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GRK 101 Elementary Greek (3)

Grammar and vocabulary, with reading of simple Greek.

GRK 102 Elementary Greek (3)

Continuation of 101. Pre: 101.

GRK 201 Intermediate Greek (3)

Development of reading and translation skills. Emphasis on prose. Pre: 102 or equivalent.

GRK 202 Intermediate Greek (3)

Continuation of 201: emphasis on poetry. Pre: 201.

GRK 303 Greek Historians (3)

Selections from Herodotus, Xenophon, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.

GRK 304 Greek Epic (3)

Selections from Homer, Hesiod, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.

GRK 325 Greek Philosophy (3)

Selections from Plato, Aristotle, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.

GRK 332 Greek Drama (3)

Selections from Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.

GRK 333 Greek Lyric (3)

Selections from Sappho, Alcaeus, and others. Pre: 201 and 202, or consent.

GRK 490 Seminar in Greek Studies (3)

Study of an author or phase in Greek studies. Repeatable unlimited times with consent. Pre: any two 300-level GRK courses, or consent.