Land use public policy planning in urban and regional settings. Growth management and land use guidance systems. A-F only.
Land use planning for urban neighborhoods and small towns. Theory and practice of neighborhood planning. Neighborhood and community dynamics, reinvestment, and stabilization.
Introduction to the planning of various urban infrastructures. Explores approaches and tools to plan, evaluate, and regulate urban infrastructure systems in support of sustainable and resilient cities and communities.
Examines project management in theory and practice and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. Focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling the efforts of projects. A-F only.
Issues and methods of urban land use planning practice and plan making. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ARCH 641)
Focus on ideology, conceptual models, accounting frameworks, appropriate technologies, and indicators of planning for sustainability. Central and local policies, plans, and best practices in various countries and settings will be covered. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Cross-listed as SUST 647)
Theory and practice of urban transportation planning in developed and developing countries with an emphasis on the U.S., Asia, and Pacific region. A-F only.
Examination of the impact of economy, society, and history on urban form; case studies of the evolution of Asian urban form. Pre: 310 or ASAN 312. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ASAN 649)