Repeatable unlimited times.
A critical review of major theoretical and empirical traditions in communication and information sciences. Focus on European, American, Third World, and applied research. Pre: consent.
Technological concepts underlying data communications; information processing and computers; communication channels and networks, information storage and retrieval, and computer hardware and software. Pre: consent.
Current research methodologies in decision sciences, computer science, library science, and communication. Emphasis on methodologies suitable for interdisciplinary analysis. Pre: consent.
Seminar reflecting research interests of faculty and current interdisciplinary topics in communication and information sciences. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate students only.
All aspects of data science: the methodology and processes; ethics and regulatory issues; programming tools; data acquisition, cleaning, analysis and mining; visualization, publication, curation, and preservation; applications in various fields. Graduate students only.
Exploration of relationships between disciplines in social sciences, science and technology, and humanities. Faculty and student presentations. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent.
Individualized program of directed reading and/or research outside the scope of regularly titled courses. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. Plan must include goals and rationale.
Repeatable unlimited times.