 2024 (pending final budget approval). For more information visit:
Deadline TODAY: November 3, 2023
Assistant Professor: South Asian History University of California San Diego is advertising for an assistant professor in South Asian History.
For more information:
Deadline: November 6, 2023
Transnational Asian Studies – Rice University: School of Humanities
Rice University is advertising for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor in the study of Southeast Asia, with a preferred sub-field in Asian-American/Diasporic Studies, Medical Humanities, Environmental Studies, Science and Technology, or the study of Gender and Sexuality. For more information visit:
Deadline: November 15, 2023
Assistant Professor, East Asian or South Asian Art History The Department of Art & Art History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professorship in East Asian or South Asian Art History. For more information:
Deadline: November 16, 2023
Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Global Asias Pennsylvania State University invites applications for an Assistant Professor position (tenure-track) with a specialization in comparative approaches to the literatures and cultures of Global Asias, broadly understood.
For more information:
Application Review Begins: December 1, 2023
Assistant Professor with expertise in Asian Refugee Literatures and Cultures
Simon Fraser University is advertising for a full-time tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor with expertise in Asian Refugee Literatures and Cultures, to be housed in the Department of World Languages and Literatures with 50% dedicated workload in the Global Asia Program. For more information visit:
Deadline: December 5, 2023
Assistant Professor in Modern South Asian History
The Department of History at Columbia University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor for modern South Asia. For more information visit:
Deadline: December 12, 2023
History of Art – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, South Asian Art and Architecture
Yale University is advertising for Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, South Asian Art and Architecture, History of Art. For more information visit:
Deadline: December 18, 2023
Assistant Professor of Asian History (Teaching Track)
Illinois Wesleyan University invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of Asian History (Teaching Track). For more information visit:
Deadline: May 2024
Assistance for Maui
Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the fires on Maui.
The banyan tree in the background of the image above was a gift shipped from India 150 years ago, and is located in central Lahaina town. It still stands after the fires.
Here are some verified ways to donate to relief funds:Hawaii Community Foundation MAUI STRONG FUND:
Hawaii Salvation Army:
Kakoo Maui Fund:
Aloha United Way: Maui Mutual Aid: Maui Food Bank:
UH Foundation Urgent Student Relief:
UH Foundation Urgent Faculty & Staff Relief:
Nearest Foodland:
Hawaii Restaurant Association (assisting with evacuees on Ohau):
To submit content for future CSAS newsletters, please send information in the following format to in the body of an email.
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For all inquiries, please send an email to: