Assistant Professor, International Management
Business Administration C-501J; 956-7397
Department: 956-8485; Fax: 956-2774
MA 1988, University of International Business and Economics
PhD 1995, Temple University
Professor Luo’s research interests are in the area of Chinese business, with a focus on global strategy, international cooperative ventures, foreign direct investment, guanxi, and township and village enterprises. Dr. Luo has published over sixty China-related research articles in professional journals and over thirty other publications. He now serves as the Faculty Advisor for the China-focused Executive MBA Program. Dr. Luo has taught courses in business and management at several Chinese universities, such as the University of International Business and Economics, Southeastern University, Nanjing University, and Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University. He also served as a provincial official in charge of international business in China for six years before coming to the United States.
China-related courses taught
Mgt 670B Chinese Management Systems
Bus 1995 External Environment of International Business
Selected China-related publications
“Environment-Strategy-Performance Relations in Small Businesses: The Case of Township and Village Enterprises in Southern China.” Journal of Small Business Management (forthcoming).
“Timing of Investment and International Expansion: The Case of China.” Journal of International Business Studies (Forthcoming, 1998)
International Investment Strategies in the People’s Republic of China. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 1998.
China 2000: Emerging Business Issues. Co-authored with Lane Kelley. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing, 1998.
“Partner Selection and Venturing Success: The Case of China.” Organization Science 8 (1997), 640–665.
“Pioneering in China: Risks and Benefits.” Long Range Planning 30 (1997), 768–776.
“Guanxi: Principles, Philosophies, and Implications.” Human Systems Management 16 (1997), 43–51.
“Performance Effects of Local Partner Attributes: An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Alliances in China.” Journal of International Management 3 (1997), 119–152.