ADAMS, Patricia Gaither, Professor Emeritus of Dance; BFA 1976, Arizona State; MFA 1979, Utah
ADAMS, Paul L., Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BA/ MA 1964, Oxford University (England); MSW 1970, U of Sussex (England); DSW 1979, UC Berkeley
AGBAYANI, Amefil, Assistant Vice Chancellor Emerita for Diversity; BA 1962, U of Philippines; MA 1966, PhD 1969, Hawai‘i
AKITA, George, Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1951, Hawai‘i; MA 1953, PhD 1960, Harvard
ALBRIGHT, Cheryl L., Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing; BA 1972, Texas-Austin; BS 1977, Houston; MPH 1986, UC Berkeley; PhD 1983, Houston
ALLDAY, Christopher J., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1965, MA 1969, Christ’s College, Cambridge (UK); PhD 1970, UC Berkeley
ALLEN, Richard D., Professor Emeritus of Microbiology; BA 1957, Greenville College; MS 1960, Illinois; PhD 1964, Iowa State
ALVAREZ, Anne M., Researcher Emerita in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1963, Stanford; MS 1966, PhD 1972, UC Berkeley
AMES, Roger T., Professor Emeritus of Philosophy; BA 1970, MA 1973, British Columbia; PhD 1978, London; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1986; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1990; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2012
ANDERSON, C. Webster, Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1933, UC Berkeley; MA 1953, UCLA
AOUDE, Ibrahim G., Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Studies; BBA 1974, Hawai‘i; MBA 1976, Cal State Los Angeles; PhD 1980, Hawai‘i
APFFEL, James A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Education; BS 1963, Maryland; MEd 1967, Hawai‘i; EdD 1969, George Peabody College for Teachers
APPLE, Tom, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BS 1976, Pennsylvania State; PhD 1982, Delaware
AQUINO, Belinda A., Professor Emerita of Asian Studies; BA 1957, U of Philippines; MA 1965, Hawai‘i; PhD 1974, Cornell; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2008
ARAKAKI, Richard F., Professor Emeritus of Medicine; BS 1976, MS 1979, MD 1982, Hawai‘i
ARDOLINO, Frank R., Professor Emeritus of English; BS 1962, St. John’s; MA 1964, NYU; PhD 1975, UC Riverside
ARKOFF, Abe, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1946, MA 1948, PhD 1951, Iowa; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1968
ASHTON, Geoffrey C., Professor Emeritus of Genetics; BSc 1945, PhD 1958, DSc 1967, Liverpool
ASPIN, Colin, Specialist Emeritus in IFA; BSc 1977, Leicester U (England); MSc 1978, Sussex U (England); PhD 1981, Glasgow U (Scotland)
ATEN, Donald G., Professor Emeritus of Educational Technology; BEd 1956, BA 1961, Hawai‘i; MA 1957, EdD 1969, Columbia
AUNE, R. Kelly, Professor Emeritus of Communicology; BA 1982, MA 1984, Illinois-Springfield; PhD 1988, Arizona
AYABE, Harold I., Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology; BA 1957, Fort Wayne Bible College; MSEd 1968, PhD 1969, Indiana; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1972
BACCHILEGA, Cristina, Professor Emerita of English; BA 1978, Rome (Italy); MA 1980, PhD 1983, SUNY-Binghamton; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1991
BAILEY, Joseph K., Professor Emeritus of Management; BA, BS 1934, Salem; MBA 1948, PhD 1955, Texas
BAILEY, Leslie E., Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology; BS 1959, Utah State; PhD 1966, Utah
BAKER, Barry John, Professor Emeritus of Architecture; Diploma in Architecture 1963, New South Wales (Australia)
BALL, Robert J., Professor Emeritus of Classics; BA 1962, Queens College; MA 1963, Tufts; PhD 1971, Columbia; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1979; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1985
BANGERT, David C., Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BS 1965, USMA; MBA 1986, Hawai‘i; MS 1987, PhD 1989, Harvard; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1995; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2002
BARTHOLOMEW, Duane P., Agronomist Emeritus; BS 1961, California Polytechnic; PhD 1965, Iowa State
BARTLETT, Andrea, Professor Emerita of Curriculum Studies, Education; BA 1972, New Hampshire; MA 1976, PhD 1983, Arizona State
BAYER, Ann S., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1963, Maine; MEd 1970, New Hampshire; PhD 1982, Stanford
BAZZELL, Tokiko Y., Librarian Emerita in Library Services; BA 1978, Tokyo Woman’s Christian U (Japan); MA 1982, Southern Illinois -Carbondale; MS 1994, Catholic U of America
BECKER, Theodore L., Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1954, LLB 1956, Rutgers; MA 1960, Maryland; PhD 1964, Northwestern
BEH, Hazel G., Professor Emerita of Law; BA 1973, Arizona; MSW 1975, PhD 1986, JD 1991, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2000
BERG, Kathleen F., Specialist Emerita in CRDG; BEd 1973, PD 1973, MEd 1980, PhD 1992, Hawai‘i
BERGER, Leslie R., Professor Emeritus of Microbiology; BS 1950, Cincinnati; MS 1953, Washington; PhD 1957, UC Davis
BERTRAM, Edward A., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1962, MA 1964, PhD 1968, UCLA
BERTRAM, John S., Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology; BSc 1966, MSc 1968, PhD 1970, Manchester (UK)
BESS, H. David, Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BS 1961, US Merchant Marine Academy; MBA 1964, PhD 1967, UCLA
BEVENUE, Arthur, Professor Emeritus of Molecular Biosciences and Biosystems Engineering; BS 1946, UC Berkeley
BEZONA, Norman C., Extension Agent Emeritus; BS 1961, Arizona; MA 1968
BIDIGARE, Robert, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1977, Eastern Michigan; PhD 1981, Texas A&M; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2007
BITTENBENDER, Harry C., Specialist Emeritus in
Tropical Plant and Soil Science, CTAHR; BS 1972, Western
Michigan; MS 1974, PhD 1977, Michigan State
BLAINE, Daniel D., Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology; BA 1965, Western State College; PhD 1972, Texas-Austin
BLANCHARD, D. Caroline, Professor Emerita of PBRC; BA 1961, Hollins College; MA 1964, Iowa; PhD 1974, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1989
BLANCHETTE, Patricia L., Professor Emerita of Geriatric Medicine; BA 1974, MPH 1979, MD 1979, Hawai‘i; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2006
BLEY-VROMAN, Robert, Professor Emeritus of Second Language Studies; BA 1967, Pomona College; MA 1968, PhD 1972, Washington
BLOOMBAUM, Milton S., Professor Emeritus of Sociology; AB 1952, UC Berkeley; MA 1958, USC; PhD 1961, UCLA
BOESGAARD, Ann M., Professor Emerita of Astronomy; AB 1961, Mt. Holyoke; PhD 1966, UC Berkeley; DSc (H) 1981, Mt. Holyoke
BOGGS, Stephen T., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; AB 1947, Harvard; PhD 1954, Washington U
BOLAND, Mary G., Dean Emerita of School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene; BS 1975, Pennsylvania; MS 1978, Seton Hall; DrPH 2000, Columbia
BOWMAN, Addison M., Professor Emeritus of Law; AB 1957, Dartmouth; LLB 1963, Fairleigh Dickinson; LLM 1964, Georgetown
BRANDON, Paul R., Professor Emeritus of Education, CRDG; BS 1970, Portland State; MEd 1978, PhD 1983, Hawai‘i
BRAUN, Frederick G., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1949, MEd 1954, EdD 1962, UCLA
BRISLIN, Richard W., Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BS 1966, Guam; MS 1967, PhD 1969, Pennsylvania State; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2004
BRISLIN, Thomas, Professor Emeritus of Creative Media; BA 1968, Guam; MA 1970, PhD 1972, Ohio State; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1997
BROCK, Julie H., Professor Emerita of Biology; BS 1964, PhD 1968, Swansea (UK); Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992
BROWN, James D., Professor Emeritus of Second Language Studies; BA 1973, Cal State Los Angeles; BA 1976, UC Santa Barbara; MA 1978, PhD 1982, UCLA
BROWN, Ronald C., Professor Emeritus of Law; BS 1965, JD 1968, Toledo; LLM 1970, Michigan
BROWN, Ronald P., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1964, Reed College; MA 1966, PhD 1968, Oregon
BROWNE, Colette V., Professor Emerita of Social Work; BS 1972, Monmouth U; MEd 1973, Massachusetts; MSW 1978, MPH 1978, DrPH 1990, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1996; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 2014
BRYANT-GREENWOOD, Gillian D., Professor Emerita of Cell and Molecular Biology; BS 1965, PhD 1968, Brunel (UK)
BUSHNELL, Kenneth W., Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1956, UCLA; MFA 1961, Hawai‘i
BUTLER, John E., Professor Emeritus of Management; BA 168, St. Francis; MBA 1980, LaSalle; MPhil 1982, PhD 1985, New York U
BUTLER Lucius A., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1952, Bethel; MRE 1954, Northern Baptist Seminary; BD 1955, Bethel Seminary; MA 1955, PhD 1968, Minnesota; MLS 1974, Hawai‘i
CALLIES, David L., Professor Emeritus of Law; BA 1965, De Pauw; JD 1968, Michigan; LLM 1969, Nottingham; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2009
CAMBRA, Ronald E., Professor Emeritus of Communicology; BEd 1970, MA 1971, Hawai‘i; PhD 1975, Washington
CAMPBELL, Charles M., Researcher Emeritus in Animal Science; BS 1958, Texas A&M; MS 1960, Idaho; PhD 1964, Oklahoma State
CAMPBELL, Lyle R., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics; MA 1967, Washington; PhD 1971, UCLA
CARLSON, John G., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1963, PhD 1967, Minnesota
CARON, James E., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1974, Loyola-Los Angeles; MA 1979, PhD 1983, Oregon
CARR, Gerald D., Professor Emeritus of Botany; BA 1968, Eastern Washington U; MS 1970, Wisconsin; PhD 1975, UC Davis
CARROLL, Jeffrey G., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1972, Reed College; MA 1980, Hawai‘i; PhD 1987, Washington
CARLTON, Barry S., Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry; BA 1968, Lehigh; MD 1977, SUNY
CENCE, Robert J., Professor Emeritus of Physics; AB 1952, PhD 1959, UC Berkeley; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991
CHADWICK, Richard W., Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BS 1962, IIT; PhD 1966, Northwestern; Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award, 2010
CHANDLER, Susan M., Professor Emerita of Public Administration and Public Policy Center; BS 1967, Cornell; MSW 1970, Hawai‘i; DSW 1976, UC Berkeley; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1989
CHAPPELL, David A., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1968, Syracuse; MA 1971, Stanford; PhD 1991, Hawai‘i
CHAR, Donald F. B., Specialist Emeritus in Student Health Services; MD 1950, Temple
CHARLOT, John P., Professor Emeritus of Religion; BA 1962, Louvain; DTh 1968, Munich
CHATTERGY, Virgie O., Professor Emerita of Curriculum Studies; BS 1960, St. Theresa’s College (Philippines); MA 1966, EdD 1969, UCLA
CHEN, Wai-Fah, Researcher Emeritus in Civil and Environmental Engineering; BS 1959, National Cheng- Kung; MS 1963, Lehigh; PhD 1966, Brown
CHENG, Edmond D. H., Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering; BS 1961, National Taiwan U; PhD 1969, Utah State
CHENG, Ping, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering; BS 1958, Oklahoma State; MS 1960, MIT; PhD 1965, Stanford; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1989
