Baoyan Cheng 程宝燕

Professor of Comparative and International Education
Wist Hall 108, College of Education
Tel: 808-956-4246
Fax: 808-956-9100

Ed.D. Harvard Graduate School of Education 2007
M.A. University of Maryland 2001
M.A. Wuhan University 1999
B.A. Wuhan University of Technology 1996

Selected Publications


Cheng, B., Lin, L., & Fan, A. (2020). The New journey to the West: Patterns of Chinese students’ international mobility. Springer Singapore.

Cheng, B. (2011). Student loans in China: Efficiency, equity and social justice.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publisher.

Book Chapters:

Sustarsic, M., & Cheng, B. (2020). Secondary school student mobility: Social and cultural capital transmission through merit-based exchange programs. In S. Kommers & K. Bista (Eds.) Equality in study abroad and student mobility: Navigating challenges and future directions. Routledge.

Yang, L., Cheng, B. & Xu, Di (2015). Filial piety and traditional Chinese rural community: An alternative ethical paradigm for modern aging societies. In Roger T. Ames & Peter D. Hershock (Eds.), Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.

Yang, P. & Cheng, B. (2013). Student financing in Chinese higher education. In Don. E. Heller and Clair Callender (Eds.), Student financing of higher education: A comparative perspective. Routledge. 

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Sustarsic, M., & Cheng, B. (2022). Public diplomacy and exchange programs at a secondary school level: Alumni experiences. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 87, 119-130.

Cheng, B., & Zhang, D. (2020). Cultivating citizens with Confucian cosmopolitanism: Defining the purpose of liberal arts education in the Asian context. Frontiers of Education in China, 15(4), 564-587.

Cheng, B. (2020). Sociocultural adaptation of “parachute kids” from mainland China. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 48(6), 826-843. 

Cheng, B., & Yang, P. (2019). Chinese students studying in American high schools: International sojourning as a pathway to global citizenship. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(5), 553-573.

Fan, A., & Cheng, B. (2018). Social stratification and studying overseas: Empirical evidence from middle schools in Beijing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(1), 11-21.

Cheng, B. (2017). A comparative study of the liberal arts tradition and Confucian tradition in education, Asia-Pacific Education Review, 18(4), 465-474.

Cheng, B., Fan, A., Liu, M. (2017). Trends, reasons and impacts of international student mobility: A Chinese perspective. Frontiers of Education in China, 12(3), 367-393. 

Feng, T. & Cheng, B. (2017). The dilemma, solutions and trends of student loans in the United States. Studies in Foreign Education, 44(4), 18-29. (In Chinese)

Feng, T. & Cheng, B. (2016). An empirical study on the effect of individual donation on financially needy students. Education and Economy, 6, 65-70. (In Chinese)

Feng, T. & Cheng, B. (2016). Public donation and government matching policy in America. Higher Education Exploration, 11, 39-45. (In Chinese)