Exploration of death and dying in literature and film as manifested across time and cultures throughout the world. Analysis of narratives from ancient times to the modern era from multiple theoretical and cross-cultural perspectives.
Monsters, freaks and otherness in literature, film, history and medicine. Suitable for non-literature majors.
European presence in the Pacific, in relation to literature, art, culture, civilization. Not applicable to language requirement.
Supervised undergraduate teaching practicum in large-lecture LLEA courses. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only. Pre: completion of course in which practicum will be done and consent of instructor, no waiver.
Study of major developments in European and Latin American cinema studies focusing on a specific area. (B) Topic; (C) Genre; (D) Director; (E) Era. Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable one time for different alphas.
An interdisciplinary examination of corporeal Otherness. Unusual real and fictional bodies from fairground history, art, anatomy, literature, natural history and ethnology. Discussion of the moral, medical, philosophical and aesthetic dilemmas of spectacular difference. Pre: 270 or consent.
Cross-cultural study of fantasy and the fantastic in short stories, fairy tales, films and novels from Europe and the Americas in English translation. Discussion of illusion, identity, time, the future, the bizarre and major concepts in fantasy literature. (B) fairies, devils and fantasy; (C) the fantastic, the strange and science fiction. Repeatable one time in different alphas. Pre: 270 or consent.
Study of basic research methods and tools, including technology. Print and electronic source materials. Information literacy. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Impact of and reaction to western writings and cultural influences in the Pacific as represented in texts from the 16th century to the present. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Study in English of a topic, period, or genre; aesthetic considerations common to European literatures: (B) the modern novel; (C) European literature as a path to self-knowledge; (D) Middle Ages; (E) introduction to literary theory. MA candidates in European languages read works in their major in the original. Pre: graduate standing or consent of department chair.
Study in English of topics, periods, etc., in the languages taught in the department: (B) comparison of Romance languages; (C) interpersonal communication; (D) social perspectives. Repeatable two times for different alphas (up to 9 credits). Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Key prose and poetry underlying the Arthurian tradition in Europe. Language instruction leading to reading knowledge of medieval Welsh. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of department chair.
Repeatable unlimited times.