CHENG, Robert L., Professor Emeritus of Chinese and Japanese; BA 1960, MA 1963, Taiwan Normal U; PhD 1966, Indiana
CHESNEY-LIND, Meda, Professor Emerita of Women’s Studies; BA 1969, Whitman College; MA 1971, PhD 1977, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1994; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2003
CHIA, Chian Leng, Specialist Emeritus in Horticulture; BS 1968, MS 1969, Hawai‘i; PhD 1975, Cornell
CHIN, David N., Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Sciences; BS 1980, PhD 1987, MIT
CHING, Chauncey T. K., Researcher Emeritus in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BS 1962, UC Berkeley; MS 1965, PhD 1967, UC Davis
CHING, Donna R., Specialist Emerita in Family Resources; BS 1974, Hawai‘i; MS 1976, MLIR 1982, PhD 1986, Michigan State; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2002
CHO, John J., Researcher Emeritus in Plant Pathology; BA 1968, Hawai’i; MS 1972, PhD 1974, UC Berkeley
CHOE, Yong-ho, Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1961, Arizona; MA 1963, PhD 1971, Chicago
CHOU, James C. S., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering; BS 1941, National Institute of Technology (China); MS 1949, Georgia Institute of Technology; PhD 1968, Oklahoma State
CHOU, Michaelyn P., Librarian Emerita; BA 1954, MLS 1955, UC Berkeley; MA 1975, PhD 1980, Hawai‘i
CHOW, Pamela, County Extension Agent Emerita in Family and Consumer Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1976, Hawai‘i; MS 1977, Purdue
CHOY, Dexter J. L., Professor Emeritus of Travel Industry Management; BBA 1967, MBA 1970, MA 1973, PhD 1978, Hawai‘i
CLARKE, Antony D., Researcher Emeritus in Oceanography; BS 1967, Delaware; MS 1978, Portland State; PhD 1983, Washington
COLBY, Robert R., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BS 1960, MA 1963, PhD 1965, Washington
COLE, Robert E., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1961, Montana; MA 1963, PhD 1966, Hawai‘i
COLLISON, Fredrick M., Professor Emeritus of Travel Industry Management; BSE 1969, Michigan; MBA 1976, Delaware; PhD 1982, Michigan State
CONANT, Sheila, Professor Emerita of Biology and Zoology; BA (Hons) 1966, MS 1968, Hawai‘i; MS 1972, PhD 1972, Oklahoma; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1985; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1990; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1992
CONNER, Alison W., Professor Emerita of Law; BA 1967, Florida; MA 1970, PhD 1979, Cornell; JD 1973, Harvard; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2002; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2011
COOKE, Ian M., Professor Emeritus of Zoology and PBRC; AB 1955, MA 1959, PhD 1962, Harvard
COOPER, Joanne E., Professor Emerita of Educational Administration; BA 1967, Oregon State; MA 1969, MA 1981, PhD 1989, Oregon; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
CORBIN, Donald A., Professor Emeritus of Accounting and Business Economics; BS 1942, MBA 1943, PhD 1945, UC Berkeley; CPA 1947, California
COTLAR, Morton, Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BSME 1950, MSAeroE 1955, Drexel; PhD 1969, Georgia
COX, Linda J., Specialist Emerita in Natural Resources and Environmental Management; BS 1976, MS 1978, Montana State; PhD 1982, Texas A&M
CRAMER, Roger E., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BS 1965, Bowling Green; PhD 1969, Illinois
CRAWFORD, S. Cromwell, Professor Emeritus of Religion; BD 1952, Serampore; MAT 1959, Indiana; ThD 1965, Pacific School of Religion
CRAVEN, Thomas C., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1969, Reed; MA 1971, PhD 1973, Cornell
CREAN, John E., Jr., Professor Emeritus of German; AB 1962, College of Holy Cross; MA 1964, PhD 1966, Yale
CRILEY, Richard A., Researcher Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Science, CTAHR; BS 1962, MS 1964, Pennsylvania State; PhD 1968, UCLA
CROOK, Keith A. W., Specialist Emeritus in Oceanography; BSc 1954, MSc 1956, Sydney; PhD 1959, New England; BA 1967, Australia National
CROOKER, Peter P., Professor Emeritus of Physics; BS 1959, Oregon State; PhD 1967, Naval Postgraduate School; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1997
CSORDAS, George L. E., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1964, Toronto; MS 1966, PhD 1969, Case Western Reserve; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1985
CURRIE, Edward M., Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BSc 1948, Iowa; MS 1965, PhD 1967, Minnesota; CMA 1973, Hawai‘i
CURTIS, Delores M., Professor Emerita of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; BS 1951, Indiana State Teachers; MS 1957, EdD 1963, Illinois
DALE, Verda M., Specialist Emerita in Home Economics; BS 1938, Kansas State; MS 1950, Cornell; PhD 1968, Michigan State
DATOR, James, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; AB, Stetson; MA 1955, Pennsylvania State; PhD 1959, American; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1988
DAUER, Dorothea W., Professor Emerita of German; Diploma 1937, Sorbonne; PhD 1953, Texas
DAVIDSON, Dana H., Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1971, Northwestern; MA 1972, Peabody Vanderbilt; PhD 1978, Claremont Graduate School; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1992
DAVIS, Lynn A., Librarian Emerita in Library Services; BA 1971, MLS 1972, Hawai‘i; MA 1984, New Mexico
DAWSON, Ruth P., Professor Emerita of Women’s Studies; BA 1965, College of Wooster; MA 1968, PhD 1973, Michigan
DAY, Richard R., Professor Emeritus of Second Language Studies; BA 1963, Brown; MA 1967, Illinois; PhD 1972, Hawai‘i
DAWSON, Steven M., Professor Emeritus of Financial Economics and Institutions; BA 1964, College of Wooster; MBA 1965, PhD 1971, Michigan; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1989; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1990
DEBRECENY, Roger, Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BComm 1972, MComm 1982, U of Auckland; MPP 1978, Victoria U of Wellington; PhD 1998, Southern Cross U
DE COUET, Heinz Gert, Professor Emeritus of Biology and Zoology; BA 1972, Max-von-Laue-Gymnasium, Koblenz (Germany); Diplom-Biologe 1978, PhD 1981, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany); Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1994
DeFRANK, Joseph, Professor Emeritus of and Researcher and Specialist in Tropical Plant and Soil Science, CTAHR; BS 1977, Rutgers; MS 1979, PhD 1983, Michigan State
DELA PENA, Ramon S., Agronomist Emeritus; BS 1958, U of the Philippines; MS 1964, PhD 1967, Hawai‘i
DES JARLAIS, Mary Ellen, Professor Emerita of Home Economics; BS 1940, MS 1963, Wisconsin; PhD 1977, Hawai‘i
DESPAIN, Norma L., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1959, Chicago; MA 1964, Brigham Young; PhD 1976, Connecticut; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1988
DIAMOND, Milton, Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology; BS 1955, CCNY; PhD 1962, Kansas
DINELL, Tom, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning; AB 1948, Brown; MPA 1950, Michigan
DIWAN, Arwind R., Professor Emeritus of Tropical Medicine; BS 1952, Bombay; PhD 1965, London
DODD, Joseph D., Professor Emeritus of Theatre; BA 1974, Mary Washington; MFA 1980, Hawai‘i
DOUGLASS, Clyde Michael, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning; BA 1967, UCLA; MA 1968, Hawai‘i; PhD 1982, UCLA
DOUE, Stephen M., Specialist Emeritus in Agricultural Economics; BS 1947, MA 1959, Hawai‘i
DOWRICK, Peter W., Professor Emeritus in Center for Disability Studies; PhD 1977, U of Auckland
DOYLE, James R., Professor Emeritus of Surgery; BA 1954, La Sierra; MD 1958, UC San Francisco
DUBANOSKI, Richard A., Dean Emeritus of College of Social Sciences and Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1962, Wesleyan; MA, PhD 1966, Minnesota
DUBIN, Hazel, Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing; BSN 1950, Washington DC; MEd 1962, Hawai‘i; MN 1972, Seattle; PhD 1980, Florida
DUCKWORTH, Linda W., Specialist Emerita in International and Exchange Programs; BM 1976, Wesleyan; MM 1978, Florida State; PhD 2002, Georgia State
DUGAN, Gordon L., Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering; BS 1959, MS 1964, Washington State; PhD 1970, UC Berkeley
DUNN, Adrian J., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1965, MA 1968, PhD 1968, Cambridge (England)
EASA, David, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics; BA 1968, Vanderbilt; MD 1972, Louisville
ECKE, Betty Tseng Y. H., Professor Emerita of Art; MS 1966, Hawai‘i; PhD 1972, New York
EDGE, Alfred G., Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BS 1956, Rider College; MBA 1965, Denver; PhD 1972, Arkansas
EL-KADI, Aly I., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and WRRC; BS 1971, MS 1976, Ain Shams U (Egypt); PhD 1983, Cornell
ELLSWORTH, James D., Professor Emeritus of Classics; BA 1962, PhD 1971, UC Berkeley
EL-RAMLY, Nabil, Professor Emeritus of Decision Sciences; BSc 1958, Cairo; MS 1962, Illinois Institute of Technology; PhD 1970, UCLA
ENGEL, John W., Professor Emeritus of Family Resources, CTAHR; BS 1968, St. John’s; PhD 1978, Minnesota
ENOMOTO, Ernestine K., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1971, MS 1977, Hawai‘i; EdD 1993, Michigan
ERICSON, David P., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1971, Saint Olaf; MA 1973, PhD 1976, Syracuse
ETHERINGTON, Alfred B., Professor Emeritus of Architecture; BArch 1947, Cornell; MA 1970, Hawai‘i; MEP 1977, U of Philippines; MArch 1978, McGill; PhD 1984, Hawai‘i
EVENSEN, Carl, Specialist Emeritus in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BS 1977, Whitman College; MS 1984, PhD 1989, Hawai‘i
FARRIS, William Wayne, Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1973, DePauw; MA 1976, PhD 1981, Harvard
FASSIOTTO, Marie-Jose, Professor Emerita of French; BA 1968, San Francisco State College; MA 1969, Hawai‘i; PhD 1974, UC Berkeley; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1978
FEENEY, Stephanie S., Professor Emerita of Curriculum Studies; BA 1961, UCLA; MA 1965, Harvard; PhD 1971, Claremont Graduate School
FINNEY, Sandra K., Professor Emerita of Theatre; BA 1967, MA 1969, San Francisco State
FIRING, Eric, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1973, PhD 1978, MIT
FISHER, Elizabeth, Professor Emerita of Dance; BFA 1977, Juilliard; MA 1987, NYU; DAD 2002, Theatre Academy of Finland; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1998
FLEECE, Jeffrey, Specialist Emeritus in Continuing Education; BA 1941, Missouri; MA 1942, Vanderbilt; PhD 1952, Iowa
FLITTER, Hessel, Professor Emeritus of Nursing; BSN 1941, MA 1942, New York; EdD 1958, Pennsylvania
FLOYD, Frank, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BS 1977, Louisiana State; MA 1980, PhD 1982, Bowling Green State U
FOK, Agnes K., Professor Emerita of Biology; BA 1965, U of Great Falls; MS 1966, Utah State; PhD 1971, Texas- Austin
FOK, Yu-si, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering; BS 1955, National Taiwan U; MS 1959, PhD 1964, Utah State
FONG, Grace, Professor Emerita of Family Resources, CTAHR; BS 1973, Hawai‘i; MA 1974, Michigan State; EdD 1991, Hawai‘; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1998
FONTAINE, Gary M., Professor Emeritus of Communication; BS 1968, Washington; PhD 1972, Western Australia; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1989
