24 Jul Director’s Message
On behalf of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), I am pleased to present our Year in Review 2013, highlighting the exciting and innovative work of our faculty and staff. As part of a land grant institution and part of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s College of Education, which has a primary focus on improving P–20 education, CRDG is an integral part of the educational research community locally, nationally, and internationally.
CRDG’s work includes pure research, development and publication of curriculum products, professional development programs, and outreach in the form of collaborative projects and partnerships. In this report, we open by featuring our Literacy and Hawaiian Education (LHE) project, a longstanding partnership with the Hawai‘i Department of Education (HIDOE) that focuses on improving learning outcomes for Native Hawaiian children. You will also read in this report about programs in science, mathematics, social studies, and learning technologies; about new work in program evaluation; and about cutting edge work being done in partnership with the University Laboratory School (ULS). You will also read about this year’s new publications, which highlight our commitment to our local community—a mathematics program designed specifically for the HIDOE and a biography of a WWII veteran written at the request of fellow veterans who wanted to be sure his story would be remembered.
We think that the work showcased in this report demonstrates CRDG’s continued commitment to being a leader in improving education—a commitment that goes back to its founding in 1966 as a center for creative research and innovation to improve schools. We are proud of the continuing tradition of excellence that guides our work and proud to share it with you here.