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Art History and Theory Core Courses

ART 175 Survey of Global Art I (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)

ART 175A Survey of Global Art I (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)

ART 176 Survey of Global Art II (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)

ART 176A Survey of Global Art II (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)

ART 302 Introduction to Contemporary Critical Theory (3)

Examination of the significant themes and issues in contemporary critical theory as they relate to the production and reception of art. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 395 Art Historical Methodology (3)

Introduction to the methods and approaches of art history. Students will develop skills in perception and comprehension of visual art forms, and a critical understanding of the methods used by art historians to analyze them. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176 and consent.