FORMAN, Michael L., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics; AB 1961, John Carroll; PhD 1972, Cornell; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1984; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1986
FOSTER, Lawrence C., Professor Emeritus of Law; BA 1967, PhD 1974, Washington; JD 1981, Hawai‘i
FOX, Joel S., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering; BS 1959, MS 1961, PhD 1966, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
FOX, Morton, Professor Emeritus of Travel Industry Management; BS 1953, MS 1965, Maryland; DrEng 1980, Karlsruhe (Germany)
FREESE, Anne R., Specialist Emerita in Education; BA 1968, UC Santa Barbara; MEd 1978, PhD 1982, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2000; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2006
FREESE, Ralph, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1968, UC Santa Barbara; PhD 1972, CIT; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2000
FRIEDERICH, Reinhard H., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1964, MA 1966, Houston; PhD 1971, Washington
FRYER, Patricia, Planetary Scientist Emerita in HIGP; BS 1970, William and Mary; MS 1973, PhD 1981, Hawai‘i
FTACLAS, Christ, Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; BS 1965, MA 1971, PhD 1978, City College of New York
FUCHS, Roland J., Professor Emeritus of Geography; BA 1954, Columbia; MA 1957, PhD 1959, Clark
FUJIOKA, Roger S., Researcher Emeritus in WRRC; BS 1960, MS 1966, Hawai‘i; PhD 1970, Michigan
FUJITA, George Y., Specialist Emeritus in Counseling and Student Development; BEd 1954, MEd 1958, Hawai‘i; PhD 1961, Minnesota
FUJITANI, Shigeaki, Specialist Emeritus in Student Development; BA 1955, Hawai‘i; MA 1957, New York; PhD 1968, Utah
FUKUDA, Steven K., Extension Agent Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1971, MS 1973, Hawai‘i
FULFORD, Catherine P., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1975, MA 1978, PhD 1989, Florida State; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2005
FULLER, Gary A., Professor Emeritus of Geography; BS 1964, SUNY; PhD 1972, Pennsylvania State
FURER, Gloria S., Professor Emerita of Textile and Clothing; BS 1945, Michigan State; MEd 1964, Hawai‘i
GAARDER, N. Thomas, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1961, Wisconsin; MS 1962, PhD 1965, Stanford
GAINES, James R., Professor Emeritus of Physics; BA 1956, Berea College; PhD 1961, Washington
GANGNES, Byron, Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1982, Puget Sound; PhD 1990, Pennsylvania; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2007
GARCIA, Michael O., Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics; BA 1971, Humboldt State U; PhD 1976, UCLA
GARROD, Peter V., Researcher Emeritus in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BS 1966, UC Davis; MS 1967, PhD 1972, UC Berkeley
GERRITSEN, Franciscus, Professor Emeritus of Ocean Engineering; Candidaatsexamen 1948, Ingenieursdiploma 1950, Technological U Delft (Netherlands); DrTech 1981, Trondheim (Norway)
GETHING, Thomas W., Professor Emeritus of Southeast Asian Languages; BA 1961, MA 1963, PhD 1966, Michigan
GHALI, Moheb A., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BCom 1959, Cairo; MA 1962, UC Berkeley; PhD 1967, Washington
GILJE, John W., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BChem 1961, Minnesota; PhD 1965, Michigan
GITLIN, Harris M., Specialist Emeritus in Agricultural Engineering; BS 1940, BAgrEngr 1941, Ohio State; MS 1962, Michigan State
GOLDSBERRY, Steven T., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1971, Church College of Hawai‘i; MA 1973, Hawai‘i; MFA, PhD 1979, Iowa
GOODMAN, Lenn E., Professor Emeritus of Philosophy; BA 1965, Harvard; DPhil 1968, Oxford
GOPALAKRISHNAN, Chennat, Researcher Emeritus in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BA 1955, MA 1957, Kerala (India); PhD 1967, Montana State
GRACE, Donna J., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1977, UCLA; MEd 1989, Toronto; EdD 1996, Hawai‘i
GRACE, J. Kenneth, Jr., Researcher Emeritus in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BA 1980, PhD 1986, UC Berkeley
GRAU, E. Gordon, Professor Emeritus of Biology and Zoology; BS 1968, Loyola; MS 1973, Morgan State; PhD 1978, Delaware; Fujio Matsuda Fellow, 1988; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1988
GRAVES, Michael W., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1974, Washington; MA 1980, PhD 1981, Arizona; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2003
GREEN, Richard E., Soil Scientist Emeritus; BS 1953, Colorado State; MS 1957, Nebraska; PhD 1962, Iowa State
GREENBERG, Marvin, Professor Emeritus of Music; BS 1957, NYU; MA 1958, EdD 1962, Columbia; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1988
GREENFIELD, David W., Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BA 1962, Cal State Humboldt; PhD 1966, Washington
GRIFFIN, Percival Bion, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1963, Maine; PhD 1969, Arizona; Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award, 2005
GROVE, John S., Professor Emeritus of Public Health; BA 1964, MS 1966, Arizona-Tucson; PhD 1969, Hawai‘i
GURIAN, Jay Paul, Professor Emeritus of American Studies; BA 1951, Syracuse; MA 1957, Hawai‘i; PhD 1962, Minnesota
HAAS, Ruth, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1982 Swarthmore; MS 1985, PhD 1987, Cornell
HABTE, Mitiku, Researcher Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1970, Ethiopia Agricultural College; MS 1974, PhD 1976, Cornell
HADFIELD, Michael G., Professor Emeritus of Biology; AB 1959, MS 1961, Washington; PhD 1967, Stanford; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1989
HADLICH, Roger L., Professor Emeritus of Spanish; BA 1951, Yale; MA 1957, Middlebury; PhD 1961, Michigan
HALE, Ralph W., Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology; BS 1957, MD 1960, Illinois
HALEY, Samuel R., Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BA 1962, MA 1964, PhD 1967, Texas-Austin; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1986; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1990
HALL, John B., Professor Emeritus of Microbiology; AB 1957, Kansas; PhD 1960, UC Berkeley
HALVERSON, Vivian B., Specialist Emerita in Student Affairs; BS 1964, Brigham Young; MS 1967, Purdue; PhD 1978, Florida State
HAMADA, Harold S., Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering; BS 1957, Hawai‘i; MS 1958, PhD 1962, Illinois
HAMILTON, Kevin P., Professor Emeritus of Meteorology; BS 1976, Queen’s (Canada); MS 1977, McMaster (Canada); MA 1979, PhD 1981, Princeton
HAMMAR, Sherrel L., Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics; BA 1953, Idaho; MD 1957, Washington
HANING, William F., III, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry; BA 1971, Princeton; MD 1975, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2004
HANKIN, Jean, Professor Emerita of Public Health; BA 1945, Milwaukee-Downer College; MS 1954, U of Tennessee; MPH 1963, DrPH 1966, UC Berkeley
HANLON, David L., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1970, Holy Cross; MA 1976, Johns Hopkins; PhD 1984, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1989; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2001
HANNA, Joel M., Professor Emeritus of Physiology; BS 1961, MA 1965, Pennsylvania; PhD 1968, Arizona
HARADA, Violet H., Professor Emerita of Library and Information Science Program in SCI; BEd 1964, MEd 1966, MLS 1976, EdD 1982, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1998
HARAMOTO, Frank H., Professor Emeritus of Entomology; BS 1949, MS 1953, PhD 1964, Hawai‘i
HARMS, Joan, Specialist Emerita in Student Affairs; BEd 1963, Hawai‘i; MA 1964, Northwestern; PhD 1973, Hawai‘i
HARRELL, Gertrude P., Specialist Emerita in Cooperative Extension Service; BS 1927, Georgia State College; MA 1949, Columbia
HARRIS, Frederick A., Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy; BS 1963, MS 1965, PhD 1970, Michigan
HASHIMOTO, Andrew G., Researcher Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, CTAHR; BS 1966, MS 1968, Purdue; PhD 1972, Cornell
HATFIELD, Elaine, Professor Emerita of Psychology; BA 1959, Michigan; PhD 1963, Stanford
HAYES, Charles F., Professor Emeritus of Physics; AB 1963, Wheaton College; MS 1965, PhD 1967, West Virginia
HAYES, Eloise D., Professor Emeritus of Education; BEd 1939, Minnesota State Teachers College-St. Cloud; MA 1951, PhD 1953, North Carolina
HAYNES, Stephen; Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1966, Western Michigan U; MA 1969, PhD 1971, Colorado
HAZAMA, Dorothy O., Professor Emerita of Education; BEd 1952, Hawai‘i; MA 1955, New York; EdD 1981, Nova
HEAD, John D., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BSc 1973, University College (London); PhD 1979, British Columbia
HEIBY, Elaine M., Professor Emerita of Psychology; BA 1971, Case Western Reserve; MA 1976, PhD 1980, Illinois
HELBLING, Mark I., Professor Emeritus of American Studies; BA 1961, UC Berkeley; MA 1964, San Francisco State; PhD 1972, Minnesota; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1988
HELFRICH, Philip, Director Emeritus of HIMB; BS 1951, Santa Clara; PhD 1958, Hawai‘i
HELSLEY, Charles E., Researcher Emeritus of Geophysics; BS 1956, MS 1957, California Institute of Technology; PhD 1960, Princeton
HENNINGSEN, Manfred Professor Emeritus of Political Science; PhD 1967, Munich
HENRY, J. Patrick, Professor Emeritus of IFA; AB 1969, LaSalle College; PhD 1974, UC Berkeley; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2011
HERMAN, Louis M., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BSS 1951, MA 1952, City College of New York; PhD 1961, Pennsylvania State
HEY, Richard N., GeophysicistEmeritus in HIGP; BA 1969, CIT; PhD 1975, Princeton
HICKMAN, Patricia L., Professor Emerita of Art; BA 1962, Colorado; MA 1977, UC Berkeley
HIJIRIDA, Kyoko, Professor Emerita of Japanese and Education; BA 1964, Keio (Japan); MA 1970, EdD 1980, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992
HILDEN, Hugh M., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BS 1958, Rutgers; MS 1966, PhD 1968, Stevens Institute of Technology
HILE, Gerald N., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BS 1966, Harvard; PhD 1972, Indiana
HILGERS, Thomas L., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1968, St. John’s; MA 1970, Claremont; PhD 1980, Hawai‘i
HILT, Douglas, Professor Emeritus of Spanish; BA 1954, Bristol; MA 1965, U of the Americas (Mexico); PhD 1967, Arizona
HINSHAW, Virginia S., Professor Emerita of Tropical Medicine, Medical Life Sciences and Pharmacology; BS 1966, MS 1967, PhD 1973, Auburn
HIPLE, David V., Specialist Emeritus in Language Learning Center; BA 1971, George Washington; EdM 1975, EdD 1987, Rutgers
HIROSHIGE, Herbert M., Specialist Emeritus in Agricultural Economics; BS 1934, UC Berkeley; MA 1950, Hawai‘i
HO, Curtis P., Professor Emeritus of Education; BEd 1974, MEd 1976, Hawai‘i; PhD 1983, Arizona State
HODAPP, Klaus W., Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; PhD 1984, Heidelberg (Germany)
HOGE, Phyllis T., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1948, Connecticut College; MA 1949, Duke; PhD 1958, Wisconsin
HOKAMA, Yoshitsugi, Professor Emeritus of Pathology; AB 1951, MA 1953, PhD 1957, UCLA
HOLTON, James S., Professor Emeritus of Spanish; BA 1948, San Diego State; MA 1951, PhD 1956, UC Berkeley
