The application of psychology to the understanding, management, and enhancement of one’s life.
History, theories, nature of psychological problems, methods of assessment, forms of intervention, current developments. Pre: 100.
Nature and causes of psychological disorders. Pre: 100.
Psychological principles for understanding and dealing with wellness and illness. Theories and research on stress-related disorders; prevention of stress through lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Pre: 100 or consent. Recommended: 220 or 322.
Survey of major theories, concepts, research, and application regarding communication and social support in interpersonal relationships. (Cross-listed as COMG 490)
Supervised experience in leading a seminar in personal development. Pre: 170 and 12 additional credits in PSY and written consent.
In-depth coverage of some area of theory and research in clinical psychology. Repeatable to six credit hours. Pre: 270, 371 or consent.
Preparation for becoming a clinical psychologist with emphasis on scientist-practitioner model, professional ethics, diversity and professional development. Pre: graduate student in psychology or consent of instructor.
Psychometric theory; ethics; diversity issues; principles and methods of cognitive-intellectual, neuropsychological, and personality assessment. A-F only. Co-requisite: 670 or consent.
Administration and interpretation of cognitive-intellectual and personality assessment devices. A-F only. Pre: 670 and 671 or consent and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program.
Conceptual and methodological foundations of clinical applications of assessment. PSY majors only. A-F only. Pre: 671 and 672 and enrollment in Clinical Studies Program, or consent. (Once a year)
Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to clinical treatment research methods and findings. Pre: 670 (or concurrent) and 671, or consent.
Comprehensive study of the mental disorders across the lifespan. A-F only. (Once a year)
Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of children and adolescents. Repeatable ten times, up to 33 credits. Pre: consent.
Supervised clinical assessment and treatment of adults. Repeatable ten times, up to 33 credits. Pre: consent.
This supervision-style class will cover cases and issues related to student’s clinic work, supervision, or educational goals while training in external practicum sites. Repeatable ten times. Pre: consent.
Psychological interventions for youth, as well as parent training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 670 or consent.
Training in cognitive-behavioral strategies for treating adults. Repeatable one time. Enrolled in Clinical Studies Program only. PSY major only. Pre: 670 or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Psychological and biological bases of health psychology and behavioral medicine. Overview of cognitive, behavioral, and psychophysiological mechanisms; theories and methods of prevention in physical disease. Pre: 670 or consent.
Repeatable one time. Pre: consent of instructor.
Supervised reading, discussion, research projects in areas of special interest. Repeatable 30 times. Pre: consent.