April 3: Wei Zhang, Sociology. Due to factors such increased life expectancy and the effect of the one child policy, China is experiencing a dramatic change in its demographic structure. According to 2015 UN estimates, the population of China is aging rapidly and the percentage of its older population (60+) is projected to reach 19.5% in 2025 and 29.9% in 2050. Our study examines cultural origins and the health effects of providing support to the family, underscores the role of family values in shaping productive aging and highlights the roles of gender and living arrangements in affecting contributory behaviors and their health consequences.
Yen Chun, Trustee, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation in Beijing & Shanghai, & Director/Executive Vice President, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation. Soong Ching Ling, a loyal follower and supporter of Sun Yat-sen and his cause, dedicated her life to improving the welfare of women and children in China. Yen Chun, a relative of Soong, will give her personal perspectives on this great lady. This panel presentation anticipates the establishment of the Soong Ching Ling and Sun Yat-sen Research Room in UHM’s Hamilton Library. Come and celebrate with us!
April 17: Shawna Ryan, English. Shawna Yang Ryan discusses the research and writing of her novel Green Island, recipient of the 2017 American Book Award. The novel centers on the effects of Taiwan’s 228 Massacre on an individual Taiwanese family and on Taiwanese society and politics.
April 24: Song Jiang, East Asian Languages & Literature. Chinese characters are an important carrier of Chinese culture and civilization. This talk explores the ways in which characters were constructed; the relationship between characters, the physical world, and human cognition; the embodied roots of characters; and the myth of their disembodied meaning. The future of Chinese characters and educational implications for literacy teaching in Chinese will also be addressed.