HOLZMAN, Miriam Fuchs, Professor Emerita of English; BA 970, SUNY Buffalo; MA 1972, Massachusetts Amhert; PhD 1979, NYU
HOOK, Ralph C., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Marketing; BA 1947, MA 1948, Missouri-Columbia; PhD 1954, Texas- Austin
HOOPER, Paul F., Professor Emeritus of American Studies; BA 1961, East Washington U; MA 1965, PhD 1972, Hawai‘i
HOOVER, Thomas B., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BS 1964, Redlands; MS 1966, UC San Diego; PhD 1970, Michigan
HORAN, Claude F., Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1942, San Jose State; MA 1946, Ohio State
HORI, Joan M., Librarian Emerita in Library Services; BA 1967, MLS 1968, MA 1975, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992
HORI, Ted M., Extension Agent Emeritus; BS 1955, MS 1977, Hawai‘i
HOWARD, S. Alan, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1955, MA 1958, PhD 1962, Stanford
HSIA, Yujen E., Professor Emeritus of Genetics; BA 1953, MA 1957, MD 1960, London Hospital Medical College
HUDSON, Thomas D., Professor Emeritus of Second Language Studies; BS 1971, UC Berkeley; MA 1978, PhD 1989, UCLA
HUEBERT, Barry J., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BA 1967, Occidental; MS 1968, PhD 1970, Northwestern
HUEY, Robert N., Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature; BA 1973, Puget Sound; MA 1979, MA 1980, PhD 1985, Stanford
HUGHES, Judith R., Professor Emerita of American Studies; BA 1962, MA 1963, PhD 1967, Michigan
HUNG, Fred C., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1947, St. John’s (China); PhD 1955, Washington
HUNT, John A., Professor Emeritus of Genetics; BA 1956, PhD 1960, Cambridge
HUNT, Terry L., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1976, UH Hilo; MA 1980, Auckland; PhD 1989, Washington; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2005; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2008
HYLIN, John W., Biochemist Emeritus; BA 1950, Marietta; MS 1953, Purdue; PhD 1957, Columbia
IDING, Marie K., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1979, Loyola Marymount; MA 1989, PhD 1991, UC Santa Barbara
IKEDA, Carol S., County Extension Agent Emerita in Family and Consumer Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1966, Hawai‘i; MEd 1967, Maryland
INAZU, Judith K., Specialist Emerita in SSRI; BA 1971, Hawai‘i; MA 1974, PhD 1979, Cincinnati
INOUYE, Jillian, Professor Emerita of Nursing; BS 1966, Hawai‘i; MS 1968, UCLA; MA 1980, PhD 1987, Hawai‘i
ISSELL, Brian F., Researcher Emeritus in UHCC; MD 1971, U of Otago (New Zealand)
ITO, Ken K., Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature; BA 1974, MA 1979, PhD 1985, Yale
ITO, Philip, Emeritus in Horticulture; BS 1958, Hawai‘i; PhD 1963, Minnesota
ITOGA, Stephen Y., Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Sciences; BS 1965, MS 1966, Cornell; PhD 1973, UCLA
IZUTSU, Satoru, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Public Health; BA 1950, Hawai‘i; MA 1955, Columbia; PhD 1963, Case Western Reserve
JACKSON, Miles M., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Studies; BA 1955, Virginia Union; MSLS 1956, Drexel; PhD 1974, Syracuse
JACOBS, Laurence W., Professor Emeritus of Marketing; BS 1961, U of Pennsylvania; MBA 1963, PhD 1966, Ohio State; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991
JACOBSEN, Lyle E., Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BSc 1951, Dana College; MA 1955, CPA 1955, Nebraska; PhD 1958, Illinois
JACSO, Peter, Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Science; Doctoral degree, university diploma 1979, Eotvos Lorand U (Hungary); Postgraduate diploma 1984, International Computer Education and Information Center (Hungary); MLIS 1994, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1999
JAECKEL, Solomon P., Professor Emeritus of Education; BS 1935, Wayne State; MA 1963, EdD 1965, UCLA
JOHANSSON, Annette, Professor Emerita of Music; BM 1955, Eastman; MM 1974, Hawai‘i
JOHNSON, Kevin T. M., Researcher Emeritus in Geology and Geophysics; BS 1977, Pennsylvania; MS 1983, Hawai‘i; PhD 1990, MIT
JOHNSON, Rubellite K., Professor Emerita of Hawaiian; BA 1954, Hawai‘i
JONES, Jane H., Specialist Emerita in Counseling and Student Development; BA 1947, Colorado; MEd 1965, EdD 1967, Auburn
JUDD, Nanette K., Associate Specialist Emerita in Native Hawaiian Health; BS 1966, Cal State Chico; MPH 1980, PhD 1997, Hawai‘i
KAMEMOTO, Fred I., Professor Emeritus of Zoology; AB 1950, MS 1951, George Washington; PhD 1954, Purdue
KAMEMOTO, Haruyuki, Professor Emeritus of Horticulture; BS 1944, MS 1947, Hawai‘i; PhD 1950, Cornell
KAMEOKA, Velma A., Professor Emerita of Psychology; BA 1972, MA 1975, PhD 1979, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1989
KAN, Eunsung, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, CTAHR; BS Inha U (Korea); MS
KANEHIRO, Yoshinori, Professor Emeritus of Soil Science; BS 1942, MS 1948, PhD 1964, Hawai‘i
KANESHIGE, Edward, Specialist Emeritus in Counseling and Student Development; BA 1950, Hawai‘i; MA 1954, EdD 1959, Columbia
KANG, Hugh H. W., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1956, Berea College; MA 1958, Chicago; PhD 1964, Washington
KASSEBAUM, Gene, Professor Emeritus of Sociology; AB 1951, Missouri; MA 1956, PhD 1958, Harvard
KATZ, Alan R., Professor Emeritus of Public Health; BA 1976, UC San Diego; MD 1980, UC Irvine; MPH 1987, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1989; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1992; UH Mānoa Award for Distinguished Graduate Mentoring, 2008
KAWATE, Michael K., Specialist Emeritus in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1979, MS 1973, Hawai‘i; PhD 1987, Oregon State
KEELEY, Sterling C., Professor Emerita of Botany; AB 1970, Stanford; MS 1973, San Diego State; PhD 1977, Georgia; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1996
KEEVER, Beverly A., Professor Emerita of Journalism; BA 1957, Nebraska; MJS 1958, Columbia; MLIS 1991, PhD 2000, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1987
KELLOGG, Judith L., Professor Emerita of English; AB 1968, MA 1970, PhD 1978, UC Berkeley; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1991
KENT, George, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BEE 1960, Rensselaer; MA 1961, Boston; PhD 1965, Illinois
KENT, Noel J., Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Studies; BA 1965, Wisconsin; MA 1967, PhD 1979, Hawai‘i
KHAN, M. Asad, Professor Emeritus of Geodesy; BS 1967, MS 1963, Pakistan Punjab; PhD 1967, Hawai‘i
KIM, Yung-Hee, Professor Emeritus of Korean Literature; BA 1964, Ewha Woman’s (South Korea); MA 1968, Indiana; PhD 1984, Cornell
KINCH, Donald M., Emeritus in Agricultural Engineer; BS 1938, Nebraska; MS 1940, Minnesota; PhD 1953, Michigan State
KING, Pauline N., Professor Emerita of History; BA 1949, Sarah Lawrence; MA 1965, PhD 1976, Hawai‘i
KINOSHITA, Charles M., Researcher Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, CTAHR; BS 1972, MS 1974, Hawai‘i; PhD 1980, UC Berkeley
KINZIE, Robert A., III, Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BS 1963, Santa Clara; MS 1966, Hawai‘i; PhD 1970, Yale
KIRK-KUWAYE, Michael, Specialist Emeritus in Arts and Sciences Student Academic Services; BA 1975, MA 1980, PhD 1996, Hawai‘i
KIYOSE, Gisaburo, Professor Emeritus of Japanese; BA 1954, Kyoto; PhD 1973, Indiana
KLEMM, E. Barbara, Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1964, Ohio-Wesleyan; 5-Yr Certificate 1971, MEd 1972, EdD 1982, Hawai‘i
KLIMENKO, Michael, Professor Emeritus of Russian; BD 1955, Zurich; DrPhil 1957, Erlangen
KLINGEBIEL, Kathryn A., Professor Emerita of French; BA 1965, UC Berkeley; MA 1979, San Francisco State; PhD 1985, UC Berkeley; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1996; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2001
KLOBE, Thomas, Professor Emeritus of Art; BFA 1964, MFA 1968, Hawai‘i; Robert W. Clopton Award for Outstanding Community Service, 2003
KNAPP, Ronald H., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering; BS 1967, Hawai‘i; MS 1968, Cal Tech; PhD 1973, Hawai‘i
KNAPP, Terence R., Professor Emeritus of Theatre; Diploma 1954, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (UK); Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1978
KNOWLTON, Edgar C., Jr., Professor Emeritus of European Languages; BA 1941, MA 1942, Harvard; PhD 1959, Stanford
KNUTH, Rebecca, Professor Emerita of Library and Information Science Program, ICS; BS 1971, Colorado; MA 1975, N Colorado; MLIS 1990, Hawai‘i; PhD 1995, Indiana; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2001
KO, Wen-Hsiung, Researcher Emeritus in Plant Pathology; BS 1962, National Taiwan U; PhD 1966, Michigan State
KOIDE, Frank T., Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1958, Illinois; MS 1961, Clarson U; PhD 1966, Iowa
KOLONEL, Laurence N., Professor Emeritus of Public Health and UHCC; BA 1964, Williams; MD 1968, Harvard; MPH 1970, PhD 1972, UC Berkeley; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2003
KOOKER, Barbara (Bee) M., Professor Emerita of Nursing; BSN 1968, MPH 1980, MS 1980, DrPH 1989, Hawai‘i
KOSAKI, Richard H., Chancellor Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1949, Hawai‘i; MA 1952, PhD 1956, Minnesota
KOSASA, Thomas S., Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology; AB 1967, BMS 1969, Dartmouth; MD 1971, McGill
KOWALKE, Ronald L., Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1959, Rockford College; MFA 1960, Cranbrook
KRAEMER, Hazel V., Professor Emerita of Human Development; AB 1934, MA 1938, PhD 1945, UC Berkeley
KRATKY, Bernard A., Researcher Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1967, MS 1969, PhD 1971, Purdue
KRAUSE, Loretta, Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1960, Minnesota; MA 1961, Nebraska; EdD 1969, South Dakota
KROCK, Hans-Jurgen, Professor Emeritus of Ocean Engineering; BS 1965, Arizona State; MS 1967, PhD 1972, UC Berkeley
KROHN-CHING, Waldtraut L., Professor Emeritus of Education, CRDG; BS 1968, MA 1969, Eastern Michigan; MFA 1974, Hawai‘i
KUDO, E. Takeo, Professor Emeritus of Music; BEd 1965, MA 1977, Hawai‘i; MM 1975, Indiana; DMA 1980, Miami; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991
KUDRITZKI, Rolf-Peter, Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; BS 1971, PhD 1973, Technische Universität Berlin
KUO, Franklin, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1955, MS 1956, PhD 1958, Illinois
KURODA, Yasumasa, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1956, MA 1959, PhD 1962, Oregon
KWOK, Daniel W. Y., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1954, Brown; MA 1956, PhD 1959, Yale; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1988
KWOK, Reginald Y., Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies and Urban and Regional Planning; Diploma 1963, Polytechnic London; Diploma, Architectural Association London; MS 1969, PhD 1973, Columbia
LA CROIX, Sumner J., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1976, Virginia; MA 1979, PhD 1981, Washington; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1994
LADD, Doris M., Professor Emerita of History; AB 1955, MA 1956, 1964, PhD 1972, Stanford
LADY, E. Lee, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1962, BS 1962, Arizona; MA 1969, UC San Diego; PhD 1972, New Mexico State
LAGUNDIMAO, Clemente, Professor Emeritus of Art; BFA 1957, MFA 1975, Hawai‘i
