Due to COVID-19 – All students must reserve a time for equipment pick up and returns.
The Production Center is located in the Sinclair Library at 2425 Campus Road. The facility is dedicated to all areas of digital production and animation. The center has a sound room, multi-purpose room, and an open flex space for students to use. The Production Center checks out grip, lighting, camera, and sound equipment.
Get In Touch
Hours Of Operation
9 AM-5 PM
Monday – Friday
Our Location
Reservation Info
Only current SCA students in production courses may reserve equipment. One person per production should make the reservations. NO EXCEPTIONS! The SCA Productioin Center staff has the right to refuse service to student(s) if they do not follow the Production Center Policies.
All reservations are to be made by emailing the request form to: scapc@hawaii.edu no later than Wednesday 4:30PM.
Equipment CHECK-IN schedule: MONDAY from 9:30am – 4:30pm. Due to COVID-19 drop off times are done by reservation.
Equipment CHECK-OUT schedule: FRIDAY from 9:30am – 4:30pm. Pick-up times are done by reservation. Schedule pickup times before or after classes. Pick up times ARE NOT a viable excuse to miss class.
LATE PICK-UPS ARE NOT ALLOWED. There will be a 10 minute grace period, anytime beyond that time frame, no access to the equipment will be allowed until the following weeks’ reservation period.
$25 FEES will be enforced:
- Late Returns – $25 per hour
- No-show after scheduling a reservation (which includes meetings, etc.) – $25 fee
Refusal to pay fees will result in a ban to register or participate in any production course that requires equipment.
Please respond to the equipment reservation sheet that is sent via e-mail from the Production Center. Productions must CONFIRM their order. No confirmation = No equipment.
When students arrive for pick-up, they must DOUBLE CHECK their equipment before signing out. If the student(s) take the equipment from the Production Center checkout area without verifying the operation of the equipment, they will be held responsible for any damage and operational defects to the equipment.
Once the equipment reservation sheet is signed, students are NOT ALLOWED to exchange or return items.
Exchange or loan of SCA equipment to another SCA production is strictly prohibited. This is an insurance liability.
If a student is unable to pick up the equipment at the set time he/she must contact the Production Center staff prior to the pickup time.
No students are allowed beyond the Production Center front desk.
Equipment cancellations must be made by Thursday 9:00AM before scheduled Friday pick-up. There is a $25 fee for not cancelling orders on time.