LAI, Morris K., Graduate Faculty Emeritus in Educational Psychology; BS 1965, Stanford; MA 1967, Hawai‘i; PhD 1972, UC Berkeley
LAMLEY, Harry J., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1953, Reed College; MA 1960, PhD 1964, Washington
LAMPE, William A., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1964, Lafayette; PhD 1969, Pennsylvania State
LANG, Melvin, Professor Emeritus of Education; BS 1953, SUNY-New Paltz; MA 1956, Columbia; EdD 1962, NYU
LAU, Alan F., Professor Emeritus of PBRC; BS 1971, Hawai‘i; PhD 1976, Michigan
LAU, Frederick C., Professor Emeritus of Music; BA 1981, Chinese U of Hong Kong; Post Graduate Diploma 1982, Guildhall School of Music (London); MM 1984, DMA 1991, Illinois; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
LAU, L. Stephen, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering; BS 1953, MS 1955, PhD 1959, UC Berkeley
LAURILA, Simo L., Professor Emeritus of Geodesy; BSc 1946, MSc 1948, PhD 1953, Finland Institute of Technology
LAWRENCE, Charles R. III, Professor Emeritus of Law; BA 1965, Haverford; JD 1969, Yale
LAWS, Edward A., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; AB 1967, PhD 1971, Harvard
LEE, ByongWon, Professor Emeritus of Music; BA 1964, Seoul National U; MA 1971, PhD 1974, Washington
LEE, Chin Nyean, Professor Emeritus of and Researcher and Specialist Emeritus in Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1979, Iowa State; MS 1981, PhD 1984, Wisconsin
LEE, Peter H., Professor Emeritus of Korean Comparative Literature; BA 1951, College of St. Thomas; MA 1953, Yale; PhD 1958, Munchen
LEN, Eleanor, Specialist Emerita in Career Services; BEd 1957, Hawai‘i; MA 1958, Columbia; PhD 1979, Arizona State
LEONG, Jo-Ann C., Director Emerita of HIMB; BA 1964, PhD 1971, UC San Francisco
LETON, Donald A., Professor Emeritus of Education; BS 1947, Central State; MA 1949, PhD 1955, Minnesota
LEUNG, PingSun, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BBA 1973, MS 1975, PhD 1977, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1990
LEWIS, Nancy D., Professor Emerita of Geography; AB 1968, MA 1974, MA 1976, PhD 1981, UC Berkeley
LI, Ying-che, Professor Emeritus of Chinese; BA 1959, Tunghai (Taiwan); MA 1964, PhD 1970, Michigan
LI, Yuan-Hui, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1959, National Taiwan U; PhD 1967, Columbia
LIANG, Tung, Researcher Emeritus in Agricultural Engineering; BS 1956, Taiwan; MS 1963, Michigan State; PhD 1967, North Carolina State
LIN, Shu, Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1959, National Taiwan U; MS 1964, PhD 1965, Rice
LIN, Yu-Chong, Professor Emeritus of Physiology; BS 1959, Taiwan Normal U; MS 1964, New Mexico; PhD 1968, Rutgers
LINMAN, James W., Professor Emeritus of Medicine; BS 1945, MD 1947, Illinois
LISTER, H. Lawrence, Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BA 1957, Willamette; MSW 1959, Washington; DSW 1971, Columbia
LITTLE, Robert D., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BS 1965, Stanford; MA 1969, PhD 1972, Cornell
LIU, Clark C. K., Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering; BS 1966, National Taiwan U; MS 1969, Mississippi; PhD 1976, Cornell
LIU, Juanita C., Professor Emerita of Travel Industry Management; BA 1969, USC; MA 1971, Pennsylvania; PhD 1979, Simon Fraser (Canada); Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
LIZENBERY, Gregg, Professor Emeritus of Dance; CMA 1982, Laban Institute of Movement Studies; BFA 1991, Utah; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2008
LO, Chin-Tang, Professor Emeritus of Chinese Literature; BA 1952, MA 1956, National Taiwan U; DLitt 1961, Ministry of Education, Rep. of China and National Normal (Taiwan)
LOCKE, Robert R., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1956, PhD 1965, UCLA
LOH, Philip C. S., Professor Emeritus of Microbiology; BS 1950, Morningside; MS 1953, Iowa State; MPH 1954, PhD 1958, Michigan; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1965
LOSEY, George S., Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BS 1964, Miami; PhD 1968, UC San Diego
LOWE, Howard D., Professor Emeritus of Accounting; BS 1945, MS 1948, Brigham Young; CPA 1950, Utah; DBA 1957, Indiana
LUKAS, Roger B., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; AB 1973, USC; MS 1977, PhD 1981, Hawai‘i
LUM, Bert K. B., Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology; BS 1951, PhD 1956, Michigan; MD 1960, Kansas
LUM, Jean L. J., Professor Emerita of Nursing; BS 1960, Hawai‘i; MS 1961, UC San Francisco; MA 1969, PhD 1972, Washington
LUM, Richard S., Professor Emeritus of Music; BEd 1951, Hawai‘i; MMusEd 1953, Northwestern
LUNDEEN, Gerald W., Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Studies; BS 1959, Wisconsin; PhD 1965, Minnesota; AMLS 1972, Michigan
LYDDON, Paul W., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Music; BM 1954, Eastman School of Music; MM 1955, Illinois
LYONS, Paul, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1980, Hobart College; MA 1981, Michigan; PhD 1990, North Carolina; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2004
LYTTLE, Terrence W., Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology; BS 1970, PhD 1975, Wisconsin
MA, Yau-Woon, Professor Emeritus of Chinese Literature; BA 1965, Hong Kong; PhD 1971, Yale
MABANGLO, Ruth E. S., Professor Emerita of Philippine Literature; BA 1969, MEd 1980, PhD 1985, Manuel L. Quezon U; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1996
MACKENZIE, Fred T., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1955, Upsala College; MS 1959, PhD 1962, Lehigh; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1991; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1993; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
MACKENZIE, Melody, Professor Emerita of Law; BA 1970, Beloit; JD 1976, Hawai‘i, Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2013
MADER, Adolf G., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; MS 1961, Tubingen (Germany); PhD 1964, New Mexico State
MAGNUSSEN, Lois, Professor Emerita of Nursing; BS 1963, MS 1964, Loma Linda; EdD 1990, Hawai‘i
MAK, James, Professor Emeritus of Economics; BS 1964, Wilmington College; MA 1966, Miami-Ohio; MS 1968, PhD 1970, Purdue; Robert W. Clopton Award for Outstanding Service to the Community, 2000
MALAHOFF, Alexander, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1960, New Zealand; MS 1962, Victoria; PhD 1965, Hawai‘i; DSc (Hon.) 2001, Victoria
MAMIYA, Richard T., Professor Emeritus of Surgery; BS 1950, Hawai‘i; MD 1954, St. Louis
MAN, Glenn K. S., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1966, MA 1967, PhD 1970, Notre Dame
MANSHARDT, Richard M., Professor of and Researcher in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BA 1969, Antioch; MS 1976, Illinois; PhD 1980, Florida
MARSELLA, Anthony, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1962, Baldwin-Wallace College; MA 1964, Kent State; PhD 1968, Pennsylvania State
MARSELLA, Joy A., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1963, Baldwin-Wallace College; MA 1970, Pennsylvania State; PhD 1981, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
MARSH, James B., Professor Emeritus of International Business; BA 1961, MA 1967, PhD 1972, Chicago
MARTEL, Stephen J., Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics; BS 1980, UC Davis; MS 1984, PhD 1987, Stanford; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1997
MARTIN, Stephen L., Specialist Emeritus in Co-curricular Activities, Programs, and Services; BA 1964, Denver; MA 1965, Minnesota; PhD 1969, USC
MARTINI, Mary I., Professor Emerita of Family Resources; BA 1971, Lake Forest; MA 1978, PhD 1984, Chicago
MARUTANI, Herbert K., Specialist Emeritus in Agricultural Economics; BBA 1953, MA 1958, Illinois; PhD 1970, Hawai‘i
MASON, Andrew, Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1969, George Washington; MA 1973, PhD 1975, Michigan
MATSUO, Dorothy I., Specialist Emerita in Student Affairs; BS 1950, MPH 1970, EdD 1982, Hawai‘i
McCARDLE, H. Roy, Specialist Emeritus in Student Development; BS 1941, Columbia; MBA 1962, Hawai‘i; EdD 1972, New Mexico
McCREARY, Julian P., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography and IPRC; BS 1966, Pomona College; MS 1968, Stanford; PhD 1977, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
McCUTCHEON, Elizabeth N., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1954, William Smith; MA 1956, PhD 1961, Wisconsin
McEWAN, Hunter T., Professor Emeritus of Education; MA 1976, Edinburgh (Scotland); MEd 1982, PhD 1986, Washington
McFALL-NGAI, Margaret, Professor Emerita BS 1973, University of San Francisco, PhD 1983, UCLA
McGREGOR Davianna P., Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Studies; BEd 1972, BA 1973, PD 1973, MA 1979, PhD 1989, Hawaiʻi
McKAUGHAN, Howard P., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics; BA 1945, UCLA; MTh 1946, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA 1952, PhD 1957, Cornell
McKAY, R. Neil, Professor Emeritus of Music; BA 1953, Western Ontario; MA 1955, PhD 1956, Eastman School of Music
MCVAY, Harue O., Professor Emerita of Art; BA 1950, Hawai‘i; MA 1951, Ohio State
MEASURES, Christopher, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1972, MS 1974, PhD 1978, Southampton (UK)
MENIKOFF, Barry, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1960, Brooklyn; MS 1962, PhD 1966, Wisconsin
MENTON, Linda K., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1968, Chaminade; MLS 1972, MA 1978, PhD 1982, Hawai‘i
MERSINO, Edwin, Extension Agent Emeritus in CTAHR; BS 1970, Clarion State; MS 1980, Hawai‘i
MESSING, Russell H., Researcher Emeritus in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BA 1973, Rutgers; MS 1981, PhD 1986, Oregon State
MI, Ming‑Pi, Professor Emeritus of Genetics; BS 1954, National Taiwan U; MS 1959, PhD 1963, Wisconsin
MIAO, Pu, Professor Emeritus of Architecture; BS in Architecture 1982, Tongji U (China); MArch 1985, PhD 1992, UC Berkeley
MILLER, F. DeWolfe, IV, Professor Emeritus of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology; BS 1965, Tennessee Tech; MS 1969, Tennessee; MPH 1974, PhD 1978, Michigan
MILLER, Richard S., Professor Emeritus of Law; BS 1951, BA 1951, JD 1956, Boston; LLM 1959, Yale
MILNER, Neal A., Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1963, MA 1965, PhD 1968, Wisconsin
MINERBI, Luciano, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning; Dott Arch 1966, Polytech Un Mil; MUP 1969, Washington
MING, Li-Chung, Geophysicist Emeritus in HIGP; BS 1967, National Taiwan U; MS 1971, PhD 1974, Rochester
MIYAHARA, Allen, Extension Veterinarian and Animal Scientist Emeritus; DVM 1954, MS 1960, Iowa State
MIYAHARA, James T., Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology; BS 1960, PhD 1966, Utah
MIYAMURA, Henry, Professor Emeritus of Music; BM 1960, Performer’s Certificate 1961, Eastman School of Music; MA 1972, Western Washington
MIYASAKI, Susan C, Professor of Agronomy in Topical Plan and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS, UC Berkely; MS Hawaii; PhD Cornell
MOBERLY, Ralph M., Professor Emeritus of Geology; AB 1950, PhD 1956, Princeton
MOKUAU, Noreen, Professor Emerita of Social Work; BA 1975, MSW 1977, Hawai‘i; DSW 1982, UCLA; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1994; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1997; Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation Award for Faculty Service to the Community, 2001
MONCUR, James E. T., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1964, MA 1965, Wyoming; PhD 1971, Washington State
MONTES, Matias, Professor Emeritus of Spanish; BA 1948, Havana Institute (Cuba); PhD 1952, Havana
MONTES, Yara, Professor Emeritus of Spanish; PhD 1955, Havana; PhD 1978, Pittsburgh
MONTGOMERY, Tamara R., Professor Emerita of Theatre; BA 1966, MA 1967, Arizona State; PhD 1975, USC
MOORE, Anneliese W., Associate Professor Emerita of European Languages; BA 1958, Hawai‘i; MA 1959, UC Berkeley
MOORE, Cornelia N., Professor Emerita of German and Dutch; BA 1966, MA 1966, Colorado; PhD 1971, Indiana
MOORE, Gregory F., Geophysicist Emeritus of Earth Sciences; BA 1973, UC Santa Barbara; MA 1974, Johns Hopkins; PhD 1977, Cornell
MORALES, Rodney, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1975, MA 1984, Hawai‘i
MORISHIGE, Walter K., Professor Emeritus of Physiology; AB 1964, Missouri; MA 1967, PhD 1971, Rutgers; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching
MORRIS, Nancy Jane, Librarian Emerita; BA 1954, George Washington; MA 1964, Denver; MA 1975, PhD 1987, Hawai‘i
MORTON, Bruce E., Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Biophysics; BA 1960, La Sierra College; MS 1963, PhD 1965, Wisconsin
MORTON, Newton E., Professor Emeritus of Genetics; BA 1951, Hawai‘i; MS 1952, PhD 1955, Wisconsin
MOTTL, Michael J., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1970, Michigan State; MA 1972, Princeton; PhD 1976, Harvard
MOUGINIS-MARK, Peter J., Researcher Emeritus in HIGP; BS 1973, PhD 1977, Lancaster (UK)
MOULIN, Jane F., Professor Emeritus of Music; BA 1969, Hawaiʻi; MM 1971, UCLA; PhD 1991, UC Santa Barbara
MOY, James H., Food Technologist Emeritus; BSChE 1957, MSChE 1958, Wisconsin-Madison; PhD 1965, Rutgers
MUELLER, Charles, Professor Emeritus of Psychology
MULLER, Peter, Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; Diploma-Phys 1970, Dr rer nat 1974, Hamburg (Germany)
MUNCHMEYER, Frederick C., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering; BS 1942, Coast Guard Academy; MS 1948, MIT; PhD 1978, Michigan
MURDOCH, Charles L., Professor Emeritus of Horticulture; BS 1959, MS 1960, Arkansas; PhD 1966, Illinois
MURPHY, Suzanne P., Researcher Emerita in UHCC; BA 1962, Temple U; MS 1973, San Francisco State; PhD 1984, UC Berkeley
MURTON, Brian J., Professor Emeritus of Geography; BA 1961, MA 1962, Canterbury; PhD 1970, Minnesota
NACHTIGALL, Paul E., Researcher Emeritus in HIMB; BA 1967, MA 1970, San Jose State; PhD 1976, Hawai‘i
NAGAO, Mike A., Researcher Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BA 1969, MS 1971, Hawai‘i; PhD 1975, Massachusetts
NAGOSHI, Kunio, Specialist Emeritus in CCECS; BA 1953, MA 1954, Hawai‘i
NAHL, Diane M., Professor Emerita of ICS; BA 1976, MLS 1983, PhD 1993, Hawai‘i
NAJITA, Joyce M., Researcher Emerita in IRC; BBA 1954, Hawai‘i; Certificate 1955, Radcliffe; MBA 1958, Hawai‘i
NAKAMURA, Charlotte W., Extension Agent Emerita; BS 1966, Hawai‘i; MS 1968, Purdue
NAKAMURA, Robert M., Researcher Emeritus in Animal Science; DVM 1959, Washington State; MS 1966, PhD 1967, Wisconsin
NAKANO, Richard, Extension Agent Emeritus; BS 1962, MS 1964, Hawai‘i
NAKASATO, Masaru, Specialist Emeritus in Extension; BS 1951, Hawai‘i; MS 1961, Oregon State
NAKAYAMA, Roy T., Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology; BA 1970, Lawrence; MD 1974, Colorado
NATION, James B., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1970, Vanderbilt; PhD 1973, CIT; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2003
NELSON, Scot C., Specialist Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BA 1979, Pennsylvania State; MS 1988, Texas A&M; PhD 1992, North Carolina State
NEUBAUER, Deane, Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1962, UC Riverside; MA 1965, PhD 1996, Yale; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1997
NICHOLSON, Peter C., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1969, Connecticut; MA 1970, PhD 1973, Pennsylvania
NIP, Wai-Kit, Food Technologist Emeritus; BS 1962, National Chung-Hsing; MS 1965, PhD 1969, Texas A&M
NISHIDA, Toshiyuki, Entomologist Emeritus; BS 1941, MS 1947, Hawai‘i; PhD 1953, UC Berkeley
NISHIJIMA, Wayne T., Specialist Emeritus in Plant Pathology; BS 1967, Washington; MS 1972, Hawai‘i; PhD 1977, Wisconsin; Willard Wilson Award for Distinguished Services to the University, 2006
NISHIMOTO, Roy K., Researcher Emeritus in Horticulture; BS 1966, MS 1967, Oregon State; PhD 1970, Purdue
NISHIYAMA, Kazuo, Professor Emeritus of Speech; BA 1965, MA 1968, Hawai‘i; PhD 1970, Minnesota
NOGELMEIER, M. Puakea, Professor Emeritus of Hawaiian; BA 1983, MA 1989, PhD 2003, Hawai‘i
NOONAN, Mary Jo, Professor of Special Education; BS 1977, Cincinnati; MS 1978, Miami; PhD 1982, Kansas
O’BRIEN, Ethel M., Professor Emerita of Health and Physical Education; BA 1937, UC Berkeley; MEd 1950, Hawai‘i; EdD 1958, Oregon
ODA, E. Aiko, Specialist Emerita in Counselor Education; BeD 1958, MEd 1964, Hawai‘i; PhD 1969, Minnesota
O’DONNELL, Clifford, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1964, Fairleigh Dickinson; MS 1966, Oklahoma State; PhD 1970, Kentucky
O’HARROW, Stephen D., Professor Emeritus of Indo- Pacific Languages and Literatures; BA 1962, Michigan; MA 1965, London; Doc en Etud Orient 1972, Sorbonne (France)
OKAMURA, Grant, Professor Emeritus of Music; BEd 1971, PD 1972, MMus 1982, Hawai‘i
OKAMURA, Jonathan Y., Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Studies; BA 1971, USC; PhD 1983, London (England)
OLSEN, Stephen L., Professor Emeritus of Physics; BS 1963, CCNY; MS 1965, PhD 1970, Wisconsin; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2002
O’MEALY, Joseph H., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1970, Holy Cross College; MA 1971, PhD 1975, Stanford
ONOPA, Robert L., Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1964, Illinois; MA 1966, Connecticut; PhD 1974, Northwestern
OXFORD, Wayne H., Professor Emeritus of Speech; BA 1954, MA 1960, PhD 1969, UCLA
PAGER, David, Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Sciences; BSc 1956, Capetown; PhD 1967, London
PAK, Gary, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1974, Boston; MA 1990, PhD 1997, Hawai‘i
PALAFOX, Anastacio L., Poultry Scientist Emeritus; BS 1940, MS 1941, Washington State; PhD 1970, Michigan State
PANKO, Raymond R., Professor Emeritus of Information Technology Management; BS 1968, MBA 1971, Seattle; PhD 1975, Stanford
PARK, Chai Bin, Professor Emeritus of Public Health; MD 1949, Seoul National; MPH 1956, DrPH 1959, UC Berkeley
PARKES, Graham, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy; B.A., Oxford; PhD 1979, UC Berkeley
PARVIN, Philip E., Professor Emeritus of Horticulture; BSA 1950, Florida; MS 1952, Mississippi State; PhD 1965, Michigan State
PATEK, Paul Q., Professor Emeritus of Microbiology; BS 1970, USC; PhD 1976, Texas-Houston
PATEMAN, Mary E., Professor Emerita of Education; BSEd 1973, MEd 1976, EdS 1980, Georgia-Athens; MPH 1989, HSD 1989, Indiana-Bloomington
PATEMAN, Neil A., Professor Emeritus of Education; BSc 1966, MEd 1980, Melbourne; EdD 1985, Georgia
PATIL, Suresh S., Researcher Emeritus of Plant Pathology; BS 1955, Poona (India); MS 1959, PhD 1962, Oregon State
PAXTON, Laurence J., Professor Emeritus of Music; BM 1977, Ohio Wesleyan; MM 1980, Indiana
PETERS, Ann Marie, Professor Emerita of Linguistics; BA 1959, Bryn Mawr; MA 1961, PhD 1966, Wisconsin; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992
PETERS, Joan D., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1975, Massachusetts-Boston; MA 1979, PhD 1984, Rutgers; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991
PETERS, Michael W., Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy; BS 1959, CIT; PhD 1964, Wisconsin
PETERSON, Frank L., Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics; BA 1963, Cornell; MA 1965, PhD 1967, Stanford
PETERSON, Richard E., Professor Emeritus of Financial Economics and Institutions; AB 1954, Stanford; MA 1966, PhD 1972, UC Berkeley
PHILLIPS, Kathy J., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1972, Dickinson College; PhD 1977, Brown; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1990
PIETRUSEWSKY, Michael, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1966, SUNY-Buffalo; MA 1967, PhD 1969, Toronto
PONCE, Danilo E., Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry; MD 1963, U of Philippines
POWER, John H., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1946, Washington; PhD 1955, Stanford
PRATT, Richard C., Professor Emeritus of Public Administration; BA 1964, UC Riverside; MA 1966, Denver; PhD 1972, Hawai‘i
PREBLE, Duane, Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1959, UCLA; MFA 1963, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1969
PUTNAM, Lee, Specialist Emerita in Student Affairs; BA 1967, Colorado; MA 1971, Chicago; PhD 1983, Maryland
QURESHI, Kristine, Professor Emerita of Nursing; BS 1982, SUNY-Stony Brook; MS 1984, Adelphi U; DNSc 2003, Columbia
RALEIGH, C. Barry, Researcher Emeritus in SOEST; BA 1956, Pomona; MA 1958, Claremont; PhD 1963, UCLA
RAMAGE, Colin S., Professor Emeritus of Meteorology; BS 1940, Victoria UC (New Zealand); ScD 1961, New Zealand
RAMOS, Teresita V., Professor Emerita of Philippine Languages and Literature; BSE 1952, U of Philippines; MA 1958, Michigan; UCLA 1964; PhD 1972, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
RAMSEY, L. Thomas, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1970, North Dakota; PhD 1975, Louisiana
RANKER, Tom A., Professor Emeritus of Botany; BA 1974, Cal State Sacramento; MA 1982, Humboldt State; PhD 1987, Kansas
RAPSON, Richard L., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1958, Amherst; PhD 1966, Columbia
RAUCH, Fred D., Specialist Emeritus in Horticulture; BS 1956, MS 1963, Oregon State; PhD 1967, Iowa State
RAYNER, Martin D., Professor Emeritus of Cell and Molecular Biology; BA 1958, PhD 1962, Cambridge
READ, George W., Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology; BA 1959, MS 1962, Stanford; PhD 1969, Hawai‘i
RECHNITZ, Garry A., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry; BS 1958, Michigan; MS 1959, PhD 1961, Illinois; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1998
REED, Gay G., Professor Emerita of Education; BA 1968, California Western; MEd 1987, PhD 1991, Virginia; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1996
REED, S. Arthur, Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BS 1951, Kent State; MA 1953, PhD 1962, Michigan State
REID, Lawrence A., Researcher Emeritus in SSRI; MA 1964, PhD 1966, Hawai‘i
REIPURTH, Bo, Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; PhD 1981, Dr. Scient. 1999, Copenhagen U (Denmark)
REITSPERGER, Wolf, Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BA 1976, Sofia U of Tokyo; MBA 1977, Pepperdine; PhD 1982, U of London
REMUS, William E., Professor Emeritus of Decision Sciences; BS 1967, Michigan; MBA 1972, PhD 1974, Michigan State; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1990
REYNOLDS, Katsue A., Professor Emerita of Japanese; BA 1958, Chiba (Japan); PhD 1978, UCLA
RICHMAN, Eugene, Professor Emeritus of Management and Industrial Relations; BIndE 1942, Rensselaer Polytechnic; MAdE 1949, DEngSc 1951, New York
RIDER, Richard L., Professor Emeritus of Communication; AB 1937, Nebraska; MFA 1947, Yale; PhD 1958, Illinois
RIDGLEY, Mark A., Professor Emeritus of Geography; BS Env Design 1976, North Carolina State-Raleigh; MS 1980, PhD 1986, Pennsylvania State
RIEDER, Jonathan, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1974, Cincinnati; MA 1976, MPhil 1978, PhD 1980, Yale
RIESER, Alison, Professor Emerita of Geography and Environment; BS 1973, Cornell; JD 1976, George Washington; LLM 1990, Yale
RIGGS, H. Ronald, Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering; BS 1975, Cal State Chico; MS 1976, PhD 1981, UC Berkeley
ROBB, David D., Specialist Emeritus in Admission and Records; BA 1969, MA 1976, PhD 1983, Hawai‘i
RODGERS, Theodore S., Professor Emeritus of CRDG; BA 1956, Amherst; MS 1961, Georgetown; PhD 1968, Stanford
ROGNSTAD, Mark, Specialist Emeritus in HIGP; BS 1975, BS 1975, MIT
ROSE, John C., Professor Emeritus of Geophysics; BS 1948, MS 1950, PhD 1955, Wisconsin
ROSEN, Leon, Researcher Emeritus; AB 1945, UC Berkeley; MD 1948, UC San Francisco; MPH 1950, UC Berkeley; DrPH 1953, Johns Hopkins
ROSENBERG, Morton M., Senior Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science; BS 1938, Rutgers; MS 1940, Texas A&M; PhD 1948, Wisconsin
ROTH, Randall W., Professor Emeritus of Law; BS 1970, Regis College; JD 1974, Denver; LLM 1975, Miami, Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1998; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
ROUMASSET, James A., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1965, UC Berkeley; MA 1969, Hawai‘i; PhD 1973, Wisconsin-Madison
RUCH, Libby O., Professor Emerita of Sociology; BA 1964, Vassar; MA 1967, Hawai‘i; PhD 1973, Stanford
RUDOY, Raul C., Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics; BS 1967, MD 1968, Cayetano Heredia (Peru); MPH 1974, Hawai‘i
RUMMEL, Rudolph J., Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1959, MA 1961, Hawai‘i; PhD 1963, Northwestern
RUSSELL, Armand K., Professor Emeritus of Music; BA 1953, MA 1954, Washington; DMA 1958, Eastman School; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1990
RYBURN, Ruey J., Professor Emerita of Nursing; BSN 1968, San Diego State; MPH 1976, MS 1976, DrPH 1987, Hawai‘i
SAAKE, Alvin C., Professor Emeritus of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; BS 1937, Ithaca College; MA 1946, EdD 1954, New York
SAKUMA, Mabel Y., Extension Agent Emerita; BS 1956, MEd 1978, Hawai‘i
SALZMAN, Michael B., Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology, Education; BA 1968, Brooklyn College; MA 1978, Oregon; PhD 1987, Arizona
SANDERSON, Richard A., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1952, MA 1958, PhD 1961, USC
SANG, Jürgen G., Professor Emeritus of German; Dr Phil 1966, Munich
SANSONE, Francis J., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1973, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; MS 1976, PhD 1980, North Carolina
SASO, Michael, Professor Emeritus of Religion; BA 1952, Santa Clara; MA 1955, Gonzaga; MA 1964, Yale; PhD 1971, London
SATO, Dwight M., Extension Agent Emeritus in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1976, Hawai‘i; MS 1978, UC Riverside
SATO, Mamoru, Professor Emeritus of Art; BA 1963, MFA 1965, Colorado
SAULO, Aurora A., Professor Emerita of and Specialist in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1971, College of the Holy Spirit (Philippines); MS 1977, PhD 1978, Massachusetts
SCHAMBER, Dean T., Professor Emeritus of Surgery; BA 1956, MD 1959, Minnesota; Excellence in Teaching, Legion of Merit
SCHMITT, Donald P., Researcher Emeritus in Plant Pathology; BS 1967, MS 1969, PhD 1971, Iowa State
SCHOONMAKER, Jane E., Specialist Emerita in Oceanography; BA 1976, DePauw; MS 1979, PhD 1981, Northwestern
SCHROEDER, Thomas A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Meteorology; BS 1969, Indiana Central; MS 1971, PhD 1974, Purdue
SCHULTZ, Susan M., Professor Emerita of English; BA 1980, Yale; MA 1984, PhD 1989, Virginia
SCHWARTZ, Arnold D., Professor Emeritus of Public Health; AB 1947, UC Berkeley; MD 1950, UC San Francisco; MPH 1956, Harvard
SCOTT, Frank S., Jr., Researcher Emeritus in Agricultural and Resource Economics; BS 1944, Oregon; MA 1947, Missouri; PhD 1953, Illinois
SEIDL, Ludwig H., Professor Emeritus of Ocean Engineering; BSME 1961, MS 1964, DSc 1970, Vienna U of Technology
SEIFERT, Friedrich, Professor Emeritus of Religion; ThD 1959, Pacific School of Religion; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1967
SEIFERT, Josef, Researcher Emeritus of CTAHR; MS 1964, PhD 1973, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology (Czech Republic)
SEO, Kap-Kyung, Professor Emeritus of Financial Economics and Institutions; BA 1956, South Carolina; MBA 1957, Xavier; PhD 1960, Cincinnati
SEYMOUR, Richard K., Professor Emeritus of German; BA 1951, MA 1952, Michigan; PhD 1956, Pennsylvania
SHANG, Eugene Y. C., Researcher Emeritus in Agricultural and Resource Economics; BA 1958, Chung Hsing; MS 1962, Southern Illinois; PhD 1969, Hawai‘i
SHAPIRO, Michael J., Professor Emeritus of Political Science; BA 1962, Tufts; MA 1964, Hawai‘i; PhD 1966, Northwestern; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2010
SHAPIRO, Samuel I., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1961, Brooklyn College; AM 1962, Michigan; MS 1965, PhD 1966, Pennsylvania State
SHARMA, Miriam, Professor Emerita of Asian Studies; BA 1962, Brooklyn College; MA 1966, Virginia; PhD 1973, Hawai‘i
SHARMA, Rama Nath, Professor Emeritus of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures; BA 1957, Banaras; MA 1959, Allahabad (India); MA 1962, Agra (India); PhD 1971, Rochester
SHARMA, Santosh D., Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology; MBBS 1960, Poona (India)
SHELDON, Pauline J., Professor Emerita of Travel Industry Management; BS 1972, Southampton (UK); MBA 1980, Chaminade; PhD 1984, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1995
SHERMAN, Ruth G., Specialist Emerita in Student Development; BA 1942, Douglass; MA 1964, Hawai‘i; PhD 1981, Human Psychology Institute
SHIBATA, Shoji, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology; MD 1952, Nara Medical College; PhD 1957, Kyoto (Japan)
SHIGETA, Daniel T., Extension Agent Emeritus; BS 1950, Hawai‘i; MEd 1964, Colorado State
SHIGETA, James Y., Specialist Emeritus in Club Work; BS 1951, Maryland; MS 1958, Wisconsin
SHIPWRIGHT, Edward, Professor Emeritus of Music; BS 1959, MS 1961, Juilliard School; EdD 1976, Columbia
SHOULTZ, Janice E., Professor Emerita of Nursing; BSN 1984, Hawai‘i Loa College; MPH 1986, MS 1991, DrPH 1993, Hawai‘i; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2010
SHULTZ, Edward J., Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies; AB 1966, Union College; MA 1970, PhD 1976, Hawai‘i; Robert W. Clopton Award for Outstanding Community Service, 2004
SIBERT, John R., Researcher Emeritus; BA 1962, U of Pacific; PhD 1968, Columbia
SIEGEL, Lee A., Professor Emeritus of Religion; BA 1967, UC Berkeley; MFA 1969, Columbia; PhD 1975, Oxford; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1986; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1990; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1996
SIMPKINS, Alan, Specialist Emeritus in Student Development; BA 1959, Nebraska; MA 1968, Hawai‘i; PhD 1976, U.S. International
SIMSON, George, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1952, Whitman; MA 1957, Washington State, PhD 1963, Minnesota
SINGLETON, Paul W., Researcher Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1975, Colorado; MA 1976, Florida; PhD 1982, Hawai‘i
SINTON, John M., Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics; AB 1969, UC Santa Barbara; MS 1971, Oregon; PhD 1976, U of Otago (New Zealand); Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1991
SLAUGHTER, Helen B., Professor Emerita of Education; BSEd 1959, Northern Arizona; MEd 1965, EdD 1974, Arizona
SMITH, Clifford W., Professor Emeritus of Botany; BSc (Hons) 1962, U of Wales; MSc 1963, PhD 1965, Manchester (UK)
SMITH, Craig R., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BS 1977, Michigan State; PhD 1983, UC San Diego; Board of Regents Medal for Excellence in Research, 2019
SMITH, Dean O., Professor Emeritus of Physiology; BA 1967, Harvard; AM 1969, PhD 1971, Stanford
SMITH, Garnett J., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1970, Eastern Montana College; MA 1974, EdD 1981, Northern Colorado
SMITH, M. Ray, Researcher Emeritus in Biosystems Engineering; BS 1958, Oklahoma State; MS 1959, Illinois; PhD 1965, Iowa State
SMITH, Stephen V., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BA 1964, Texas; MS 1966, Northwestern; PhD 1970, Hawai‘i
SMITH, Wayne S., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1974, MA 1977, PhD 1983, UC Berkeley
SNOW, Marcellus S., Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1965, Utah; MA 1969, Johns Hopkins; MS 1969, MIT; PhD 1974, UC Berkeley
SOHN, Ho-min, Professor Emeritus of Korean; BA 1956, MA 1965, Seoul National (Korea); PhD 1969, Hawai‘i; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1985; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2005
SOLHEIM, Wilhelm G., II, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1947, Wyoming; MA 1949, UC Berkeley; PhD 1959, Arizona
SOLYOM, Bronwen, Librarian Emerita in Library Services; BA 1964, Tasmania; MLS 1971, MA 1976, Hawai‘i
SOPHIAN, Catherine, Professor Emerita of Psychology; BA 1974, Florida; MA 1978, PhD 1980, Michigan
SPEIDEL, Michael P., Professor Emeritus of History; PhD 1962, Freiburg (Germany); Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 1995
SPONSEL, Leslie E., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1965, Indiana; MA 1973, PhD 1981, Cornell; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1986
SPRAGUE, Ralph H., Professor Emeritus of Information Technology Management; BS 1960, Anderson College; MBA 1962, DBA 1964, Indiana
SSTANDAL, Bluebell R., Nutritionist Emeritus; BS 1942, Calcutta; MS 1948, PhD 1952, UC Berkeley
STANNARD, David E., Professor Emeritus of American Studies; BA 1971, San Francisco State; MA 1972, MPhil 1973, PhD 1975, Yale; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1987
STANTON, Joseph C., Professor Emeritus of American Studies; BA 1971, MacMurray College; MA 1972, Claremont Graduate School; PhD 1989, NYU
STASACK, Edward A., Professor Emeritus of Art; BFA 1955, MFA 1956, Illinois
STEINHOFF, Patricia, Professor Emerita of Sociology; BA 1963, Michigan; PhD 1969, Harvard; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2012
STEMPEL, Daniel, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1941, City College of New York; MA 1942, PhD 1949, Harvard
STEPHAN, John J., Professor Emeritus of History; BA 1963, MA 1964, Harvard; PhD 1969, London
STEVENS, Robert D., Professor Emeritus of Library Studies; AB 1942, Syracuse; BS 1947, Columbus; MA 1955, PhD 1965, American
STEWART, R. Frank, Professor Emeritus of English; BA 1968, MA 1972, Hawai‘i
STIMSON, John S., Professor Emeritus of Zoology; BA 1963, Occidental College; MA 1965, PhD 1968, UC Santa Barbara
STOCKTON, Alan N., Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; BA 1964, UC Berkeley; PhD 1968, Arizona
STODDEN, Robert A., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1965, Western Washington; MS 1974, CSU Long Beach; PhD 1976, Florida
STROVEN, Carl G., Senior Professor Emeritus of English and Librarian; AB 1926, MA 1928, Stanford; PhD 1939, Duke
STRELTZER, Jon M., Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry; BA 1966, Yale; MD 1970, Colorado
SUYDERHOUD, Jack P., Professor Emeritus of Financial Economics and Institutions; BS 1971, Jamestown College; MS 1972, PhD 1978, Purdue; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992
SWIFT, David W., Professor Emeritus of Sociology; AB 1950, MA 1960, PhD 1967, UC Berkeley
TACHIHATA, Chieko, Librarian Emerita; BA 1958, Hawai‘i; MSLS 1964, Illinois; PhD 1981, USC
TAKAHASHI, Patrick K., Director Emeritus of Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute; BS 1962, Stanford; PhD 1971, Louisiana State
TAM, Leslie Q., Professor Emeritus of Tropical Medicine and Medical Microbiology; BS 1971, MS 1974, PhD 1980, Hawai‘i; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1993
TAMIMI, Yusuf N., Soil Scientist Emeritus; BS 1957, Purdue; MS 1959, New Mexico State; PhD 1964, Hawai‘i
TAMURA, Eileen H., Professor Emeritus of History of Education; BA 1967, Hawai‘i; MEd 1971, Antioch Graduate School; PhD 1990, Hawai‘i
TAN, Siang-Young, Professor Emeritus of Medicine; BS 1968, MD 1970, McGill
TANABE, George J., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Religion; BA 1965, Willamette; MDiv 1969, Union Theological Seminary; MA 1974, PhD 1983, Columbia
TANABE, Willa, Professor Emerita of Art; BA 1967, Oregon; MA 1974, PhD 1983, Columbia; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1988
TANG, Chung-Shih, Researcher Emeritus in Agricultural Biochemistry; BS 1960, MS 1962, Taiwan, PhD 1967, UC Davis
TANJI, Virginia M., Librarian Emerita in JABSOM Library Resource Center; BA 1967, Hawai‘i; MSLS 1976, Illinois
TAYLOR, Andrew D., Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology and Zoology; BA 1974, Harvard; PhD 1984, Duke; MAS 1989, Ohio State
TAYLOR, Brian, Dean Emeritus of SOEST; BSc 1976, Sydney; MA 1978, MPhil 1979, PhD 1982, Columbia
TAYLOR, Diane W., Professor Emerita of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology; AA 1966, Cabrillo College; BA 1968, MS 1970, PhD 1975, Hawai‘i
TAYLOR, G. Jeffrey, Planetary Scientist Emeritus in HIGP; AB 1966, Colgate; MA 1968, PhD 1970, Rice
THARP, Roland, Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1957, Houston; MA 1958, PhD 1961, Michigan; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1970
THOMPSON, John R., Agronomist Emeritus; BS 1949, MS 1952, Minnesota; PhD 1964, Iowa State
THOMPSON, Laurence C., Professor Emeritus of Linguistics; BA 1949, Middlebury; MA 1950, PhD 1954, Yale
TILES, Mary E., Professor Emerita of Philosophy; BA 1967, PhD 1973, Bristol (UK); BPhil 1974, Oxford
TOWNSLEY, Sidney J., Professor Emeritus of Marine Zoology; BA 1948, UC Berkeley; MS 1950, Hawai‘i; PhD 1954, Yale
TOYAMA, Jean M., Professor Emerita of French; BA 1964, Hawai‘i; MA 1967, Purdue; PhD 1975, UC Irvine; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2000
TOKUNAGA, Alan T., Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; BS 1971, Pomona College; MS 1973, PhD 1976, SUNY-Stony Brook
TRIMILLOS, Ricardo D., Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies; AB 1962, San Jose; MA 1965, Hawai‘i; PhD 1972, UCLA; Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award, 2009
TRUJILLO, Eduardo E., Researcher Emeritus in Plant Pathology; BSA 1956, MS 1957, Arkansas; PhD 1962, UC Berkeley
TSUEI, Julia J., Professor Emerita of Public Health; MD 1952, National Defense Medical College (Taipei); MA 1966, Pennsylvania
TUAN, San Fu, Professor Emeritus of Physics; BA 1954, MA 1958, Oxford; PhD 1958, Berkeley
TULLY, R. Brent, Astronomer Emeritus in IFA; BS 1964, British Columbia; PhD 1972, Maryland; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, 2008
TUTTLE, Daniel W., Specialist Emeritus in Educational Administration; AB 1945, Illinois; MA 1947, PhD 1964, Minnesota
UEHARA, Betty K., Professor Emerita of Education; BEd 1947, Hawai‘i; MA 1958, New York; EdD 1974, Arizona
UHALLEY, Stephen, Jr., Professor Emeritus of History; AB 1956, UC Riverside; MA 1957, Claremont; PhD 1967, UC Berkeley; Fujio Matsuda Scholar, 1986
UPADHYAYA, Kashi Nath, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy; BA 1951, Patna U, MA 1953, PhD 1964, Sri Lanka
VAN REEN, Robert, Nutritionist Emeritus; AB 1943, New Jersey State; PhD 1949, Rutgers
VAN ZILE, Judy A., Professor Emerita of Dance; BA 1965, Indiana; MA 1966, Colorado; MA 1971, UCLA
VERDERBER, Anne, Professor Emerita of Nursing; BS 1958, St. John’s College; MEd 1964, Minnesota; MS 1969, Wisconsin; PhD 1982, USC
WALDRON, Jane A., Professor Emerita of Psychiatry; BA 1960, Newton; MSW 1965, Boston College; PhD 1974, Smith College
WANG, Bin, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences and IPRC; BS 1967, Shandong College of Oceanography (China); MS 1982, U of Science and Technology (China); PhD 1984, Florida State; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2013
WANG, Jaw-Kai, Researcher Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences and Biosystems Engineering; BS 1953, National Taiwan U; MS 1956, PhD 1958, Michigan State
WATSON, David L., Professor Emeritus of Psychology; BA 1959, Vanderbilt; MS 1961, PhD 1963, Yale
WAYNE, Valerie, Professor Emerita of English; AB 1966, DePauw; MA 1972, PhD 1978, Chicago; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1985
WEGNER, Eldon L., Professor Emeritus of Sociology; BA 1963, Redlands; MA 1965, PhD 1967, Wisconsin
WEINER, Joel L., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1965, MA 1968, PhD 1971, UCLA; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1995
WELDON, Edward J., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1958, Manhattan College; MS 1960, PhD 1963, Florida
WESTER, Lyndon L., Professor Emeritus of Geography; BA 1967, Adelaide; MA 1969, PhD 1975, UCLA
WESLEY-SMITH, Terence A., Professor Emeritus of Pacific Islands Studies; BCA 1977, BCA 1978, Victoria- Wellington (New Zealand); PhD 1988, Hawai‘i; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2003
WHITE, Bruce E., Dean Emeritus of College of Education, and Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1923, Willamette; MA 1932, PhD 1935, Washington
WHITE, Geoffrey M., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BA 1971, Princeton; MA 1973, PhD 1978, UC San Diego
WHITMAN, Nancy C., Professor Emerita of Curriculum Studies; BA 1954, MA 1956, PhD 1961, Illinois
WHITNEY, Arthur S., Agronomist Emeritus; BS 1955, Ohio; MS 1958, Cornell; PhD 1966, Hawai‘i
WHITTOW, G. Causey, Professor Emeritus of Physiology; BSc 1952, FLS 1976, Fl Biol 1992, London; PhD 1957, Malaya
WILKENS, Roy, Researcher Emeritus in HIGP; BA 1969, SUNY-New Paltz; MA 1977, SUNY-Binghamton; PhD 1981, Washington
WILLIAMS, Raburn, Professor Emeritus of Economics; BA 1965, Stanford; MA 1967, PhD 1970, Chicago
WILLS, James R., Jr., Professor Emeritus of Marketing; BA 1968, Taylor; MBA 1970, Western Michigan; DBA 1976, Kent State
WILSON, Leslie C., Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1969, Oregon; MS 1970, PhD 1973, Illinois
WILTSHIRE, John C., Specialist Emeritus in Ocean and Resources Engineering; BS 1976, Carleton U (Canada); PhD 1983, Hawai‘i
WOLFE, Suzanne, Professor Emerita of Art and Art History; BA 1965, BSD 1968, MFA 1970, Michigan
WOMERSLEY, Christopher, Professor Emeritus of Biology; BSc 1973, PhD 1977, Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK); Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
WON, George Y., Professor Emeritus of Sociology; BA 1955, MA 1957, Hawai‘i; PhD 1962, Michigan State
WONG, Helene H., Professor Emerita of Speech; BA 1942, MA 1947, Stanford; PhD 1955, Louisiana State
WORTHLEY, Reginald G., Professor Emeritus of Information Technology Management; BA 1965, Maine; MS 1967, PhD 1969, Kansas State; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
WRIGHT, Joyce M., Library Specialist Emerita; BA 1938, BALS 1939, Washington
WRIGHT, Lesley, Professor Emerita of Music; BA 1972, Smith College; MFA 1974, PhD 1981, Princeton
WU, I-Pai, Researcher Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering; BSAE 1955, National Taiwan U; MSAE 1960, PhD 1963, Purdue
WYNN-WILLIAMS, Gareth, Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy and IFA; BA 1966, MA 1970, PhD 1971, Cambridge
YAMAGA, Karen M., Professor Emerita of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology; BA 1968, Cal State Los Angeles; MS 1970, PhD 1974, Hawai‘i
YAMAMOTO, Eric K., Professor Emeritus of Law; BA 1975, Hawai‘i; JD 1978, UC Berkeley; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1990, 1998; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 2005
YANAGIDA, John F., Researcher Emeritus in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, CTAHR; BA 1971, Hawai‘i; MA 1975, PhD 1978, Illinois; Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 1992; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2003
YANG, Hong-Yi, Professor Emeritus of Pathology; MD 1961, National Taiwan U; PhD 1967, Chicago
YANG, Ping-Yi, Researcher Emeritus in Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering; BS 1961, National Taiwan U; MS 1969, PhD 1972, Oklahoma State
YASUI, Byron, Professor Emeritus of Music; BEd 1965, Hawai‘i; MM 1967, DMA 1972, Northwestern; Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, 1989
YATES, Julian R., III, Specialist Emeritus in Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1965, MS 1968, PhD 1988, Hawai‘i
YATSUSHIRO, Toshio, Specialist Emeritus in College of Continuing Education and Community Service; BA 1944, Redlands; PhD 1953, Cornell
YEH, Rui Zong, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA 1953, Minnesota; MA 1956, PhD 1959, Princeton
YEH, W. H. Raymond, Professor Emeritus of Architecture; BS 1965, BArch 1967, Oregon; MArch 1969, Minnesota
YOST, Russell S., Soil Scientist Emeritus in Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1970, Kansas State; MS 1972, Nebraska; PhD 1977, North Carolina State
YOUNG, Donald B., Jr., Dean Emeritus of Education; BS 1968, MS 1969, SUNY; EdD 1986, Hawai‘i
YOUNG, Richard E., Professor Emeritus of Oceanography; BA 1960, Pomona; MS 1964, USC; PhD 1968, Miami
YOUNG, Reginald H. F., Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering; BS 1959, MS 1965, Hawai‘i; ScD 1967, Washington
YUEN, Sylvia, Specialist Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences, CTAHR; BS 1964, Hawai‘i; MS 1965, Illinois; PhD 1975, Hawai‘i; Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service, 1983; Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2002
YUN, David Y. Y., Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering; BS 1970, Ohio State; PhD 1973, MIT
ZANE, Lawrence F., Professor Emeritus of Education; BS 1953, MEd 1963, Hawai‘i; PhD 1968, Maryland
ZILLIOX, Joseph T., Professor Emeritus of Education; BA 1971, Xavier; EdD 1990, Georgia; Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 1995
UH System
CHING, Doris M., Vice President Emerita; BEd 1963, MEd 1971, Hawai‘i; EdD 1977, Arizona State
GAINES, James R., Vice President Emeritus for Research; BA 1956, Berea College; PhD 1961, Washington
McCLAIN, David, President Emeritus; BA 1968, Kansas; PhD 1974, MIT
SATHRE, Colleen O., Vice President Emerita for Planning and Policy; BA 1967, College of St. Benedict; MA 1971, PhD 1977, Minnesota